Sunday, October 31, 2010

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Year 1996. Seven Trappist monks were kidnapped and killed by a group of Islamic Jihad in an Algeria also crossed by continuous massacres of whole villages Muslims. French director Xavier Beauvois has made a movie with the title DES HOMMES ET DE Dieux, badly translated in Italian with men of God.
beautiful, simple, elegant, worldly. Three hours in the life of these monks, old people, not old, young enough to cultivate the land, leading to market honey, take care of the people of the village, singing or praying in a chapel, draped in white and neat with no religious trappings . Do not proselytize as is customary in the Christian and Islamic religions. Participate in the feast of the circumcision of a frightened child listening to beautiful, poetic and Koranic words dell'iman. And then, with the start of domestic terrorism, end also to treat the wounded warriors that soon after they kidnap and kill.
The film describes the human drama of the monks in front of the danger that every day becomes more serious. They would like to leave, would stay ... .. tremble, cry and pray. Finally unanimously decided to accept the risk because they would feel out of place elsewhere.
There is also a reading from the Book of Monaco Italian: Carlo Carretto of Little Brothers.
Carretto was a Monaco of the spirituality of Charles de Foucauld, a French noble military in the late nineteenth century became a Trappist Monaco and then leave alone the parties to Tamanrasset and then to a hermitage nell'Aschrem, top center of ' Haggar.
will be killed in 1916 during an attack by marauders of the desert.
Fr.Carlo De Foucauld himself as a contemplative who shared the life of local people (Muslims). Well in advance with the spirit of Vatican II did not intend to proselytize.
It seems that the director has taken this description of spirituality in the lives of Trappist monks.
E 'also totally lacking in any reference to the institutional and hierarchical Church, stands out as an existential choice does not impose, as well individually. As individuals, but also strongly tinged with narcissism are induced and the models now in vogue.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Small Bubble Inside My Mouth


End of proof. Almost all the world over. First. Educated women who work or continue to be annoying, but above all is stronger in countries where the Catholic and Muslim mentality. The latest news comes from Iran, where there has been a crackdown on women's college. At twelve courses, including political science, psychology and philosophy, as not in harmony with the religious principles of Islam, have been placed restrictions. More concerned about the Iranian government to study gender, or courses, "Women Studies". According to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei could lead to religious questions in young minds. And who knows how much more dangerous in the minds of young women!
Women who are studying in Iranian universities 49, 5%, but two years now have fallen by 10%. According
. The European Parliament approved legislation on maternity leave. One of these involves the contribution of the father of the newborn for at least two weeks in the mandatory period of twenty weeks of leave of the mother. The proposal is based on the idea that a proper parental leave would bring benefits economic growth by encouraging the employment of women and fertility.
In Italy the rules on maternity leave are almost on top, but women's work continues to stand at around 45/46, while in France and England, although shorter periods and lower shell, the rates in the market of Working women with children are above 60%.
course because in these countries there is a better system of services and tax breaks for families with children, and greater job opportunities for women. But also, and not just by virtue of a more open-minded. In Italy the use of parental leave by fathers was 7%. Why? Not only the reason that the loss of wages would be very high impact on the career. There is also WWW.LA VOCE.INFO-writes for example, a cultural component: "fear that is a stigma in the workplace.". Exactly, the Italian men to be considered properly masculine shall, as si può constatare vedendo in Tv gli spot pubblicitari, tornare a casa dal lavoro e sedersi sul divano mentre la moglie: è alle prese con la polvere che non se ne vuole andare ,o con qualche tipo di detersivo da cambiare in meglio dietro l’autorevole consiglio di un uomo, o con un pollo da cuocere dentro un orribile nylon trasparente e prontamente portato in tavola a un marito seduto da chissà quanto in attesa. Immutabili spot, immutabili scenari reali nel Paese delle nonne sostitute dei servizi sociali, delle donne un po’ escort e un po’ madonne, delle famiglie eternamente alle prese con cresime e prime comunioni ,eccetera.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Great Real Estate Agent Sayings

... "Give me a LEAGUE" OR THE Berlusconi

Il consigliere GINO VOLTA ( LEGA NORD) del comune CASTEL SAN PIETRO the prov. Bologna's mayor will be made to deliver BRUNORI a pair of underpants printed with his picture and the words "Give me a League." Of course, as now is used in Italy in imitation of the Prime Minister, it was justified by a contorted reasoning that begins with the usual :"... but I wanted to say. " That is not going to vote a resolution that would have left "in his underwear," a district. The love of bragging
Berlusconi taste drift senile yet encysted in the tradition of Italian made targeting children and mothers to their husbands until the end of their lives, and young males celoduristi available, it is raised or confirmed, but also increasingly in the minds youth. Perhaps it is an unconscious attempt
to stem globalization, or the loss of the sacred borders of country and religion.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

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who cuts a tree is planted in two. It is not a joke invented by the "Greens" residues of the Green Party. It 's a standard introduced in the municipal regulation of the small town of Castel Mella in the province of Brescia. To cut a tree, people will have to apply for a permit and show that intends to plant two in some other area of \u200b\u200bthe property.
Meanwhile, the proposed law of popular initiative of the regional park of the hills of Lake Garda, commissioned by a group of environmental organizations in 2009 will shortly be considered by the Commission Region VIII in Milan.
The project covers 18 municipalities in the Riviera del Garda Bresciano and 8 of the valance.
The bill calls for regional limit the consumption of land with an environmental plan for appropriate areas of the entire structural land use plans, but also launching a transitional provision of safeguards to stop the run compulsive overbuilding that has already degraded to a landscape of great beauty.
Someone special interests, already is moving to prevent it.
But is good to note that citizens and governments sometimes halting a decades he has "joined" left and right in the deadly destruction of habitat projects naturale.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

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Le olive verdognole, marroni e rossicce che caricano gli olivi nel primo scorcio dell’autunno, il lago di Garda sullo sfondo, alberi giallastri a ridosso di alberi dai verdi spenti e ,davanti il complesso dell’abbazia benedettina di Maguzzano: uno spettacolo. Poi si scende verso la strada per Salò e s’incontrano i filari di viti ormai privi dei grappoli raccolti per i vini famosi della zona. E qui ci si ricorda di aver letto che c’è il progetto di costruire un complesso alberghiero o una zona residenziale, l’ennesima, abbattendo totalmente i vigneti. Dall’abbazia, più in alto, non si godrebbe più nei secoli futuri lo spettacolo delle acque del lago. Il paesaggio moraine hills Valtenesi already upset forever by a villain consumption of soil and a consumer mentality and uneducated local administrators would receive another low blow.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Gretchen Rossi's Monokini Swimsuit?

BOSSI and the Cardinals

Daria Bignardi is back at home with his show "The Barbarian Invasions" and, beginning Oct. 1 that once gave the start to the school year, has undergone a very slight and sweet interview Trout or the young Renzo Bossi. A young man like many others, such as a boy with a little self-esteem 'over the top. He claimed to have endless projects such as regional adviser for the League, especially for young people. Of money they takes many: 10,000 € round, round but 40% will go to the party. The PCI has left some legacy. When asked where he arrived Bignardi Padania, replied that includes Emilia and Tuscany. Once, however, the Lega Nord Padania's boundaries did get a bit 'on this side of the river Po Now the votes they take in Emilia Romagna and became even as a common Guastalla. The boy
trout or dolphin after all, is sympathetic and sensitive was moved by recalling the father's illness and follow him home to younger siblings.
But as for cultural education is poor.
But that's right Lega to the masses (pardon: the people) who attended the middle schools of a nation that, unlike China, for example, impartsce study of fragments of the history of 'Italy, Europe as a trickle of America, ignoring Africa and Asia. In China, students study the history of Europe even.
However, tenderness is the son of Boss, but also think about what kind of country is Italy, where still exists an extension of the Renaissance cardinals when they became young children of the nobility.
Then it was that (perhaps) made an attack on the journalist, director Belpietro on the doorstep because - of the "negative climate" created by some "bad teachers" as the former magistrate cried out to the House that Berlusconi is a "rapist of democracy."
adding a slew of data on its trade outside of Italy, precisely where he was busy Saint Lucia Fini's brother in law for the purchase of the apartment in Monaco.
the other side has been reported yet another insult to the division of powers with the request by Berlusconi to a commission of inquiry against some of the judges guilty of working, in his opinion, always against him.
There is also the latest jokes Berlusconi's attitude towards the Jews and the usual Rosy Bindi, who did not escape him.
is invoked, either on one side or the other, reliance on the institutional role of the leaders of Italy and the risk, with criticisms and accusations, or reasons to stoke the aggression of someone like happened to Belpietro. And even before the rider in Milan.
should, so-called politicians, to draw by mutual agreement, a dictionary with the words to be considered offensive or of treason. Yes, because here comes into play what has happened with the cartoons of Muhammad that Muslims around the world found it blasphemous.
In Italy there was the withdrawal from the representation of television comedy made by the current pontiff Crozza. Then
criticism as to understand it? How and when to "offend"?
"Freedom information "is equal to: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. Thursday, September 30
an angry defense minister is the chair angrily struggling more than ever because in his opinion there was no gender bias present due to the, well known, the conductor Santoro's "year zero". The same, the same deny what is happening on the news and led by Minzolini which has not yet officially a channel Mediaset.
Politicians of left and right are invited to "tone down" but what does that mean?
uncomfortable psychology stealing his words when they say they need to stop "aggression Minutes. "
recite to make the hurt one and other, but women do not feel offended when we can, even just watching television, we are always having to endure the commercials where, detergents and washing machines, our role is always to the housewife? Mai who represents a man home.
We should not feel offended because advertising is an educational piece of the puzzle of a nation?
Or when we have to listen, as the news of October 2, at the end of a service on the important role of older people (grandparents) for the care of children, why things go well in Italy?
As in other EU countries make their grandparents life without ever having to replace their parents?
Why? Ladies and gentlemen journalists from state television, read the research of the CNR and the ISTAT data, plus some sage, for example, by Chiara Saraceno.
Maybe it's asking too much, then it is best to confirm the family good-naturedly, as invincible Italic tradition, where the welfare state does not affect the state, but to women and families in general.