Monday, August 16, 2010

How To Make A Real Tech Deck Online


"The politicism is stifling. If we could instead give the word for knowledge, the talent to talk about the reality of life: that model has been applied Aquila reconstruction after the earthquake, we intend to do water, the processes of desertification in the Mediterranean basin, to compare educational models ... not just talking about TV as political struggle to occupy the building but as a vehicle of consciousness and the collective imagination. "
are words in an interview with the newspaper Nichi Vendola Unity August 17 Conchita De Gregorio. Fine words!
Comparing models of learning .... Vendola Bravo!. But where, by whom? Only in a few national convention? No, because the "high" local "his", those who call themselves vendolliani, is not that prove to have ideas about patterns, so different from what we still call
left .. I mean: about urban models, models of school .... Or the welfare of the crisis of this model that covers all states, especially Italy and that discriminates against women in particular.
N. Vendola and drew up his ideas on the problem of integration of migrant people from other cultural worlds, in particular to Islam?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dkny Obi Sash With Belt


A title of these summer days climatically strange, "Capri, French raped by a minor," and in eye: "The rape of the boy stood near the Piazzetta Naples well." A week ago, a teenager stabbed another teen were fighting in Sicily for a girl. And then a young Ukrainian was down the street decided to kill the first woman because maybe he would meet his wishes to leave. Lo fa: passa di lì per caso una filippina e lui, un pugile, la massacra di pugni.
Ma c’è voglia di interrogarsi? Ne scovo raramente in giro. L’Unità (Manuela Modica ,4 ag.) ha intervistato Lorella Zanardo, autrice del documentario “Il corpo delle donne” ,la quale riporta il parere di un giornalista tedesco sull’Italia. Un parere davvero sconfortevole:”Sembra che l’Italia si sia involuta e forse la situazione delle donne vittime di un’oggettiva scarsa autostima sono la più evidente e sensibile spia del grado di sviluppo della vostra società”. Infatti,aggiunge la Zanardo “…credo che la donna italiana abbia ancora fortemente bisogno dell’approvazione del maschio: questa è la verità”. “E da cattolica mi sono chiesta, perché la Chiesa, che fa della madonna una figura portante della verginità e della purezza sul corpo delle donne non ha detto nulla per criticare l’uso immondo che se ne fa in tv e negli spot. Viene da pensare che ci sia un interesse, voluto o non voluto, a mantenerci in questa situazione di sudditanza,a culo per aria sotto il tavolo di plexiglass coi tacchi 12 a spillo: un bellissimo modo per metterci in gabbia.”.
C’è da giurarci che alla cerimonia in chiesa per il funerale del ragazzo ucciso dal “rivale” ,il celebrante avrà speso parole (evangeliche) neutre,del tipo: rispettare la vita , educare i figli not to be violent ... and so on. I mean, the facts mentioned above have perhaps the lowest common denominator? The feeling
owner of bodies and lives of women by men. A woman can not decide to terminate a relationship is a matter which affects men, as taught by the Islamic tradition for divorce. Females must be exchanged between the males in order to symbolize their eternal dominion over the world.
How the Catholic Church, owned by the caste of celibate males, the ever greater exaltation of the Virgin Mary virginal purity, is (always) say that "respect" they deserve it the girls who "guard" their body for the purpose of the family.
Male sexuality is formed even in this context. We women could not revisit the feminist slogan "Neither whores, nor ladies, women only?