Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Baggage Handler Jobs And Calgary


If you go to early elections inevitably many will wonder whether to vote with this law and who to vote for. I mean even those who usually have been faithful to duty as a voter in a democratic country such as avoiding smoke and mirrors the attractive-because-motivated inviti ad astenersi o votare scheda bianca. Anche perché ha sempre funzionato una sorta di ricattino morale: se non voti fai l’interesse degli avversari. Mi chiedo se andrò a votare perché , a parte l’attuale legge che conferisce alle segreterie dei partiti la scelta dei parlamentari da ficcare in parlamento, il panorama dei partiti offre ormai uno spettacolo di programmi assai indeterminato. Per esempio: è chiaro cosa hanno in mente i partiti del centro-sinistra a proposito dello stato sociale e dei suoi assestamenti in tempo di economia globalizzata?
E’ chiaro cosa pensano le compagini della sinistra a proposito del fatto che il nostro è uno dei Paesi più arretrati rispetto all’occupazione femminile? Come demonstrated by the recent report by the National Council for Economy and Labour (Report on "Women's work in Italy 2010"): The crisis

has invested an already difficult situation of female employment,
helping to accentuate the historical criticism.
The consequences have been particularly evident in the South, which accounted for almost half of
overall decrease in employment (-105 thousand women), and which already contained
low rates of female employment. In this area, the rate of
employment was 30.6 percent, compared to 57.3 percent in the Northeast.
has lowered the employment rate delle donne con titolo di
studio inferiore al diploma di scuola secondaria superiore: nel Mezzogiorno
raggiunge un livello che supera di poco il 20 per cento. Solo le laureate
riescono a raggiungere i livelli europei, se si escludono le giovani, che
incontrano difficoltà all’ingresso nel mercato del lavoro. Si accentuano anche
le difficoltà per le donne in coppia con figli, elemento già critico della
situazione italiana: considerando la classe di età 25-54 anni, e assumendo
come base le donne senza figli, i tassi di occupazione sono inferiori di quattro
punti percentuali per quelle con un figlio, di 10 per quelle con due figli e di 22
punti per quelle con tre o più figli. Tale andamento non si riscontra per i
principali paesi europei.
Quando ascoltiamo le dichiarazioni dei leader e delle leader alla Tv, o leggiamo i quotidiani, mai ci sono riferimenti a studi autorevoli come questo. Una domanda: si informano? Studiano questi rapporti?
Un altro aspetto omesso è quello relativo al “pensiero” dei partiti del centro-sinistra rispetto all’assetto ambientale e urbanistico. Quale idee di città , quali idee di ambiente da difendere? Non ci è dato conoscerlo. Mentre ci è dato di conoscere dalla pratica le idee che in proposito hanno gli amministratori del centro-sinistra.
Per esempio, è di questi giorni la notizia giornalistica ( locale) di come procede in proposito a town center-left of the most popular in Italy because it is located in the Adriatic Romagna.
circulating drafts of the "receptive" variant "of the town of Cervia (Milano Marittima), whereby the volume of hotels will increase from 50 to 20 percent. The heights of the hotel could then reach up to 25 meters. The parking for up to two floors, the basement craft services, the receptacle of the elevators, arcades, etc.., Will no longer be part of the airspace. A way as any to favor large hotels, or rather the large hotel groups. The group of "Left to Cervia" asks: "how do we keep the tourists if we go once again to undermine the green and the architectural quality of the city? If someone wants to build more spacious rooms, then it reduces the number, because among other things, that the amount of those increases more and more vacant. ". The curious thing, but not much, is that national leaders of the center-left shocked when shown the current right-wing government enacts laws which permit the indiscriminate use of land to increase the cement in a way that has no equal measures in most of the rest of Europe. Political schizophrenia? Because of the need to increase or keep their constituency at any cost? What one finds is that administrators left obey the implicit laws of capitalism should, subject to the power of the lobby, which in this case, call bagnnii lobbies, hotels or retailers. So what's the talk of values \u200b\u200band ideals? Or the "ruling class" of the Left heirs of the PCI (as well as training to the left) actually have a great cultural and very rough and inconsistent. It is best known, precisely, about the subject of women and urban and environmental problems. You see the final product
administrative experience nationally and locally. Location: Cervia, Cesenatico such as Rimini, such as Lake Garda or Lake Iseo, were happily cemented administrations of both left and right with government.
So who and why vote?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Replacing Integrqa Starter

GIRLS ARE FOR ROAD AND 'THE DAMAGE' without thinking ....

"In this city only Paraculo work, the kids drink, have fun and then crash with the machines. The girls are on the street and 'give it' without thinking.. " These are some of the thoughts and writings from Zouhir Bouhfir Arkrim Yasser during a "laboratory" for school students on issues of migration and published in a book arch-colored luxury and foreign titled CITIZENSHIPS YEAR 2009/10 (Who has funded wasting money?). The "laboratory" was part of the project "From generation to generation" promoted by an accredited family planning clinics in Lombardy of a big city. Written in the "Hospitality" Sabrina Piazza writes that "the average Italian is selfish, egocentric, individualistic, the profiteer and pursues its own interests without regard for anyone looking to take advantage of most of the time for your next convenient, especially if this is weaker (for being a foreigner is a sort of weakness!). The Italians are a nation of whiners: everyone complains about everything but then did not move a finger to change the situation (that's one reason why Italy will be ruined!). The boys finally grow up without values, do not even know what is friendship or love, is driven by the tastes of the mass and desiring to approve. ".
In the preface we read through the "school" students "become gradually active in metropolitan performers, I decided to flesh out and write to their own and others 'fears, at the very topical issues such as migration, citizenship,' homophobia and the relationship with their city / ideal. ".
"girls are on the street and 'give it' ..." write two boys immigrants or children of migrants. In the booklet is not clear whether and how a proposal for consideration and reflection psychologists and presenter on this stereotype is patently offensive or defensive characterized mainly by people from countries where women have traditionally made up the "'honor' of heads of households, should be subject to strict rules in relation to their body and behavior in public.
dell'autoflagellazione And what about the Italian girl who sets out to burst the alleged defects of Italians according to the usual stereotype that in the tribal worlds of Africa and Asia or Latin America would live instead in the exaltation of the "values" and in moral rectitude?
E 'useful to give body to meet in schools where the heading of "polyphonic mosaic of voices, faces, slangs, dialects, costumes and various postures. ...", As it always reads in the preface, without any adult guidance with the objective to understand the complexity of human reality that is not made of all good on one side and all the other bad? At a minimum?
It works if you supply for inclusion in the foreign-or foreign-son of the need to oppose feeding its own alleged purity against evil and ugly native?
And why not help boys and girls to stage, for example, the women in our (retrograde) and in those country of origin of migrants? The condition usually offer the opportunity to understand the degree of civilization of a nation more than any other parameter.
Instead it seems to me that psychologists who have worked in the "laboratories" Citizenship ", will be limited to waste self-praise for the success of this" network "that allowed the teenagers to" express their talents. " The contents do not matter.