Friday, November 19, 2010

Miniature Painting Sheer Clothing


E 'dead Adriana Zarri. It 'died a hermit monk. It 'died the first woman theologian of the Catholic Church. It 'a dead Romagna San Lazzaro in Savena who looked after the garden, surrounded himself with cats and other animals to eat and did splendidly. He wanted to clarify that those of San Lazzaro, near Bologna, but at Imola, were considered of Romagna. It 'a dead lay, in the finest sense of that word that sounds a bit' old-fashioned by the parties of the Left government. He participated in the seasons of "struggle" for the law 194 and the law allowing divorce.
wrote, wrote, and went wherever they invited her to speak. And thus came in Cervia, between the late sixties and early seventies. Read it every week on the proposed SETTEGIORNI and friends of the community base to meet. Then on a sunny July and I went to visit her friend in Ivrea, where he lived in an old manor diocese of the bishop, his dear friend, Luigi Bettazzi. We had reached Monteveglio, attracted by what is told by Don Dossetti and his monastic order. We watched the consecration of a monk in the square and listened to Don Dossetti of a hill, we had lunch by the nuns who found a little 'wood and fled in the direction of Ivrea. Ross wrote on
Rossanda MANIFESTO (19:11): ".. theologian, mystic, and lonely woman adamantly free.". He also wrote that it was among the many believers in the Second Vatican Council had opened their hearts to hope. ".
Raniero La Valle, the legendary former editor of the newspaper THE FUTURE OF ITALY, also wrote the Manifesto who spoke "with an air of the Church as a theologian. And with that authority that few women were able to exert in the Church, and that in any case is rarely granted.. " He has founded or reformed
any monastic order, but it is not far away for clarity, look and generosity by another nun, who was also a lover of good food: the English Carmelite reformer Teresa of Avila.

Friday, November 12, 2010

How To Glue The Inside Of A Car Roof


I do not know which are the responsibility of the Minister in Bondi collapse from the House of Gladiators at Pompeii. I know for certain what I've seen more or less 4 / 5 years ago. It was December, Naples and surrounding area was sunny and mild warmth. The ideal site for a day Pompei. I was struck by the apparent carelessness that prevailed among the important ruins and especially noted at the blanket of dust that covered the walls.
Years before I had done wrong to visit the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento disfigured by overbuilding all around. And then the sublime ROME: where the peeling walls of ancient palaces and again neglect evident in the Roman Forum, I had a fixed idea and asked an uncomfortable question: in Austria, Germany, England would behave as if they were our artistic and archaeological heritage?
And then a memory: my art history professor, in those early fifties and early sixties, he repeated his view a bit ' Malicious respect to a category of designers, "surveyors are the ruin of Italy." When (he teaches at the Art School of Ravenna) was confronted with the construction of two skyscrapers in Milano Marittima, his lectures often begins accusing 's administration (left!) Which had allowed the construction of two ugly boxes above ancient pines pinewood. His opinion was that it was necessary to respect the trend determined by the horizontal green pinewood. In reasonable prospects of aesthetic criteria already connected to the post-war urbanism deep knowledge of our history and landscape art. We know how things went: "cultures" policies of our administration of any ideological side, have obeyed the immediate needs of the devastating economic profit, anywhere, the landscape with excessive consumption of the soil.
Among other things, such as Veneto shows the consequences in terms of pollution and environmental disasters are all under the eye. ... The world.
But why had it in the category of surveyors? Because in those years, the architects were still limited in number, while the design of houses and hotels, etc. petty., Was run by surveyors and confirmed for any static calculations by the engineers. The one and the other with no cultural background in art history. In reality this is also now almost all Italians and Italian, as the history of art is relegated to the grammar school, high school art and a little 'art institutions.
The Italians (Italian boys!) Are especially encouraged to passion and to the 'art' of football fanaticism of the fans used to feed the male aggression by guerra.Tutto very "useful" to the maintenance of different gender identity; in the sense of the inferiority of women.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Long Distance Baby Shower Invitations Wording


In these days of autumn 2010 marked the trans continuous news on intimate relationships between women and men in political and government starting with the Premier Berlusconi, I happened to see some photos of Catholic nuns. From the Premier
reporters of "his" TV or printed publications, politicians more or less subservient to him, the old men interviewed by LA7, there is a big waste of reassuring words of action on normal men: men, unlike women, have uncontrollable need for sex, especially when under stress for professional commitments. It seems that even a journalist has made a slip about the neo Lombardy Regional Councillor, saying it was the mental health of the San Raffaele Berlusconi, instead of teeth. On the other hand it is Berlusconi to make extensive use of linguistic stereotypes, is reliable and consent, such as "I love women who's wrong ..." or "better have a passion for women to be gay" and so on. An old retired Roman said that if he could follow him. And an old lady sighed, that men are like that.
The pictures portray the sisters, as has become customary, in civilian clothes in place of the uniform of the various religious orders and congregations. The nuns are jammed out of fashion in skirts, blouses or sweaters misshapen, about hairstyles, gestures, postures and vocalization with the ethereal effect sure to clear any possible trace attractiveness of female bodies.
Exactly the opposite of the divine and minor girls or adult tissue that seems to be hired for the festivities of the Emperor Italian. Parallel opposition.
In either case the same filter. Women as the rest of the warrior: the mothers and wives at home, the hustler in alcoves or furtive celebration of the feasts of the rich, are the framework within which the exercise takes place and confirmation of the power traditionally played between the boys. And what have sisters? After Vatican II, the nuns have been requested to modernize the clothes of the origins and this seemed to go in the direction of a different position of women in the Church. But here who have carried out confirming the ancillary role alongside the priestly caste that forced chastity, how can you defend solutions to the "meat". Forcing women consecrated to resemble, in relation to his body, the anorexic. Women stripped and eroticized, women covered and removed in erotic corporeality, are the faces of the same coin. Yesterday and today.