Thursday, December 30, 2010

Green Mucus In Period

dislessia: demone bianco

Few know that in Italy 5% of the school population is suffering from specific learning disorders (ASD): dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia and dysorthography .
disorders affect a specific skill (reading, writing, calculation), leaving intact the general intellectual functioning, the subject has not thus lack of intelligence, environmental problems or psychological, physiological or neurological deficit.
Of all the disorders mentioned that perhaps the best known is dyslexia , that is a difficulty about my ability to read and write correctly and fluently.

Lo scorso settembre, dopo un lungo percorso legislativo, รจ stata approvata dal Senato la legge which recognizes and defines a number of DSA in schools: will have the right to use the compensation measures and dispensers throughout the school curriculum including the University and ensure that preparation of teachers and school leaders . For families, will also be given the opportunity to take advantage of flexible working hours and, if the diagnosis is not available at the facilities of the National Health Service, the law gives the possibility of at accredited facilities.

Among the many texts that can help us learn more about the problem, we suggest you "Dyslexia" by Giacomo Stella and "The Wizard of giant ants "Publisher Libriliberi, this line (among others) can also be found at the AREA READING will reopen in school hours, Friday, January 14 from 16.30 to 18.00 .

If seek more information on the law and subject, we point out the specific site 's Italian Dyslexia Association .

So, if you have doubts and think of learning to recognize the discomfort of your child, the first step is the comparison with teachers in order to assess whether to proceed with the controls specific to be made at the UONPIA Via S. Erlembaldo No. 14 Tel 02 63632860 / 1 or an accredited speech pathologist.

Reading and writing are acts considered as simple and automatic that it is difficult to understand the difficulty of a dyslexic child, and unfortunately, it happens that these children are wrongly defined lazy and distracted! But if he were diagnosed with DSA, always remember that every child and every family has its own path and the first win is to recognize the discomfort ! Yes, because of discomfort and it is a difficulty that is not recognized risk undermining the educational experience of the child that is affected and above all his serenity.

Finally, we point out that last December 20 were approved ways to ask for contributions for the purchase of technologically advanced tools, intended for families and people with disabilities and / or specific learning disorders, for specific information, we refer to site of households, Reconciliation, social integration and solidarity of the Lombardy Region. Applications must be submitted by February 14, 2011.


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