Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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Monday, December 20 Gad Lerner has dedicated his The Infidel on 'La7 to "The family, torn and crime-" with two women: Natalia Aspesi (very good) writer and advocate Simonetta Agnello Horby. Vendola, now one of Prezzemolina of TV, is was heard at the beginning, in a lengthy interview from somewhere. Shortly after Lerner did speak monaco Enzo Bianchi. Curious, but perhaps not so much, the similarity of the two communication style between the prophetic and the poetic. When the special shrink Lacanian Massimo Recalcati discreet, it was clear the discrepancy between the style of language and style of political psychology.
Recalcati noted that Vendola has repeatedly reminded viewers the recent achievement of recognition of children's rights that has made us sensitive, for example, crimes of pedophilia. Of course, a great advance of civilization, but now it happens that parents have in mind a key sentence: "You can do". A phrase that is to say that there is no limit: the children can ask anything and everything. Why do parents have only one problem (unconscious?): To be loved by the children at any cost. The consequences in terms of development and narcissistic vulnerability are evident. Also because it does not allow the generational conflict is so important for individual self-reliance in development.
But it is possible that those in politics to stop to consider only the statements of principle?
On one hand, often those who practice psychology and psychoanalysis effort to contextualize historically, anthropologically, sociologically and politically the lives of individuals, other people fa politica banalizza tutto sulla base delle affermazioni astratte di principio a seconda della propria appartenenza ideologica.


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