Thursday, December 30, 2010

Green Mucus In Period

dislessia: demone bianco

Few know that in Italy 5% of the school population is suffering from specific learning disorders (ASD): dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia and dysorthography .
disorders affect a specific skill (reading, writing, calculation), leaving intact the general intellectual functioning, the subject has not thus lack of intelligence, environmental problems or psychological, physiological or neurological deficit.
Of all the disorders mentioned that perhaps the best known is dyslexia , that is a difficulty about my ability to read and write correctly and fluently.

Lo scorso settembre, dopo un lungo percorso legislativo, è stata approvata dal Senato la legge which recognizes and defines a number of DSA in schools: will have the right to use the compensation measures and dispensers throughout the school curriculum including the University and ensure that preparation of teachers and school leaders . For families, will also be given the opportunity to take advantage of flexible working hours and, if the diagnosis is not available at the facilities of the National Health Service, the law gives the possibility of at accredited facilities.

Among the many texts that can help us learn more about the problem, we suggest you "Dyslexia" by Giacomo Stella and "The Wizard of giant ants "Publisher Libriliberi, this line (among others) can also be found at the AREA READING will reopen in school hours, Friday, January 14 from 16.30 to 18.00 .

If seek more information on the law and subject, we point out the specific site 's Italian Dyslexia Association .

So, if you have doubts and think of learning to recognize the discomfort of your child, the first step is the comparison with teachers in order to assess whether to proceed with the controls specific to be made at the UONPIA Via S. Erlembaldo No. 14 Tel 02 63632860 / 1 or an accredited speech pathologist.

Reading and writing are acts considered as simple and automatic that it is difficult to understand the difficulty of a dyslexic child, and unfortunately, it happens that these children are wrongly defined lazy and distracted! But if he were diagnosed with DSA, always remember that every child and every family has its own path and the first win is to recognize the discomfort ! Yes, because of discomfort and it is a difficulty that is not recognized risk undermining the educational experience of the child that is affected and above all his serenity.

Finally, we point out that last December 20 were approved ways to ask for contributions for the purchase of technologically advanced tools, intended for families and people with disabilities and / or specific learning disorders, for specific information, we refer to site of households, Reconciliation, social integration and solidarity of the Lombardy Region. Applications must be submitted by February 14, 2011.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Styrofoam Blocks Calgary


The day after Christmas, the city deserted, shops closed, intermittent rain and a new drop in temperatures. We do not know - they say on the news-if countries Venetian will again under water. It will make us aware that the Venetians used to it and recite the mea culpa in a bad way because they have consumed a monstrous proportion of land for buildings, houses, factories, apartment buildings even a few inches from the beds of its rivers. However, you walk because it is good for circulation. Suddenly discovered a library in a tent. Exhibits out of print books of recipes, local history, national history and essays, etc.. I read the cover of a book: "The father of psychoanalysis, ed. Rusconi (1998), author a certain G. Wehr. Rest incredulos: above the title stands a group photo .... Of the fathers of psychoanalysis in the foreground with a fair number of women. Exactly, of course Anna Freud, Melanie Klein and others.
As I mount the anger, try to find the original title in German and it sounds like this: FIGURE FOUNDING OF PSYCHOANALYSIS (1996).
Even this is Italy today.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Audi Tt 180hp Chipping

Un abbraccio e felici feste a tutti!

Dear Members, supporters and friends of elementare.russo

's year that is ending has been involved in the transformation of the "parents" in an open association all, we tried to do our best to keep faith with our founding principles, some projects have seen the light and working with elementary school Russian-Pimentel, also thanks to the Space Reading, has strengthened.

We still have much to do and, in 2011, knowing they can count on your support, we believe we can achieve new goals in elementary school and for children who go there, but also out in our neighborhood, along with other associations have begun to weave a network of solidarity and participation.

A behalf of myself and all the Directors, I want to thank you for choosing you to be near to our "small "Association , stay tuned and together we make beautiful things!

Hugs and happy holidays to all!
                                                  Laura Coletta
                                             Presidente  elementare.russo

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fox Racing Iphone Case For Sale


Monday, December 20 Gad Lerner has dedicated his The Infidel on 'La7 to "The family, torn and crime-" with two women: Natalia Aspesi (very good) writer and advocate Simonetta Agnello Horby. Vendola, now one of Prezzemolina of TV, is was heard at the beginning, in a lengthy interview from somewhere. Shortly after Lerner did speak monaco Enzo Bianchi. Curious, but perhaps not so much, the similarity of the two communication style between the prophetic and the poetic. When the special shrink Lacanian Massimo Recalcati discreet, it was clear the discrepancy between the style of language and style of political psychology.
Recalcati noted that Vendola has repeatedly reminded viewers the recent achievement of recognition of children's rights that has made us sensitive, for example, crimes of pedophilia. Of course, a great advance of civilization, but now it happens that parents have in mind a key sentence: "You can do". A phrase that is to say that there is no limit: the children can ask anything and everything. Why do parents have only one problem (unconscious?): To be loved by the children at any cost. The consequences in terms of development and narcissistic vulnerability are evident. Also because it does not allow the generational conflict is so important for individual self-reliance in development.
But it is possible that those in politics to stop to consider only the statements of principle?
On one hand, often those who practice psychology and psychoanalysis effort to contextualize historically, anthropologically, sociologically and politically the lives of individuals, other people fa politica banalizza tutto sulla base delle affermazioni astratte di principio a seconda della propria appartenenza ideologica.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Letters To A Church Requesting Help


L’Italia un Paese alla deriva? Lo scrive Marco Revelli: ” Siamo declinati credendo di crescere. Siamo discesi illudendoci di salire.”. (Poveri, noi, ed.Einaudi,2010)
L’Italia è il Paese europeo che ha perso ,in un decennio, ben 18 punti. In assoluto quello che ha perso più posizioni. Ma è anche il Paese dove “i partiti praticamente non ci sono più. Salvo la Lega. E, comunque sono tutti centralizzati e personalizzati. Compresa la Lega.”. (Ilvio Diamanti, in “la democrazia dell’irresponsabilità” La repubblica Dic.2010 13). Of what has occurred in recent decades the system of political parties in Italy, wrote a beautiful essay Mauro Calise (The personal party, the two bodies of the leader. Ed.Laterza, 2010).
Democracy party was "the meeting between the social body and body politic.".
But in recent decades, record the end of the hegemony of the parties, of their being run college in favor of individual leadership. The postmodern leaders enjoy a broad popular consensus, but in forms and sondocratiche plebiscite. "Their strength consists in being able to boast of having restored - often through the medium of the direct-relationship between the leader and the people that the old parties had frayed. ".
The new leaders are capable of interpreting the emerging features of the new millennium: the centrality of the individual. "The explosion narcissistic ego is the social platform that raises the personal power as a model of leadership.".
The current political leaders are no longer without a body, with a private life hidden now have a body overexposed, because we are now abroad "L'talia of Berlusconi."
Exceeding the mass parties, in other words, their collapse has generated personal parties to leverage on populism. We are thus passed from a tradition of ideological voting to a vote charismatic. But the vote oriented leader pushes to create new parties to give shape to new and novel ways of training leaders of the political class and the Honourable Member. In recent weeks we have witnessed the depressing spectacle of the market of Deputies before the vote of confidence in the Berlusconi government. Now you obtain an application and shamelessly stay in parliament for personal gain or loss. It openly seeks the benefits of career, income and power. In this implicitly justified by the behavior of the Church, which openly encourages and supports these new ones and for governments or alliances in order to maintain the privileges for the institutions and the so-called "non-negotiable values."

There is no possibility of verification and direct control by the voters through this system (porcellum) election. "Who elected where. About a candidate, or to exclude re-nominated. ? Diamond wonders. Also because
-Joseph D'Avanzo wrote in La Repubblica on December 18 ("If the government responds to anger with their clubs for young people without hope") - we are in the presence of the representation of the indifference of the rulers before the desperation of the young deprived of hope and opportunity to plan the future. There is indifference and ignorance, lack of expertise in other words to control a country. Just listen to the interventions leading to the usual TV when the conductors and the conductive also invite researchers and academics. It 'a dialogue of the deaf. It seems that the "political" and "culture" are different entities and distant planets. In a broadcast TV
Minister Bondi tried the usual justification for saying that the disaster occurred in the Veneto for bad weather, we had to charge to nature.
A well-known art critic present at the transmission of natural pointed out that there was little, since the land use purposes cementificario registered in Veneto has upset a landscape that was first in perfect water balance. The drift
Leadership, and populist plebiscite in Italy then the original features, which is consistent with the traditional family to the detriment of the female gender: you can not even think of a woman as leader Casini, Di Pietro, Berlusconi, Fini. Women of the supreme leader are chosen in general with the same criteria used to elect the Miss Italy. Bodies to the eye and functional male erotic desire and the implicit confirmation of the two basic roles: madonna or whore.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Foods To Avoid Psoriasis

Buone feste a tutti!

year greetings want you in person: come visit us on Saturday 18 from 16:00 to 19:00 on a street corner Padua Chavez, and bring something red ( just an accessory ) because, if you wish, you can be involved at 17.30 by a flash-mob banner exchange hugs e auguri multilingue tra i passanti...

Aderiscono 25 tra associazione e comitati della zona e non... vi offriremo the e caffè, panettone, musica, canti e balli con l'associazione Boliviani in Italia.

Saremo lì a far festa e, con il riposizionamento odierno degli auguri multietnici tolti subito dopo l'installazione e oggetto di molte polemiche, la nostra iniziativa potrà tornare ad essere un segnale chiaro e allegro che nelle nostre strade nessuno è straniero!

We are waiting, come and pick up a special greeting card that we have prepared!

Happy holidays to all!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

First Herpes Outbreak After Contact In Men

lo SPAZIO LETTURA si apre al quartiere!

years working at Reading Area , the school library of the elementary school Russian-Pimentel , we have new space, provided the furniture and scored with a computerized system of over 1,000 texts available (only for the narrative), and finally since last school year is used by the class!

There are classes that go there regularly, once a week, and others that still do not use it so often, then there are teachers who go there to stock up books to read in class. Other times it is used by teachers to work with pupils making use of the alternative teachings of the Catholic religion.

Now is the time to complete the original project and had the approval of the school, we are ready to give more vitality to this space by opening it to the inhabitants of the small school district in extra time.

Friday 'December 17, 2010
from 16:30 to 18:00
si apre al quartiere:  

ci saranno libri da guardare, leggere, sfogliare, annusare e, se vorrete, da prendere in prestito!

I bambini accompagnati da un adulto potranno venire a curiosare e a dirci cosa gli piace leggere e che storie vorrebbero ascoltare!  Poi, se l'iniziativa avrà successo, con New Year's moments to organize collective reading to introduce children to many beautiful stories that will make them laugh, to dream, intrigue, frighten or maybe even angry ...

We have recently bolstered the already fair allocation of READING ROOM books with a value of over € 250, below here is a list of recent purchases:

editions Feltrinelli Publishers and Gribaudo :
  • The English Roses
  • Pier De MONEY
  • The aardvark who did not know WHO WAS

finally DIARY OF SCHOOL of Pennac ( to inaugurate a shelf for adults too!)

addition, the edizini Libriliberi Sinnos-Italian Association and Dyslexia, you will find some texts of approach to a problem that few really know but which suffers 5% of the school population and, on this topic, we will return with a specific post to update you on the new law but in the meantime here are the first titles:
  • Dyslexia: A MOTHER TELLS
  • What a shame!
To borrow books at the reading areas should join after reading the following Rules :
  1. The initiative is a contribution to the social life of ; district and particularly wishes to stimulate in children a love of reading.
  2. The opening of the Reading, extra hours in school, is managed by elementare.russo through its volunteers, after informing the timing of the openings Direzione Scolastica.
  3. Per usufruire del prestito dei libri è necessario aderire al servizio attraverso la compilazione di apposito modulo e dopo aver preso visione del presente regolamento. Per l’iscrizione al servizio prestito è richiesto un contributo di 1 €, agli iscritti verrà consegnata una tesserina.
  4. Gli utenti del prestito saranno iscritti in un apposito registro.
  5. Gli utenti potranno prendere in prestito al massimo 2 libri per un periodo di 15 giorni, rinnovabile 1 sola volta.
  6. In caso mancata riconsegna di un libro preso a prestito, verrà richiesto un risarcimento pari a € 5.00.
  7. The association reserves the right to limit the number of books requested by individual loan if you find any problems in returning the books.
  8. Children must be closely accompanied by an adult throughout the period of stay in the classroom reading.

Friday, December 10, 2010

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Buone Feste da USA e RIUSA

Friday, November 19, 2010

Miniature Painting Sheer Clothing


E 'dead Adriana Zarri. It 'died a hermit monk. It 'died the first woman theologian of the Catholic Church. It 'a dead Romagna San Lazzaro in Savena who looked after the garden, surrounded himself with cats and other animals to eat and did splendidly. He wanted to clarify that those of San Lazzaro, near Bologna, but at Imola, were considered of Romagna. It 'a dead lay, in the finest sense of that word that sounds a bit' old-fashioned by the parties of the Left government. He participated in the seasons of "struggle" for the law 194 and the law allowing divorce.
wrote, wrote, and went wherever they invited her to speak. And thus came in Cervia, between the late sixties and early seventies. Read it every week on the proposed SETTEGIORNI and friends of the community base to meet. Then on a sunny July and I went to visit her friend in Ivrea, where he lived in an old manor diocese of the bishop, his dear friend, Luigi Bettazzi. We had reached Monteveglio, attracted by what is told by Don Dossetti and his monastic order. We watched the consecration of a monk in the square and listened to Don Dossetti of a hill, we had lunch by the nuns who found a little 'wood and fled in the direction of Ivrea. Ross wrote on
Rossanda MANIFESTO (19:11): ".. theologian, mystic, and lonely woman adamantly free.". He also wrote that it was among the many believers in the Second Vatican Council had opened their hearts to hope. ".
Raniero La Valle, the legendary former editor of the newspaper THE FUTURE OF ITALY, also wrote the Manifesto who spoke "with an air of the Church as a theologian. And with that authority that few women were able to exert in the Church, and that in any case is rarely granted.. " He has founded or reformed
any monastic order, but it is not far away for clarity, look and generosity by another nun, who was also a lover of good food: the English Carmelite reformer Teresa of Avila.

Friday, November 12, 2010

How To Glue The Inside Of A Car Roof


I do not know which are the responsibility of the Minister in Bondi collapse from the House of Gladiators at Pompeii. I know for certain what I've seen more or less 4 / 5 years ago. It was December, Naples and surrounding area was sunny and mild warmth. The ideal site for a day Pompei. I was struck by the apparent carelessness that prevailed among the important ruins and especially noted at the blanket of dust that covered the walls.
Years before I had done wrong to visit the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento disfigured by overbuilding all around. And then the sublime ROME: where the peeling walls of ancient palaces and again neglect evident in the Roman Forum, I had a fixed idea and asked an uncomfortable question: in Austria, Germany, England would behave as if they were our artistic and archaeological heritage?
And then a memory: my art history professor, in those early fifties and early sixties, he repeated his view a bit ' Malicious respect to a category of designers, "surveyors are the ruin of Italy." When (he teaches at the Art School of Ravenna) was confronted with the construction of two skyscrapers in Milano Marittima, his lectures often begins accusing 's administration (left!) Which had allowed the construction of two ugly boxes above ancient pines pinewood. His opinion was that it was necessary to respect the trend determined by the horizontal green pinewood. In reasonable prospects of aesthetic criteria already connected to the post-war urbanism deep knowledge of our history and landscape art. We know how things went: "cultures" policies of our administration of any ideological side, have obeyed the immediate needs of the devastating economic profit, anywhere, the landscape with excessive consumption of the soil.
Among other things, such as Veneto shows the consequences in terms of pollution and environmental disasters are all under the eye. ... The world.
But why had it in the category of surveyors? Because in those years, the architects were still limited in number, while the design of houses and hotels, etc. petty., Was run by surveyors and confirmed for any static calculations by the engineers. The one and the other with no cultural background in art history. In reality this is also now almost all Italians and Italian, as the history of art is relegated to the grammar school, high school art and a little 'art institutions.
The Italians (Italian boys!) Are especially encouraged to passion and to the 'art' of football fanaticism of the fans used to feed the male aggression by guerra.Tutto very "useful" to the maintenance of different gender identity; in the sense of the inferiority of women.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Long Distance Baby Shower Invitations Wording


In these days of autumn 2010 marked the trans continuous news on intimate relationships between women and men in political and government starting with the Premier Berlusconi, I happened to see some photos of Catholic nuns. From the Premier
reporters of "his" TV or printed publications, politicians more or less subservient to him, the old men interviewed by LA7, there is a big waste of reassuring words of action on normal men: men, unlike women, have uncontrollable need for sex, especially when under stress for professional commitments. It seems that even a journalist has made a slip about the neo Lombardy Regional Councillor, saying it was the mental health of the San Raffaele Berlusconi, instead of teeth. On the other hand it is Berlusconi to make extensive use of linguistic stereotypes, is reliable and consent, such as "I love women who's wrong ..." or "better have a passion for women to be gay" and so on. An old retired Roman said that if he could follow him. And an old lady sighed, that men are like that.
The pictures portray the sisters, as has become customary, in civilian clothes in place of the uniform of the various religious orders and congregations. The nuns are jammed out of fashion in skirts, blouses or sweaters misshapen, about hairstyles, gestures, postures and vocalization with the ethereal effect sure to clear any possible trace attractiveness of female bodies.
Exactly the opposite of the divine and minor girls or adult tissue that seems to be hired for the festivities of the Emperor Italian. Parallel opposition.
In either case the same filter. Women as the rest of the warrior: the mothers and wives at home, the hustler in alcoves or furtive celebration of the feasts of the rich, are the framework within which the exercise takes place and confirmation of the power traditionally played between the boys. And what have sisters? After Vatican II, the nuns have been requested to modernize the clothes of the origins and this seemed to go in the direction of a different position of women in the Church. But here who have carried out confirming the ancillary role alongside the priestly caste that forced chastity, how can you defend solutions to the "meat". Forcing women consecrated to resemble, in relation to his body, the anorexic. Women stripped and eroticized, women covered and removed in erotic corporeality, are the faces of the same coin. Yesterday and today.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

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Year 1996. Seven Trappist monks were kidnapped and killed by a group of Islamic Jihad in an Algeria also crossed by continuous massacres of whole villages Muslims. French director Xavier Beauvois has made a movie with the title DES HOMMES ET DE Dieux, badly translated in Italian with men of God.
beautiful, simple, elegant, worldly. Three hours in the life of these monks, old people, not old, young enough to cultivate the land, leading to market honey, take care of the people of the village, singing or praying in a chapel, draped in white and neat with no religious trappings . Do not proselytize as is customary in the Christian and Islamic religions. Participate in the feast of the circumcision of a frightened child listening to beautiful, poetic and Koranic words dell'iman. And then, with the start of domestic terrorism, end also to treat the wounded warriors that soon after they kidnap and kill.
The film describes the human drama of the monks in front of the danger that every day becomes more serious. They would like to leave, would stay ... .. tremble, cry and pray. Finally unanimously decided to accept the risk because they would feel out of place elsewhere.
There is also a reading from the Book of Monaco Italian: Carlo Carretto of Little Brothers.
Carretto was a Monaco of the spirituality of Charles de Foucauld, a French noble military in the late nineteenth century became a Trappist Monaco and then leave alone the parties to Tamanrasset and then to a hermitage nell'Aschrem, top center of ' Haggar.
will be killed in 1916 during an attack by marauders of the desert.
Fr.Carlo De Foucauld himself as a contemplative who shared the life of local people (Muslims). Well in advance with the spirit of Vatican II did not intend to proselytize.
It seems that the director has taken this description of spirituality in the lives of Trappist monks.
E 'also totally lacking in any reference to the institutional and hierarchical Church, stands out as an existential choice does not impose, as well individually. As individuals, but also strongly tinged with narcissism are induced and the models now in vogue.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Small Bubble Inside My Mouth


End of proof. Almost all the world over. First. Educated women who work or continue to be annoying, but above all is stronger in countries where the Catholic and Muslim mentality. The latest news comes from Iran, where there has been a crackdown on women's college. At twelve courses, including political science, psychology and philosophy, as not in harmony with the religious principles of Islam, have been placed restrictions. More concerned about the Iranian government to study gender, or courses, "Women Studies". According to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei could lead to religious questions in young minds. And who knows how much more dangerous in the minds of young women!
Women who are studying in Iranian universities 49, 5%, but two years now have fallen by 10%. According
. The European Parliament approved legislation on maternity leave. One of these involves the contribution of the father of the newborn for at least two weeks in the mandatory period of twenty weeks of leave of the mother. The proposal is based on the idea that a proper parental leave would bring benefits economic growth by encouraging the employment of women and fertility.
In Italy the rules on maternity leave are almost on top, but women's work continues to stand at around 45/46, while in France and England, although shorter periods and lower shell, the rates in the market of Working women with children are above 60%.
course because in these countries there is a better system of services and tax breaks for families with children, and greater job opportunities for women. But also, and not just by virtue of a more open-minded. In Italy the use of parental leave by fathers was 7%. Why? Not only the reason that the loss of wages would be very high impact on the career. There is also WWW.LA VOCE.INFO-writes for example, a cultural component: "fear that is a stigma in the workplace.". Exactly, the Italian men to be considered properly masculine shall, as si può constatare vedendo in Tv gli spot pubblicitari, tornare a casa dal lavoro e sedersi sul divano mentre la moglie: è alle prese con la polvere che non se ne vuole andare ,o con qualche tipo di detersivo da cambiare in meglio dietro l’autorevole consiglio di un uomo, o con un pollo da cuocere dentro un orribile nylon trasparente e prontamente portato in tavola a un marito seduto da chissà quanto in attesa. Immutabili spot, immutabili scenari reali nel Paese delle nonne sostitute dei servizi sociali, delle donne un po’ escort e un po’ madonne, delle famiglie eternamente alle prese con cresime e prime comunioni ,eccetera.

Friday, October 22, 2010

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... "Give me a LEAGUE" OR THE Berlusconi

Il consigliere GINO VOLTA ( LEGA NORD) del comune CASTEL SAN PIETRO the prov. Bologna's mayor will be made to deliver BRUNORI a pair of underpants printed with his picture and the words "Give me a League." Of course, as now is used in Italy in imitation of the Prime Minister, it was justified by a contorted reasoning that begins with the usual :"... but I wanted to say. " That is not going to vote a resolution that would have left "in his underwear," a district. The love of bragging
Berlusconi taste drift senile yet encysted in the tradition of Italian made targeting children and mothers to their husbands until the end of their lives, and young males celoduristi available, it is raised or confirmed, but also increasingly in the minds youth. Perhaps it is an unconscious attempt
to stem globalization, or the loss of the sacred borders of country and religion.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

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who cuts a tree is planted in two. It is not a joke invented by the "Greens" residues of the Green Party. It 's a standard introduced in the municipal regulation of the small town of Castel Mella in the province of Brescia. To cut a tree, people will have to apply for a permit and show that intends to plant two in some other area of \u200b\u200bthe property.
Meanwhile, the proposed law of popular initiative of the regional park of the hills of Lake Garda, commissioned by a group of environmental organizations in 2009 will shortly be considered by the Commission Region VIII in Milan.
The project covers 18 municipalities in the Riviera del Garda Bresciano and 8 of the valance.
The bill calls for regional limit the consumption of land with an environmental plan for appropriate areas of the entire structural land use plans, but also launching a transitional provision of safeguards to stop the run compulsive overbuilding that has already degraded to a landscape of great beauty.
Someone special interests, already is moving to prevent it.
But is good to note that citizens and governments sometimes halting a decades he has "joined" left and right in the deadly destruction of habitat projects naturale.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

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Le olive verdognole, marroni e rossicce che caricano gli olivi nel primo scorcio dell’autunno, il lago di Garda sullo sfondo, alberi giallastri a ridosso di alberi dai verdi spenti e ,davanti il complesso dell’abbazia benedettina di Maguzzano: uno spettacolo. Poi si scende verso la strada per Salò e s’incontrano i filari di viti ormai privi dei grappoli raccolti per i vini famosi della zona. E qui ci si ricorda di aver letto che c’è il progetto di costruire un complesso alberghiero o una zona residenziale, l’ennesima, abbattendo totalmente i vigneti. Dall’abbazia, più in alto, non si godrebbe più nei secoli futuri lo spettacolo delle acque del lago. Il paesaggio moraine hills Valtenesi already upset forever by a villain consumption of soil and a consumer mentality and uneducated local administrators would receive another low blow.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Gretchen Rossi's Monokini Swimsuit?

BOSSI and the Cardinals

Daria Bignardi is back at home with his show "The Barbarian Invasions" and, beginning Oct. 1 that once gave the start to the school year, has undergone a very slight and sweet interview Trout or the young Renzo Bossi. A young man like many others, such as a boy with a little self-esteem 'over the top. He claimed to have endless projects such as regional adviser for the League, especially for young people. Of money they takes many: 10,000 € round, round but 40% will go to the party. The PCI has left some legacy. When asked where he arrived Bignardi Padania, replied that includes Emilia and Tuscany. Once, however, the Lega Nord Padania's boundaries did get a bit 'on this side of the river Po Now the votes they take in Emilia Romagna and became even as a common Guastalla. The boy
trout or dolphin after all, is sympathetic and sensitive was moved by recalling the father's illness and follow him home to younger siblings.
But as for cultural education is poor.
But that's right Lega to the masses (pardon: the people) who attended the middle schools of a nation that, unlike China, for example, impartsce study of fragments of the history of 'Italy, Europe as a trickle of America, ignoring Africa and Asia. In China, students study the history of Europe even.
However, tenderness is the son of Boss, but also think about what kind of country is Italy, where still exists an extension of the Renaissance cardinals when they became young children of the nobility.
Then it was that (perhaps) made an attack on the journalist, director Belpietro on the doorstep because - of the "negative climate" created by some "bad teachers" as the former magistrate cried out to the House that Berlusconi is a "rapist of democracy."
adding a slew of data on its trade outside of Italy, precisely where he was busy Saint Lucia Fini's brother in law for the purchase of the apartment in Monaco.
the other side has been reported yet another insult to the division of powers with the request by Berlusconi to a commission of inquiry against some of the judges guilty of working, in his opinion, always against him.
There is also the latest jokes Berlusconi's attitude towards the Jews and the usual Rosy Bindi, who did not escape him.
is invoked, either on one side or the other, reliance on the institutional role of the leaders of Italy and the risk, with criticisms and accusations, or reasons to stoke the aggression of someone like happened to Belpietro. And even before the rider in Milan.
should, so-called politicians, to draw by mutual agreement, a dictionary with the words to be considered offensive or of treason. Yes, because here comes into play what has happened with the cartoons of Muhammad that Muslims around the world found it blasphemous.
In Italy there was the withdrawal from the representation of television comedy made by the current pontiff Crozza. Then
criticism as to understand it? How and when to "offend"?
"Freedom information "is equal to: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. Thursday, September 30
an angry defense minister is the chair angrily struggling more than ever because in his opinion there was no gender bias present due to the, well known, the conductor Santoro's "year zero". The same, the same deny what is happening on the news and led by Minzolini which has not yet officially a channel Mediaset.
Politicians of left and right are invited to "tone down" but what does that mean?
uncomfortable psychology stealing his words when they say they need to stop "aggression Minutes. "
recite to make the hurt one and other, but women do not feel offended when we can, even just watching television, we are always having to endure the commercials where, detergents and washing machines, our role is always to the housewife? Mai who represents a man home.
We should not feel offended because advertising is an educational piece of the puzzle of a nation?
Or when we have to listen, as the news of October 2, at the end of a service on the important role of older people (grandparents) for the care of children, why things go well in Italy?
As in other EU countries make their grandparents life without ever having to replace their parents?
Why? Ladies and gentlemen journalists from state television, read the research of the CNR and the ISTAT data, plus some sage, for example, by Chiara Saraceno.
Maybe it's asking too much, then it is best to confirm the family good-naturedly, as invincible Italic tradition, where the welfare state does not affect the state, but to women and families in general.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Baggage Handler Jobs And Calgary


If you go to early elections inevitably many will wonder whether to vote with this law and who to vote for. I mean even those who usually have been faithful to duty as a voter in a democratic country such as avoiding smoke and mirrors the attractive-because-motivated inviti ad astenersi o votare scheda bianca. Anche perché ha sempre funzionato una sorta di ricattino morale: se non voti fai l’interesse degli avversari. Mi chiedo se andrò a votare perché , a parte l’attuale legge che conferisce alle segreterie dei partiti la scelta dei parlamentari da ficcare in parlamento, il panorama dei partiti offre ormai uno spettacolo di programmi assai indeterminato. Per esempio: è chiaro cosa hanno in mente i partiti del centro-sinistra a proposito dello stato sociale e dei suoi assestamenti in tempo di economia globalizzata?
E’ chiaro cosa pensano le compagini della sinistra a proposito del fatto che il nostro è uno dei Paesi più arretrati rispetto all’occupazione femminile? Come demonstrated by the recent report by the National Council for Economy and Labour (Report on "Women's work in Italy 2010"): The crisis

has invested an already difficult situation of female employment,
helping to accentuate the historical criticism.
The consequences have been particularly evident in the South, which accounted for almost half of
overall decrease in employment (-105 thousand women), and which already contained
low rates of female employment. In this area, the rate of
employment was 30.6 percent, compared to 57.3 percent in the Northeast.
has lowered the employment rate delle donne con titolo di
studio inferiore al diploma di scuola secondaria superiore: nel Mezzogiorno
raggiunge un livello che supera di poco il 20 per cento. Solo le laureate
riescono a raggiungere i livelli europei, se si escludono le giovani, che
incontrano difficoltà all’ingresso nel mercato del lavoro. Si accentuano anche
le difficoltà per le donne in coppia con figli, elemento già critico della
situazione italiana: considerando la classe di età 25-54 anni, e assumendo
come base le donne senza figli, i tassi di occupazione sono inferiori di quattro
punti percentuali per quelle con un figlio, di 10 per quelle con due figli e di 22
punti per quelle con tre o più figli. Tale andamento non si riscontra per i
principali paesi europei.
Quando ascoltiamo le dichiarazioni dei leader e delle leader alla Tv, o leggiamo i quotidiani, mai ci sono riferimenti a studi autorevoli come questo. Una domanda: si informano? Studiano questi rapporti?
Un altro aspetto omesso è quello relativo al “pensiero” dei partiti del centro-sinistra rispetto all’assetto ambientale e urbanistico. Quale idee di città , quali idee di ambiente da difendere? Non ci è dato conoscerlo. Mentre ci è dato di conoscere dalla pratica le idee che in proposito hanno gli amministratori del centro-sinistra.
Per esempio, è di questi giorni la notizia giornalistica ( locale) di come procede in proposito a town center-left of the most popular in Italy because it is located in the Adriatic Romagna.
circulating drafts of the "receptive" variant "of the town of Cervia (Milano Marittima), whereby the volume of hotels will increase from 50 to 20 percent. The heights of the hotel could then reach up to 25 meters. The parking for up to two floors, the basement craft services, the receptacle of the elevators, arcades, etc.., Will no longer be part of the airspace. A way as any to favor large hotels, or rather the large hotel groups. The group of "Left to Cervia" asks: "how do we keep the tourists if we go once again to undermine the green and the architectural quality of the city? If someone wants to build more spacious rooms, then it reduces the number, because among other things, that the amount of those increases more and more vacant. ". The curious thing, but not much, is that national leaders of the center-left shocked when shown the current right-wing government enacts laws which permit the indiscriminate use of land to increase the cement in a way that has no equal measures in most of the rest of Europe. Political schizophrenia? Because of the need to increase or keep their constituency at any cost? What one finds is that administrators left obey the implicit laws of capitalism should, subject to the power of the lobby, which in this case, call bagnnii lobbies, hotels or retailers. So what's the talk of values \u200b\u200band ideals? Or the "ruling class" of the Left heirs of the PCI (as well as training to the left) actually have a great cultural and very rough and inconsistent. It is best known, precisely, about the subject of women and urban and environmental problems. You see the final product
administrative experience nationally and locally. Location: Cervia, Cesenatico such as Rimini, such as Lake Garda or Lake Iseo, were happily cemented administrations of both left and right with government.
So who and why vote?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Replacing Integrqa Starter

GIRLS ARE FOR ROAD AND 'THE DAMAGE' without thinking ....

"In this city only Paraculo work, the kids drink, have fun and then crash with the machines. The girls are on the street and 'give it' without thinking.. " These are some of the thoughts and writings from Zouhir Bouhfir Arkrim Yasser during a "laboratory" for school students on issues of migration and published in a book arch-colored luxury and foreign titled CITIZENSHIPS YEAR 2009/10 (Who has funded wasting money?). The "laboratory" was part of the project "From generation to generation" promoted by an accredited family planning clinics in Lombardy of a big city. Written in the "Hospitality" Sabrina Piazza writes that "the average Italian is selfish, egocentric, individualistic, the profiteer and pursues its own interests without regard for anyone looking to take advantage of most of the time for your next convenient, especially if this is weaker (for being a foreigner is a sort of weakness!). The Italians are a nation of whiners: everyone complains about everything but then did not move a finger to change the situation (that's one reason why Italy will be ruined!). The boys finally grow up without values, do not even know what is friendship or love, is driven by the tastes of the mass and desiring to approve. ".
In the preface we read through the "school" students "become gradually active in metropolitan performers, I decided to flesh out and write to their own and others 'fears, at the very topical issues such as migration, citizenship,' homophobia and the relationship with their city / ideal. ".
"girls are on the street and 'give it' ..." write two boys immigrants or children of migrants. In the booklet is not clear whether and how a proposal for consideration and reflection psychologists and presenter on this stereotype is patently offensive or defensive characterized mainly by people from countries where women have traditionally made up the "'honor' of heads of households, should be subject to strict rules in relation to their body and behavior in public.
dell'autoflagellazione And what about the Italian girl who sets out to burst the alleged defects of Italians according to the usual stereotype that in the tribal worlds of Africa and Asia or Latin America would live instead in the exaltation of the "values" and in moral rectitude?
E 'useful to give body to meet in schools where the heading of "polyphonic mosaic of voices, faces, slangs, dialects, costumes and various postures. ...", As it always reads in the preface, without any adult guidance with the objective to understand the complexity of human reality that is not made of all good on one side and all the other bad? At a minimum?
It works if you supply for inclusion in the foreign-or foreign-son of the need to oppose feeding its own alleged purity against evil and ugly native?
And why not help boys and girls to stage, for example, the women in our (retrograde) and in those country of origin of migrants? The condition usually offer the opportunity to understand the degree of civilization of a nation more than any other parameter.
Instead it seems to me that psychologists who have worked in the "laboratories" Citizenship ", will be limited to waste self-praise for the success of this" network "that allowed the teenagers to" express their talents. " The contents do not matter.

Monday, August 16, 2010

How To Make A Real Tech Deck Online


"The politicism is stifling. If we could instead give the word for knowledge, the talent to talk about the reality of life: that model has been applied Aquila reconstruction after the earthquake, we intend to do water, the processes of desertification in the Mediterranean basin, to compare educational models ... not just talking about TV as political struggle to occupy the building but as a vehicle of consciousness and the collective imagination. "
are words in an interview with the newspaper Nichi Vendola Unity August 17 Conchita De Gregorio. Fine words!
Comparing models of learning .... Vendola Bravo!. But where, by whom? Only in a few national convention? No, because the "high" local "his", those who call themselves vendolliani, is not that prove to have ideas about patterns, so different from what we still call
left .. I mean: about urban models, models of school .... Or the welfare of the crisis of this model that covers all states, especially Italy and that discriminates against women in particular.
N. Vendola and drew up his ideas on the problem of integration of migrant people from other cultural worlds, in particular to Islam?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dkny Obi Sash With Belt


A title of these summer days climatically strange, "Capri, French raped by a minor," and in eye: "The rape of the boy stood near the Piazzetta Naples well." A week ago, a teenager stabbed another teen were fighting in Sicily for a girl. And then a young Ukrainian was down the street decided to kill the first woman because maybe he would meet his wishes to leave. Lo fa: passa di lì per caso una filippina e lui, un pugile, la massacra di pugni.
Ma c’è voglia di interrogarsi? Ne scovo raramente in giro. L’Unità (Manuela Modica ,4 ag.) ha intervistato Lorella Zanardo, autrice del documentario “Il corpo delle donne” ,la quale riporta il parere di un giornalista tedesco sull’Italia. Un parere davvero sconfortevole:”Sembra che l’Italia si sia involuta e forse la situazione delle donne vittime di un’oggettiva scarsa autostima sono la più evidente e sensibile spia del grado di sviluppo della vostra società”. Infatti,aggiunge la Zanardo “…credo che la donna italiana abbia ancora fortemente bisogno dell’approvazione del maschio: questa è la verità”. “E da cattolica mi sono chiesta, perché la Chiesa, che fa della madonna una figura portante della verginità e della purezza sul corpo delle donne non ha detto nulla per criticare l’uso immondo che se ne fa in tv e negli spot. Viene da pensare che ci sia un interesse, voluto o non voluto, a mantenerci in questa situazione di sudditanza,a culo per aria sotto il tavolo di plexiglass coi tacchi 12 a spillo: un bellissimo modo per metterci in gabbia.”.
C’è da giurarci che alla cerimonia in chiesa per il funerale del ragazzo ucciso dal “rivale” ,il celebrante avrà speso parole (evangeliche) neutre,del tipo: rispettare la vita , educare i figli not to be violent ... and so on. I mean, the facts mentioned above have perhaps the lowest common denominator? The feeling
owner of bodies and lives of women by men. A woman can not decide to terminate a relationship is a matter which affects men, as taught by the Islamic tradition for divorce. Females must be exchanged between the males in order to symbolize their eternal dominion over the world.
How the Catholic Church, owned by the caste of celibate males, the ever greater exaltation of the Virgin Mary virginal purity, is (always) say that "respect" they deserve it the girls who "guard" their body for the purpose of the family.
Male sexuality is formed even in this context. We women could not revisit the feminist slogan "Neither whores, nor ladies, women only?

Monday, July 26, 2010

Y.y. Japanese Porcelain-ware

THE CRISIS IN ITALY MAGAZINE ON THE HEAD "of the Communist Refoundation

close in the future we will have a sharp drop in welfare systems across Europe, but in a much more pronounced in Italy. Are there any signs, although more or less cleverly disguised in the news the news and the press.
ones that count, however, are the news, because in Italy the reading of newspapers continues to be used to a very limited number of readers.
The reason? A momentous economic c rice, that is not at all cyclical .
A crisis which is probably drawing the irreversible decline of the old continent has aged ruling classes and therefore a bit 'deaf and a bit' blind, and with decreased intellectual capacity?
I'm just kidding with the most good editorial by Paolo Ferrero on the number of lug / g of the magazine on the head (No. 6 / 7) entitled: OVERCOMING THE PROVINCIAL.
Well, Ferrero analyzes the situation of the economic crisis-and structural-systemic crisis of capitalism in key neo-liberal in recent years. A crisis-in his opinion-which celebrates China as a great power, while Germany leads us to the ruling classes and the deflationary policy of cutting social spending.
These homegrown elites aiming at the reduction of labor costs in Europe since the reduction in employment, increased job insecurity and reduced social status.
With a bankruptcy order: the outlet out of the continent of European production.
But the United States are no longer able to absorb the surplus production in Europe as they did in years past. Also because it is China that is establishing a special relationship with them.
The assumption of our political classes to reduce the internal European market focusing on exports, can not work. The consequences will be failure to develop the internal market and not exported.
The "crisis of globalization will lead to a new world hierarchy and Europe - because of these policies - is intended to economic decline, which tends to lead to mass unemployment, social disintegration and strong hierarchies among the productive sectors and in particular territories.."
Berlusconi knows that the maneuvers of cuts in public spending will worsen even more the living conditions of the majority of the country. Hence the need to reshape the constitutional framework "reducing democracy."
"Berlusconi knows that you can not handle the mass impoverishment of the country while maintaining the levels of democracy."
I think this is a crucial step in the editorial: Television, real creator of change in recent years anthropological, should be further put to the service of psychological manipulation of citizens. The reduction of freedom of information goes in this direction.
What to do? The conclusion of the article about it leaves me puzzled.
According to the ruling Communist Refoundation "The real political game that is played in Italy in the fall (...) is the ability to build a mass movement that goes beyond the horizon that separates the liberal democratic freedoms and social issues from their own-this- is raised in opposition not only to Berlusconi Marchionne but also European and neo-liberal policies. ".
Movement. ... Mass ... ... ... these words not to be rethought in the age of workers in "mass" vote in the North and adhere to the League's Bossi?

also because what I see is the reaction (corporate?) Doctors, diplomats, police, teachers ... ... massive cuts will Tremonti company. Exactly, fragmented answers.