Monday, January 10, 2011

2003 Gmc Yukon Check Engine Light

Per legge l’amministrazione pubblica non può “cambiare idea” senza un valido motivo

'll come back to them, of Roma children and their families, those children that many of us have known personally, or because parents, grandparents or uncles of their companions, or because their teachers.
Concern for the dreaded eviction (attention to the words: "eviction" and not "eviction" , because the field of Hydro as a way to route Triboniano is a regular field, ie a field that the City of Milan had granted years ago to Roma families so that they could live there), who had accompanied the first days of school last September, si è in parte attenuata. Non solo per il clima di festa dei giorni passati, ma soprattutto per via dell’ordinanza del Tribunale di Milano sulla vicenda “25 case” , una vicenda che riguarda principalmente gli abitanti del campo di via Triboniano ma che, per questioni di principio, riguarda anche gli abitanti del campo di Via Idro.

Su questa fatto si sono scritte e dette tante cose, e molte di queste a sproposito. Cerchiamo di fare un po’ di chiarezza: le 25 case che tanto hanno fatto discutere nelle ultime settimane dell’anno non sono case popolari che vengono sottratte dalla graduatoria . Non sono cioè case tolte a chi aspetta a public housing for years to give to Roma families, making us move ahead of all others in the rankings.
It is in fact apartments uninhabitable, so not usable for normal rankings, which were assigned to some groups (House of Charity, CEAS and Consorzio be a good neighbor) after the approval, August 5, the decision in which the regional council has authorized the Aler to yield 25 dwellings to the City of London (see article of Corriere del 30/09/2010). Association task was to restructure, with money allocated by the Minister Maroni, and then give in temporary accommodation to those Roma families who have chosen to follow the path of integration, that's all!

The order of the Court requires the City and Prefecture meet commitments - this is true contracts signed, as they are the ones that we all signed when he gives or takes a house to rent - and proceed with the assignment to Roma families in rental housing.
The order of the Court is clear: to require the City and Prefecture respect than they had acted and builds on the principles of the law. In fact, as required by law 241/1990, once the administration public has made a choice and a decision taken against individuals can not change your mind, if not as a new public interest requires explaining the change and providing compensation for those affected by the change of direction.
In fact, neither the City nor any other actor in the story has never formally lifted anything, nor does it provide an explanation during the trial in court.

There who claims that this ordinance discriminates against citizens of Milan and Milan. We are not the same opinion, because we believe that every social policy is always a provision for certain specific groups at risk of exclusion (in this case in favor of the Roma population) is the rule that underlies the concept of "substantive equality" provisions of art. 3 Constitution and that ABC is part of a democratic and social state.

We wonder what sense withdraw after reaching a delicate balance! The allocation of 25 houses, as decided initially by the local authority could make everyone happy: the Commissioner, setting the stage for the closure of a field to another duly authorized, the city administration, which needs of the field of Triboniano to achieve Part of the road for the Expo 2015, the city of Milan area, who finally saw the beginning of the end of the field Triboniano, and finally the ALER, which benefited from renovations done with other people's money.

But then, what are we talking about? What is your policy on the house in our town? How come there are over 5,000 empty houses (which are not allocated) and well 18 500 families waiting for shelter?
In this story that has to do kick up a fuss is not the question of the 25 apartments to be rented by the Roma, but that's more than 5,000 are left empty, apart from the fact that administration is allowed to not honor its commitments without giving any reason!

We demand concrete answers on the real emergency in this city: the right of everyone to a house!
We hope that the future of our Mayor Milan is a person that can deal with this issue seriously.
Finally, for those who want to know a little 'closer to the field via Hydro and its inhabitants, we report an interesting work done by some young reporter school house of the Sun ", published the first issue of T that can be claimed from the association Friends of the Park Trotter .


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