Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Brazilian Bikini Wax And Hemorrhoids

undicesima giornata della memoria

Oggi 27 gennaio ricorre l’undicesima giornata memory.
In Italy, and not only remembers the killing of the gates of Auschwitz just happened on January 27, 1945, when Soviet troops of the Red Army arrived in the Polish town of Oswiecim (known by its German name of Aushwits) discovering his infamous concentration camp, freeing the few survivors.
The direct testimony of those years and this day are less likely to become like many other events a series of commemorations for that day only to deceive us live in a country where racism does not exist.

Possiamo sì ricordare oggi la tragedia delle deportazioni nei lager di ebrei, zingari, omosessuali, possiamo farlo leggendo articoli, partecipando ad incontri, guardando film e documentari sulla Shoah (che quasi tutti sanno è lo sterminio del popolo ebraico) o sul Porrajmos   (che forse in meno  sanno è lo sterminio di Rom e Sinti), ma non dobbiamo dimenticarci, nei rimanenti giorni dell’anno, di coltivare nei giovani individui la loro umanità.

Then the parents and the school is responsible for providing the digital natives ethics necessary to be able to distinguish truth from falsehood in the sea of \u200b\u200binformation available today, to be aware of the great possibilities that networking offers.
Internet , infinite interweaving of people, is an instrument for freedom and peace, so that in 2010 was nominated for Nobel Peace !
So are the people that make the network and that is why it is our duty to give digital natives the self-confidence, help them recognize the fundamental values, such as such as that of peaceful coexistence . If we fail in this, we are a people without memory, mental apathy will prevail and the digital natives will use the network only to post on their bulletin, Facebook link smielosi remaining indifferent to the many situations in which you consume continued incidents of racism.

We feel our duty to keep his attention on our "working together" as an association there is an incentive to improve and to try to improve the society we live in .
So we begin to take the lead and not to remain indifferent to what is happening around us: what we think when the vice-mayor said that Milan Africa is too ? it is good that the council behaves discriminatory in respect of the Roma families? We and our children are truly open to other cultures? Our children give or refuse the hand of a classmate or color-mate Rom?

And do not forget, we point at the Reading Area, bought two new books: the great "If This Is a Man" by Primo Levi and the smallest "The hidden child "by Isaac Millman.


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