Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Small Bubble Inside My Mouth


End of proof. Almost all the world over. First. Educated women who work or continue to be annoying, but above all is stronger in countries where the Catholic and Muslim mentality. The latest news comes from Iran, where there has been a crackdown on women's college. At twelve courses, including political science, psychology and philosophy, as not in harmony with the religious principles of Islam, have been placed restrictions. More concerned about the Iranian government to study gender, or courses, "Women Studies". According to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei could lead to religious questions in young minds. And who knows how much more dangerous in the minds of young women!
Women who are studying in Iranian universities 49, 5%, but two years now have fallen by 10%. According
. The European Parliament approved legislation on maternity leave. One of these involves the contribution of the father of the newborn for at least two weeks in the mandatory period of twenty weeks of leave of the mother. The proposal is based on the idea that a proper parental leave would bring benefits economic growth by encouraging the employment of women and fertility.
In Italy the rules on maternity leave are almost on top, but women's work continues to stand at around 45/46, while in France and England, although shorter periods and lower shell, the rates in the market of Working women with children are above 60%.
course because in these countries there is a better system of services and tax breaks for families with children, and greater job opportunities for women. But also, and not just by virtue of a more open-minded. In Italy the use of parental leave by fathers was 7%. Why? Not only the reason that the loss of wages would be very high impact on the career. There is also WWW.LA VOCE.INFO-writes for example, a cultural component: "fear that is a stigma in the workplace.". Exactly, the Italian men to be considered properly masculine shall, as si può constatare vedendo in Tv gli spot pubblicitari, tornare a casa dal lavoro e sedersi sul divano mentre la moglie: è alle prese con la polvere che non se ne vuole andare ,o con qualche tipo di detersivo da cambiare in meglio dietro l’autorevole consiglio di un uomo, o con un pollo da cuocere dentro un orribile nylon trasparente e prontamente portato in tavola a un marito seduto da chissà quanto in attesa. Immutabili spot, immutabili scenari reali nel Paese delle nonne sostitute dei servizi sociali, delle donne un po’ escort e un po’ madonne, delle famiglie eternamente alle prese con cresime e prime comunioni ,eccetera.


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