Thursday, January 27, 2011

Colloidal Silver For Nasal Polyps

Aderiamo allo sciopero!

Venerdì 28 gennaio avrebbe dovuto esserci l'apertura quindicinale dello Spazio Lettura. Invece, per questa volta lo Spazio Lettura resterà chiuso "per sciopero"!

Abbiamo preso questa decisione per dare un segno concreto a sostegno dello sciopero proclamato per quello stesso giorno da alcuni sindacati di base della scuola, in concomitanza con lo sciopero indetto dalla FIOM-CGIL to protest against the proposed agreement / imposed by the Fiat Mirafiori workers to . You could - and probably should - discuss at length those agreements, the manner in which they were introduced, whether they must be rejected in its entirety or whether, at least in some parts, would not result in some changes, although difficult to accept, may be required to cope with the changes taking place in the world economy, but this being a very vast and that as such deserves close attention, much more than they can spend us here, we prefer to let each draw their own conclusions according to his conscience.

Back to us elementare.russo decided to close the area to be read again at the side of the public school which has abundant reasons to protest in itself. In fact, after the damage caused by cuts of 2009 and 2010, rests with the third wave of tagli.O maybe we could call it "the third blow to the public school."
you mean because there is a design preference for private schools to a friend, or because the Italian government is so short-sighted not to realize that savings "easy" today (public school, undeniably, for its size constitutes a major expenditure item) prevent Italy tomorrow to compete with other countries , the fact is that the resources invested to build the future of our children continue to decline.

It 's true that we are facing a global economic crisis (let's forget for a moment those who caused it and who is earning above). It is therefore right to make the effort to give up unnecessary expenses. Exactly. Unnecessary.
E ' perhaps superfluous to have at least one teacher in a school available to replace an absent teacher, instead of littering the students in that class around the school, and do nothing to disturb the lessons of his companions that they host in their classrooms?
And 'perhaps superfluous be able to offer to those in difficulty to work with a teacher to understand better, while those who understood something else instead deepen it with another teacher?
E ' perhaps unnecessary to have two teachers to be able to accompany 20 children, or maybe even 25, in the computer lab or teaching in output?
E ' perhaps superfluous to give children with disabilities to ensure their support at least a few more chances, if not exactly the same that have their own comrades?
No, certainly not!

E' per questo che abbiamo deciso di non aprire lo Spazio Lettura venerdì pomeriggio: speriamo che questo gesto faccia ricordare a tutti che la scuola pubblica italiana continua ad essere in pericolo, in grave pericolo .

Ci dispiace che i bambini venerdì debbano rinunciare a prendere in prestito un nuovo libro. Ma ci dispiace ancora di più che i bambini debbano rinunciare ad una scuola di qualità perché chi ci governa non è capace di farlo (o magari se ne frega di loro perché ha altro a cui pensare...).


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