Thursday, December 30, 2010

Green Mucus In Period

dislessia: demone bianco

Few know that in Italy 5% of the school population is suffering from specific learning disorders (ASD): dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia and dysorthography .
disorders affect a specific skill (reading, writing, calculation), leaving intact the general intellectual functioning, the subject has not thus lack of intelligence, environmental problems or psychological, physiological or neurological deficit.
Of all the disorders mentioned that perhaps the best known is dyslexia , that is a difficulty about my ability to read and write correctly and fluently.

Lo scorso settembre, dopo un lungo percorso legislativo, è stata approvata dal Senato la legge which recognizes and defines a number of DSA in schools: will have the right to use the compensation measures and dispensers throughout the school curriculum including the University and ensure that preparation of teachers and school leaders . For families, will also be given the opportunity to take advantage of flexible working hours and, if the diagnosis is not available at the facilities of the National Health Service, the law gives the possibility of at accredited facilities.

Among the many texts that can help us learn more about the problem, we suggest you "Dyslexia" by Giacomo Stella and "The Wizard of giant ants "Publisher Libriliberi, this line (among others) can also be found at the AREA READING will reopen in school hours, Friday, January 14 from 16.30 to 18.00 .

If seek more information on the law and subject, we point out the specific site 's Italian Dyslexia Association .

So, if you have doubts and think of learning to recognize the discomfort of your child, the first step is the comparison with teachers in order to assess whether to proceed with the controls specific to be made at the UONPIA Via S. Erlembaldo No. 14 Tel 02 63632860 / 1 or an accredited speech pathologist.

Reading and writing are acts considered as simple and automatic that it is difficult to understand the difficulty of a dyslexic child, and unfortunately, it happens that these children are wrongly defined lazy and distracted! But if he were diagnosed with DSA, always remember that every child and every family has its own path and the first win is to recognize the discomfort ! Yes, because of discomfort and it is a difficulty that is not recognized risk undermining the educational experience of the child that is affected and above all his serenity.

Finally, we point out that last December 20 were approved ways to ask for contributions for the purchase of technologically advanced tools, intended for families and people with disabilities and / or specific learning disorders, for specific information, we refer to site of households, Reconciliation, social integration and solidarity of the Lombardy Region. Applications must be submitted by February 14, 2011.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Styrofoam Blocks Calgary


The day after Christmas, the city deserted, shops closed, intermittent rain and a new drop in temperatures. We do not know - they say on the news-if countries Venetian will again under water. It will make us aware that the Venetians used to it and recite the mea culpa in a bad way because they have consumed a monstrous proportion of land for buildings, houses, factories, apartment buildings even a few inches from the beds of its rivers. However, you walk because it is good for circulation. Suddenly discovered a library in a tent. Exhibits out of print books of recipes, local history, national history and essays, etc.. I read the cover of a book: "The father of psychoanalysis, ed. Rusconi (1998), author a certain G. Wehr. Rest incredulos: above the title stands a group photo .... Of the fathers of psychoanalysis in the foreground with a fair number of women. Exactly, of course Anna Freud, Melanie Klein and others.
As I mount the anger, try to find the original title in German and it sounds like this: FIGURE FOUNDING OF PSYCHOANALYSIS (1996).
Even this is Italy today.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Audi Tt 180hp Chipping

Un abbraccio e felici feste a tutti!

Dear Members, supporters and friends of elementare.russo

's year that is ending has been involved in the transformation of the "parents" in an open association all, we tried to do our best to keep faith with our founding principles, some projects have seen the light and working with elementary school Russian-Pimentel, also thanks to the Space Reading, has strengthened.

We still have much to do and, in 2011, knowing they can count on your support, we believe we can achieve new goals in elementary school and for children who go there, but also out in our neighborhood, along with other associations have begun to weave a network of solidarity and participation.

A behalf of myself and all the Directors, I want to thank you for choosing you to be near to our "small "Association , stay tuned and together we make beautiful things!

Hugs and happy holidays to all!
                                                  Laura Coletta
                                             Presidente  elementare.russo

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fox Racing Iphone Case For Sale


Monday, December 20 Gad Lerner has dedicated his The Infidel on 'La7 to "The family, torn and crime-" with two women: Natalia Aspesi (very good) writer and advocate Simonetta Agnello Horby. Vendola, now one of Prezzemolina of TV, is was heard at the beginning, in a lengthy interview from somewhere. Shortly after Lerner did speak monaco Enzo Bianchi. Curious, but perhaps not so much, the similarity of the two communication style between the prophetic and the poetic. When the special shrink Lacanian Massimo Recalcati discreet, it was clear the discrepancy between the style of language and style of political psychology.
Recalcati noted that Vendola has repeatedly reminded viewers the recent achievement of recognition of children's rights that has made us sensitive, for example, crimes of pedophilia. Of course, a great advance of civilization, but now it happens that parents have in mind a key sentence: "You can do". A phrase that is to say that there is no limit: the children can ask anything and everything. Why do parents have only one problem (unconscious?): To be loved by the children at any cost. The consequences in terms of development and narcissistic vulnerability are evident. Also because it does not allow the generational conflict is so important for individual self-reliance in development.
But it is possible that those in politics to stop to consider only the statements of principle?
On one hand, often those who practice psychology and psychoanalysis effort to contextualize historically, anthropologically, sociologically and politically the lives of individuals, other people fa politica banalizza tutto sulla base delle affermazioni astratte di principio a seconda della propria appartenenza ideologica.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Letters To A Church Requesting Help


L’Italia un Paese alla deriva? Lo scrive Marco Revelli: ” Siamo declinati credendo di crescere. Siamo discesi illudendoci di salire.”. (Poveri, noi, ed.Einaudi,2010)
L’Italia è il Paese europeo che ha perso ,in un decennio, ben 18 punti. In assoluto quello che ha perso più posizioni. Ma è anche il Paese dove “i partiti praticamente non ci sono più. Salvo la Lega. E, comunque sono tutti centralizzati e personalizzati. Compresa la Lega.”. (Ilvio Diamanti, in “la democrazia dell’irresponsabilità” La repubblica Dic.2010 13). Of what has occurred in recent decades the system of political parties in Italy, wrote a beautiful essay Mauro Calise (The personal party, the two bodies of the leader. Ed.Laterza, 2010).
Democracy party was "the meeting between the social body and body politic.".
But in recent decades, record the end of the hegemony of the parties, of their being run college in favor of individual leadership. The postmodern leaders enjoy a broad popular consensus, but in forms and sondocratiche plebiscite. "Their strength consists in being able to boast of having restored - often through the medium of the direct-relationship between the leader and the people that the old parties had frayed. ".
The new leaders are capable of interpreting the emerging features of the new millennium: the centrality of the individual. "The explosion narcissistic ego is the social platform that raises the personal power as a model of leadership.".
The current political leaders are no longer without a body, with a private life hidden now have a body overexposed, because we are now abroad "L'talia of Berlusconi."
Exceeding the mass parties, in other words, their collapse has generated personal parties to leverage on populism. We are thus passed from a tradition of ideological voting to a vote charismatic. But the vote oriented leader pushes to create new parties to give shape to new and novel ways of training leaders of the political class and the Honourable Member. In recent weeks we have witnessed the depressing spectacle of the market of Deputies before the vote of confidence in the Berlusconi government. Now you obtain an application and shamelessly stay in parliament for personal gain or loss. It openly seeks the benefits of career, income and power. In this implicitly justified by the behavior of the Church, which openly encourages and supports these new ones and for governments or alliances in order to maintain the privileges for the institutions and the so-called "non-negotiable values."

There is no possibility of verification and direct control by the voters through this system (porcellum) election. "Who elected where. About a candidate, or to exclude re-nominated. ? Diamond wonders. Also because
-Joseph D'Avanzo wrote in La Repubblica on December 18 ("If the government responds to anger with their clubs for young people without hope") - we are in the presence of the representation of the indifference of the rulers before the desperation of the young deprived of hope and opportunity to plan the future. There is indifference and ignorance, lack of expertise in other words to control a country. Just listen to the interventions leading to the usual TV when the conductors and the conductive also invite researchers and academics. It 'a dialogue of the deaf. It seems that the "political" and "culture" are different entities and distant planets. In a broadcast TV
Minister Bondi tried the usual justification for saying that the disaster occurred in the Veneto for bad weather, we had to charge to nature.
A well-known art critic present at the transmission of natural pointed out that there was little, since the land use purposes cementificario registered in Veneto has upset a landscape that was first in perfect water balance. The drift
Leadership, and populist plebiscite in Italy then the original features, which is consistent with the traditional family to the detriment of the female gender: you can not even think of a woman as leader Casini, Di Pietro, Berlusconi, Fini. Women of the supreme leader are chosen in general with the same criteria used to elect the Miss Italy. Bodies to the eye and functional male erotic desire and the implicit confirmation of the two basic roles: madonna or whore.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Foods To Avoid Psoriasis

Buone feste a tutti!

year greetings want you in person: come visit us on Saturday 18 from 16:00 to 19:00 on a street corner Padua Chavez, and bring something red ( just an accessory ) because, if you wish, you can be involved at 17.30 by a flash-mob banner exchange hugs e auguri multilingue tra i passanti...

Aderiscono 25 tra associazione e comitati della zona e non... vi offriremo the e caffè, panettone, musica, canti e balli con l'associazione Boliviani in Italia.

Saremo lì a far festa e, con il riposizionamento odierno degli auguri multietnici tolti subito dopo l'installazione e oggetto di molte polemiche, la nostra iniziativa potrà tornare ad essere un segnale chiaro e allegro che nelle nostre strade nessuno è straniero!

We are waiting, come and pick up a special greeting card that we have prepared!

Happy holidays to all!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

First Herpes Outbreak After Contact In Men

lo SPAZIO LETTURA si apre al quartiere!

years working at Reading Area , the school library of the elementary school Russian-Pimentel , we have new space, provided the furniture and scored with a computerized system of over 1,000 texts available (only for the narrative), and finally since last school year is used by the class!

There are classes that go there regularly, once a week, and others that still do not use it so often, then there are teachers who go there to stock up books to read in class. Other times it is used by teachers to work with pupils making use of the alternative teachings of the Catholic religion.

Now is the time to complete the original project and had the approval of the school, we are ready to give more vitality to this space by opening it to the inhabitants of the small school district in extra time.

Friday 'December 17, 2010
from 16:30 to 18:00
si apre al quartiere:  

ci saranno libri da guardare, leggere, sfogliare, annusare e, se vorrete, da prendere in prestito!

I bambini accompagnati da un adulto potranno venire a curiosare e a dirci cosa gli piace leggere e che storie vorrebbero ascoltare!  Poi, se l'iniziativa avrà successo, con New Year's moments to organize collective reading to introduce children to many beautiful stories that will make them laugh, to dream, intrigue, frighten or maybe even angry ...

We have recently bolstered the already fair allocation of READING ROOM books with a value of over € 250, below here is a list of recent purchases:

editions Feltrinelli Publishers and Gribaudo :
  • The English Roses
  • Pier De MONEY
  • The aardvark who did not know WHO WAS

finally DIARY OF SCHOOL of Pennac ( to inaugurate a shelf for adults too!)

addition, the edizini Libriliberi Sinnos-Italian Association and Dyslexia, you will find some texts of approach to a problem that few really know but which suffers 5% of the school population and, on this topic, we will return with a specific post to update you on the new law but in the meantime here are the first titles:
  • Dyslexia: A MOTHER TELLS
  • What a shame!
To borrow books at the reading areas should join after reading the following Rules :
  1. The initiative is a contribution to the social life of ; district and particularly wishes to stimulate in children a love of reading.
  2. The opening of the Reading, extra hours in school, is managed by elementare.russo through its volunteers, after informing the timing of the openings Direzione Scolastica.
  3. Per usufruire del prestito dei libri è necessario aderire al servizio attraverso la compilazione di apposito modulo e dopo aver preso visione del presente regolamento. Per l’iscrizione al servizio prestito è richiesto un contributo di 1 €, agli iscritti verrà consegnata una tesserina.
  4. Gli utenti del prestito saranno iscritti in un apposito registro.
  5. Gli utenti potranno prendere in prestito al massimo 2 libri per un periodo di 15 giorni, rinnovabile 1 sola volta.
  6. In caso mancata riconsegna di un libro preso a prestito, verrà richiesto un risarcimento pari a € 5.00.
  7. The association reserves the right to limit the number of books requested by individual loan if you find any problems in returning the books.
  8. Children must be closely accompanied by an adult throughout the period of stay in the classroom reading.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Best Fsx Payware Addon

Buone Feste da USA e RIUSA