Friday, November 12, 2010

How To Glue The Inside Of A Car Roof


I do not know which are the responsibility of the Minister in Bondi collapse from the House of Gladiators at Pompeii. I know for certain what I've seen more or less 4 / 5 years ago. It was December, Naples and surrounding area was sunny and mild warmth. The ideal site for a day Pompei. I was struck by the apparent carelessness that prevailed among the important ruins and especially noted at the blanket of dust that covered the walls.
Years before I had done wrong to visit the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento disfigured by overbuilding all around. And then the sublime ROME: where the peeling walls of ancient palaces and again neglect evident in the Roman Forum, I had a fixed idea and asked an uncomfortable question: in Austria, Germany, England would behave as if they were our artistic and archaeological heritage?
And then a memory: my art history professor, in those early fifties and early sixties, he repeated his view a bit ' Malicious respect to a category of designers, "surveyors are the ruin of Italy." When (he teaches at the Art School of Ravenna) was confronted with the construction of two skyscrapers in Milano Marittima, his lectures often begins accusing 's administration (left!) Which had allowed the construction of two ugly boxes above ancient pines pinewood. His opinion was that it was necessary to respect the trend determined by the horizontal green pinewood. In reasonable prospects of aesthetic criteria already connected to the post-war urbanism deep knowledge of our history and landscape art. We know how things went: "cultures" policies of our administration of any ideological side, have obeyed the immediate needs of the devastating economic profit, anywhere, the landscape with excessive consumption of the soil.
Among other things, such as Veneto shows the consequences in terms of pollution and environmental disasters are all under the eye. ... The world.
But why had it in the category of surveyors? Because in those years, the architects were still limited in number, while the design of houses and hotels, etc. petty., Was run by surveyors and confirmed for any static calculations by the engineers. The one and the other with no cultural background in art history. In reality this is also now almost all Italians and Italian, as the history of art is relegated to the grammar school, high school art and a little 'art institutions.
The Italians (Italian boys!) Are especially encouraged to passion and to the 'art' of football fanaticism of the fans used to feed the male aggression by guerra.Tutto very "useful" to the maintenance of different gender identity; in the sense of the inferiority of women.


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