Saturday, January 1, 2011

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"sono stati mesi di grande solitudine e di dolorosa umiliazione che ancora continua a causa delle dichiarazioni del direttore Minzolini. Umiliazione come giornalista, che si è vista all'improvviso estromessa senza una ragione professionale dal lavoro quotidiano, e umiliazione come donna accusata pubblicamente sui giornali only guilty of being old and have worked for thirty years in multiple roles, in the same newspaper. I wonder why this should be considered a fault. And I also wonder how much sexism there is in Minzolini considerations about myself and how much superficiality transpire when talking about my removal, use the thinking that age discrimination is less serious than the political discrimination. Stuff to make use of a new court for violating the law on equality on grounds of age, as already experienced by some colleagues in the UK television journalist. For the moment is that Rai has announced an appeal against the order.. "
The New Year begins with that letter Tiziana Ferrario of the journalist that the employment tribunal has to resume his place in the Tg1 after it was ousted by the Director berlusconissimo Minzolini.
Just back at the end of the year has put in an open letter to fellow board where you read these lines. Berlusconi era more than ever, only men can continue to make the young-old. Women, especially if they appear on TV as journalists and presenters, must be young and beautiful. With the law "crap" that gives the party leaders to appoint representatives of the people in elections to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, Berlusconi has given good example by choosing the women who attract, giovani e belle, non importa se competenti. Usando in questo modo le donne ha contribuito a mutare il senso della rappresentanza democratica. Per i maschi ormai conta il grado di asservimento ai leader dei partiti e per le donne il criterio della visibilità e piacevolezza erotica. Le continue battute sarcastiche del presidente nei riguardi di Rosy Bindi sono, forse inconsciamente e forse no, a questo scopo tutto politico e…culturale.
E’ un vecchio comportamento standard misogino italiano che si mescola al nuovo vezzo di nominare “il popolo” a ogni piè sospinto. E’ il neo populismo che sta veramente portandoci fuori dalla democrazia che abbiamo vissuto nei decenni che si sono succeduti dopo la seconda guerra mondiale.
The people (polls) is the keyword that is infecting the Italian politics. "The people love me and want me" is the constant message Berlusconi expressed or implied that perhaps will continue to flood into the new year. One category that mixes and grinds men and women, young and old owners of the leaders in the indistinct for parties, strictly male. And that in the current economic crisis will give reasons for women to accept that care work is their natural duty. Job of caring for their children, their parents, of course mariti.L 'old feminist slogan "either madonnas or whores, only women" should be revived in the private and the public.


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