Thursday, January 27, 2011

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Aderiamo allo sciopero!

Venerdì 28 gennaio avrebbe dovuto esserci l'apertura quindicinale dello Spazio Lettura. Invece, per questa volta lo Spazio Lettura resterà chiuso "per sciopero"!

Abbiamo preso questa decisione per dare un segno concreto a sostegno dello sciopero proclamato per quello stesso giorno da alcuni sindacati di base della scuola, in concomitanza con lo sciopero indetto dalla FIOM-CGIL to protest against the proposed agreement / imposed by the Fiat Mirafiori workers to . You could - and probably should - discuss at length those agreements, the manner in which they were introduced, whether they must be rejected in its entirety or whether, at least in some parts, would not result in some changes, although difficult to accept, may be required to cope with the changes taking place in the world economy, but this being a very vast and that as such deserves close attention, much more than they can spend us here, we prefer to let each draw their own conclusions according to his conscience.

Back to us elementare.russo decided to close the area to be read again at the side of the public school which has abundant reasons to protest in itself. In fact, after the damage caused by cuts of 2009 and 2010, rests with the third wave of tagli.O maybe we could call it "the third blow to the public school."
you mean because there is a design preference for private schools to a friend, or because the Italian government is so short-sighted not to realize that savings "easy" today (public school, undeniably, for its size constitutes a major expenditure item) prevent Italy tomorrow to compete with other countries , the fact is that the resources invested to build the future of our children continue to decline.

It 's true that we are facing a global economic crisis (let's forget for a moment those who caused it and who is earning above). It is therefore right to make the effort to give up unnecessary expenses. Exactly. Unnecessary.
E ' perhaps superfluous to have at least one teacher in a school available to replace an absent teacher, instead of littering the students in that class around the school, and do nothing to disturb the lessons of his companions that they host in their classrooms?
And 'perhaps superfluous be able to offer to those in difficulty to work with a teacher to understand better, while those who understood something else instead deepen it with another teacher?
E ' perhaps unnecessary to have two teachers to be able to accompany 20 children, or maybe even 25, in the computer lab or teaching in output?
E ' perhaps superfluous to give children with disabilities to ensure their support at least a few more chances, if not exactly the same that have their own comrades?
No, certainly not!

E' per questo che abbiamo deciso di non aprire lo Spazio Lettura venerdì pomeriggio: speriamo che questo gesto faccia ricordare a tutti che la scuola pubblica italiana continua ad essere in pericolo, in grave pericolo .

Ci dispiace che i bambini venerdì debbano rinunciare a prendere in prestito un nuovo libro. Ma ci dispiace ancora di più che i bambini debbano rinunciare ad una scuola di qualità perché chi ci governa non è capace di farlo (o magari se ne frega di loro perché ha altro a cui pensare...).

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Brazilian Bikini Wax And Hemorrhoids

undicesima giornata della memoria

Oggi 27 gennaio ricorre l’undicesima giornata memory.
In Italy, and not only remembers the killing of the gates of Auschwitz just happened on January 27, 1945, when Soviet troops of the Red Army arrived in the Polish town of Oswiecim (known by its German name of Aushwits) discovering his infamous concentration camp, freeing the few survivors.
The direct testimony of those years and this day are less likely to become like many other events a series of commemorations for that day only to deceive us live in a country where racism does not exist.

Possiamo sì ricordare oggi la tragedia delle deportazioni nei lager di ebrei, zingari, omosessuali, possiamo farlo leggendo articoli, partecipando ad incontri, guardando film e documentari sulla Shoah (che quasi tutti sanno è lo sterminio del popolo ebraico) o sul Porrajmos   (che forse in meno  sanno è lo sterminio di Rom e Sinti), ma non dobbiamo dimenticarci, nei rimanenti giorni dell’anno, di coltivare nei giovani individui la loro umanità.

Then the parents and the school is responsible for providing the digital natives ethics necessary to be able to distinguish truth from falsehood in the sea of \u200b\u200binformation available today, to be aware of the great possibilities that networking offers.
Internet , infinite interweaving of people, is an instrument for freedom and peace, so that in 2010 was nominated for Nobel Peace !
So are the people that make the network and that is why it is our duty to give digital natives the self-confidence, help them recognize the fundamental values, such as such as that of peaceful coexistence . If we fail in this, we are a people without memory, mental apathy will prevail and the digital natives will use the network only to post on their bulletin, Facebook link smielosi remaining indifferent to the many situations in which you consume continued incidents of racism.

We feel our duty to keep his attention on our "working together" as an association there is an incentive to improve and to try to improve the society we live in .
So we begin to take the lead and not to remain indifferent to what is happening around us: what we think when the vice-mayor said that Milan Africa is too ? it is good that the council behaves discriminatory in respect of the Roma families? We and our children are truly open to other cultures? Our children give or refuse the hand of a classmate or color-mate Rom?

And do not forget, we point at the Reading Area, bought two new books: the great "If This Is a Man" by Primo Levi and the smallest "The hidden child "by Isaac Millman.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Beads To Hold Make Up Brushes

raccolta firme per petizione al Presidente della Repubblica

Once again, we mobilize all the people of the school for the defense of public schools.
In maxi amendment to the 2011 budget are confirmed confirmed the cuts are expected as STATE PUBLIC SCHOOL FUNDING TO NEW private school, BEN 245 MILLION!
PUBLIC SCHOOL 'IN DANGER AND THE POSITION IS' MORE EACH DAY 'DRAMA dilapidated classrooms, classes disrupted by the inability to appoint deputies, denied rights to students and their pupils differently Bili, the 'elimination of full-time primary schools , the decrease middle school at the time, the removal of the experimental (for years in schools of our country) in high schools and the gradual decrease in technical laboratories. ..
You too can make your voice heard by signing a petition to President Giorgio Napolitano with which we require from all over Italy, to end the slaughter public school.
The association organizes elementare.russo muster signatures: to sign is not necessary to have a child enrolled in school, just be nationals and citizens who care about the fate of this country and the future of younger generations!
elementare.russo volunteers collecting signatures:
Thursday, January 27 at USAeRIUSA (via Russo 23) from 16:35 to 18:00
Friday, January 28 in Reading Area ( via Russo 23) from 16:35 to 18:00
Monday, January 31 atrium (via Russo 27) from 16:15 to 17:45
USAeRIUSA on Thursday, February 3 from 16:35 to 18:00
prepare your ID and come to sign, you know institutions that

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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WOW !!!

expecting this news for some time, and today has finally arrived!

Last night in Council Zone 2 was voted for the resolution that welcomes the inclusion of our association in the 'zonal associations!

Registration facilitates associations in obtaining permission to organize activities for citizens in the "multi-purpose" municipal and at the same time allows the local council to plan cultural events, sports and social, with the associations listed in the register.

Monday, January 17, 2011

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Una piccola, stupenda chiesa romanica dell’XI secolo che si affaccia sul lago di Garda nel lato bresciano più ampio, circondata ampiamente dalla vegetazione: è S. Emiliano del comune di Padenghe. Dopo la devastazione ambientale avvenuta negli ultimi ventanni con la costruzione compulsiva di seconde case, questo gioiello architettonico sta per essere deformato dalla presenza di un ristorante. Non si capisce cosa pensa la sindaca elected to a civic list after fully described in its election program - and in a recent interview with a newspaper-Brescia, who intends to put an end to speculation.
The main supporter of the project is the parish priest, telling the local newspapers. Don Bruno Negretti announced the will of the curia to build a restaurant next to the church during the Sunday homily. Expressed disappointment that of the Committee for Park hills and other environmental organizations. The church is "used" for weddings. Therefore, the Church sees religious marriages fall each year, perhaps thinking of increasing them with the attraction of the restaurant. And then a year public interest makes money! Wasting words papal and clerical generally to "defend life" dying and rising, it seems, an old and established tradition, does not concern the nature, environment, culture, art. Amen

Saturday, January 15, 2011

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Last June at the Rose farmhouse, guests of Prof. Berrino (Director of the Department of Epidemiology, Cancer Institute of Milan) were the leaders of Milano Restaurant. The dinner, which had participated in many components of the canteen committee, did not lead to a real agreement between the bright and MIRI but only to a mutual declaration of intent for a possible collaboration.

Within six months after that dinner Prof. Berrino meet the parents of the schools of Milan to reflect together on healthy eating and healthy.

But what exactly are the signs Professor Berrino food?

You can then prepare the dishes for Milan Plan as specified by the professor, without changing, in an industrial context from 80,000 meals a day?

's find out, Tuesday, January 18, 2011 at 20:30,
Magnadell'Istituto at the House of Tumors in Milan
Via Venezian, 1 - Milan

Friday, January 14, 2011

Jobless And Need Money

oggi riapre lo SpazioLettura!

after having rested during the Christmas holidays, we are ready to leave ...

dalle h. 16,30 – 18.00

lo Spazio Lettura , la biblioteca della scuole elementare Russo-Pimentel, riapre!!!

Vivi e Lilli, Ie volontarie dell’associazione elementare.russo, saranno lì per aiutare i bambini a scegliere i libri da leggere e da prendere in prestito e, tra quindici giorni, ci saranno Laura e Carlo.

Vi aspettiamo, venite to read with us!

Monday, January 10, 2011

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Per legge l’amministrazione pubblica non può “cambiare idea” senza un valido motivo

'll come back to them, of Roma children and their families, those children that many of us have known personally, or because parents, grandparents or uncles of their companions, or because their teachers.
Concern for the dreaded eviction (attention to the words: "eviction" and not "eviction" , because the field of Hydro as a way to route Triboniano is a regular field, ie a field that the City of Milan had granted years ago to Roma families so that they could live there), who had accompanied the first days of school last September, si è in parte attenuata. Non solo per il clima di festa dei giorni passati, ma soprattutto per via dell’ordinanza del Tribunale di Milano sulla vicenda “25 case” , una vicenda che riguarda principalmente gli abitanti del campo di via Triboniano ma che, per questioni di principio, riguarda anche gli abitanti del campo di Via Idro.

Su questa fatto si sono scritte e dette tante cose, e molte di queste a sproposito. Cerchiamo di fare un po’ di chiarezza: le 25 case che tanto hanno fatto discutere nelle ultime settimane dell’anno non sono case popolari che vengono sottratte dalla graduatoria . Non sono cioè case tolte a chi aspetta a public housing for years to give to Roma families, making us move ahead of all others in the rankings.
It is in fact apartments uninhabitable, so not usable for normal rankings, which were assigned to some groups (House of Charity, CEAS and Consorzio be a good neighbor) after the approval, August 5, the decision in which the regional council has authorized the Aler to yield 25 dwellings to the City of London (see article of Corriere del 30/09/2010). Association task was to restructure, with money allocated by the Minister Maroni, and then give in temporary accommodation to those Roma families who have chosen to follow the path of integration, that's all!

The order of the Court requires the City and Prefecture meet commitments - this is true contracts signed, as they are the ones that we all signed when he gives or takes a house to rent - and proceed with the assignment to Roma families in rental housing.
The order of the Court is clear: to require the City and Prefecture respect than they had acted and builds on the principles of the law. In fact, as required by law 241/1990, once the administration public has made a choice and a decision taken against individuals can not change your mind, if not as a new public interest requires explaining the change and providing compensation for those affected by the change of direction.
In fact, neither the City nor any other actor in the story has never formally lifted anything, nor does it provide an explanation during the trial in court.

There who claims that this ordinance discriminates against citizens of Milan and Milan. We are not the same opinion, because we believe that every social policy is always a provision for certain specific groups at risk of exclusion (in this case in favor of the Roma population) is the rule that underlies the concept of "substantive equality" provisions of art. 3 Constitution and that ABC is part of a democratic and social state.

We wonder what sense withdraw after reaching a delicate balance! The allocation of 25 houses, as decided initially by the local authority could make everyone happy: the Commissioner, setting the stage for the closure of a field to another duly authorized, the city administration, which needs of the field of Triboniano to achieve Part of the road for the Expo 2015, the city of Milan area, who finally saw the beginning of the end of the field Triboniano, and finally the ALER, which benefited from renovations done with other people's money.

But then, what are we talking about? What is your policy on the house in our town? How come there are over 5,000 empty houses (which are not allocated) and well 18 500 families waiting for shelter?
In this story that has to do kick up a fuss is not the question of the 25 apartments to be rented by the Roma, but that's more than 5,000 are left empty, apart from the fact that administration is allowed to not honor its commitments without giving any reason!

We demand concrete answers on the real emergency in this city: the right of everyone to a house!
We hope that the future of our Mayor Milan is a person that can deal with this issue seriously.
Finally, for those who want to know a little 'closer to the field via Hydro and its inhabitants, we report an interesting work done by some young reporter school house of the Sun ", published the first issue of T that can be claimed from the association Friends of the Park Trotter .

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Chefs Having Dermatitis


Unemployment rates are high burst in North Africa where young people from days down protest in the streets of the city. Young people in these countries are many and, for example, in Algeria reach 75 percent. The governments of those nations seem more frail of our Europeans, partly because the Welfare has always been almost nonexistent. But it is hard to avoid making a comparison, what happened to us, in Italy, where the latest data on unemployment youth give us an almost thirty per cent, all is quiet? Perhaps because the percentage of young people is exactly the reverse of that of Algeria? Maybe because ours is a country of old men who keep their children and grandchildren? Maybe because we have, for a while, 'a decent welfare state? In the days of our holidays, between Christmas and New Year, it happened that a friend of old age has surprised me by telling, with obvious collusion, the pains of a young man newly enrolled university and "abandoned" by the "girlfriend". Well, the very young are shot down, wrote: "I already have a life of shit: I have to get up six in the morning to catch the bus and reach the seat of power, and now she leaves me .... ". The faculty building is located about 15 km. From his house. A boy and an elderly lady of high culture: this struck me so much.
And even in my heart I gave some reason to almost my age Silvio Berlusconi when the year-end press conference, said that the university has remained (as so many did if the university could do it) with a thousand jobs. I wonder: why this young man, instead of thinking about the lack of legitimate hope for the future in this Italian company so obviously in decline, you feel deprived della vita perché si deve alzare la mattina alle sei ,non per andare a raccogliere agrumi a qualche euro al giorno, bensì per recarsi in una sede universitaria? E perché l’amica dei suoi genitori, ex giovane di sinistra, lo avvolge simbolicamente in un abbraccio di comprensione annientando, dentro di lei, ogni altra riflessione persino politica come un tempo, lontano, avrebbe fatto?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Answering Machines With Alarm Clock

16 gennaio 2011: Giornata Mondiale dei Migranti

On January 16, 2011 will use the World Day of Migrants.

From Egea, publishing company controlled by Bocconi University, who in October published Foreigners in our house. Italian immigrants and between work and legality , we receive the request for collaboration the establishment of a panel discussion in collaboration with associations of Milan who have fought to tackle the issue of foreigners.

Our experience in reality is still embryonic, but we know that in the Russo-Pimentel elementary school there are many experiences and many skills over the years have made this school a school where there is no other as well as the Casa del Sole, where school children had made and hung from trees in the park before the holiday greetings in all languages, written on the fabric and hung with a rope. I hope that a few days ago someone has seen fit to remove them and not tratta di un atto vandalico... per i dettagli di questa infelice vicenda vedere questo link .

Rilanciamo quindi al mondo della scuola la proposta di Egea e se qualche insegnante avesse voglia di essere coinvolto e di contribuire, lo metteremo in contatto con gli organizzatori della tavola rotonda!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

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L'anno nuovo

Indovinami, indovino,
tu che leggi nel destino:
l’anno nuovo come sarà?
Bello, brutto o metà e metà?

"I find it printed in my libroni
that will certainly four seasons,
twelve months, each in his place,
a carnival and a mid-August,
and the next day on Monday
will always be a Tuesday.

More wrote for now I can not find
in the destiny of the new year:
for the rest of this year
will be like the men they will ".

(Gianni Rodari - Nursery Rhymes in heaven and on earth)

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"sono stati mesi di grande solitudine e di dolorosa umiliazione che ancora continua a causa delle dichiarazioni del direttore Minzolini. Umiliazione come giornalista, che si è vista all'improvviso estromessa senza una ragione professionale dal lavoro quotidiano, e umiliazione come donna accusata pubblicamente sui giornali only guilty of being old and have worked for thirty years in multiple roles, in the same newspaper. I wonder why this should be considered a fault. And I also wonder how much sexism there is in Minzolini considerations about myself and how much superficiality transpire when talking about my removal, use the thinking that age discrimination is less serious than the political discrimination. Stuff to make use of a new court for violating the law on equality on grounds of age, as already experienced by some colleagues in the UK television journalist. For the moment is that Rai has announced an appeal against the order.. "
The New Year begins with that letter Tiziana Ferrario of the journalist that the employment tribunal has to resume his place in the Tg1 after it was ousted by the Director berlusconissimo Minzolini.
Just back at the end of the year has put in an open letter to fellow board where you read these lines. Berlusconi era more than ever, only men can continue to make the young-old. Women, especially if they appear on TV as journalists and presenters, must be young and beautiful. With the law "crap" that gives the party leaders to appoint representatives of the people in elections to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, Berlusconi has given good example by choosing the women who attract, giovani e belle, non importa se competenti. Usando in questo modo le donne ha contribuito a mutare il senso della rappresentanza democratica. Per i maschi ormai conta il grado di asservimento ai leader dei partiti e per le donne il criterio della visibilità e piacevolezza erotica. Le continue battute sarcastiche del presidente nei riguardi di Rosy Bindi sono, forse inconsciamente e forse no, a questo scopo tutto politico e…culturale.
E’ un vecchio comportamento standard misogino italiano che si mescola al nuovo vezzo di nominare “il popolo” a ogni piè sospinto. E’ il neo populismo che sta veramente portandoci fuori dalla democrazia che abbiamo vissuto nei decenni che si sono succeduti dopo la seconda guerra mondiale.
The people (polls) is the keyword that is infecting the Italian politics. "The people love me and want me" is the constant message Berlusconi expressed or implied that perhaps will continue to flood into the new year. One category that mixes and grinds men and women, young and old owners of the leaders in the indistinct for parties, strictly male. And that in the current economic crisis will give reasons for women to accept that care work is their natural duty. Job of caring for their children, their parents, of course mariti.L 'old feminist slogan "either madonnas or whores, only women" should be revived in the private and the public.