Thursday, January 6, 2011

Answering Machines With Alarm Clock

16 gennaio 2011: Giornata Mondiale dei Migranti

On January 16, 2011 will use the World Day of Migrants.

From Egea, publishing company controlled by Bocconi University, who in October published Foreigners in our house. Italian immigrants and between work and legality , we receive the request for collaboration the establishment of a panel discussion in collaboration with associations of Milan who have fought to tackle the issue of foreigners.

Our experience in reality is still embryonic, but we know that in the Russo-Pimentel elementary school there are many experiences and many skills over the years have made this school a school where there is no other as well as the Casa del Sole, where school children had made and hung from trees in the park before the holiday greetings in all languages, written on the fabric and hung with a rope. I hope that a few days ago someone has seen fit to remove them and not tratta di un atto vandalico... per i dettagli di questa infelice vicenda vedere questo link .

Rilanciamo quindi al mondo della scuola la proposta di Egea e se qualche insegnante avesse voglia di essere coinvolto e di contribuire, lo metteremo in contatto con gli organizzatori della tavola rotonda!


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