Sunday, October 31, 2010

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Year 1996. Seven Trappist monks were kidnapped and killed by a group of Islamic Jihad in an Algeria also crossed by continuous massacres of whole villages Muslims. French director Xavier Beauvois has made a movie with the title DES HOMMES ET DE Dieux, badly translated in Italian with men of God.
beautiful, simple, elegant, worldly. Three hours in the life of these monks, old people, not old, young enough to cultivate the land, leading to market honey, take care of the people of the village, singing or praying in a chapel, draped in white and neat with no religious trappings . Do not proselytize as is customary in the Christian and Islamic religions. Participate in the feast of the circumcision of a frightened child listening to beautiful, poetic and Koranic words dell'iman. And then, with the start of domestic terrorism, end also to treat the wounded warriors that soon after they kidnap and kill.
The film describes the human drama of the monks in front of the danger that every day becomes more serious. They would like to leave, would stay ... .. tremble, cry and pray. Finally unanimously decided to accept the risk because they would feel out of place elsewhere.
There is also a reading from the Book of Monaco Italian: Carlo Carretto of Little Brothers.
Carretto was a Monaco of the spirituality of Charles de Foucauld, a French noble military in the late nineteenth century became a Trappist Monaco and then leave alone the parties to Tamanrasset and then to a hermitage nell'Aschrem, top center of ' Haggar.
will be killed in 1916 during an attack by marauders of the desert.
Fr.Carlo De Foucauld himself as a contemplative who shared the life of local people (Muslims). Well in advance with the spirit of Vatican II did not intend to proselytize.
It seems that the director has taken this description of spirituality in the lives of Trappist monks.
E 'also totally lacking in any reference to the institutional and hierarchical Church, stands out as an existential choice does not impose, as well individually. As individuals, but also strongly tinged with narcissism are induced and the models now in vogue.


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