Monday, March 14, 2011

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from nightmare to reality

di solito si dice è difficile passare dal sogno alla realtà.
Oggi purtroppo siamo costretti a dire passiamo dall'incubo alla realtà.
Ciò che è successo in Giappone purtroppo porteà con i piedi per terra gran parte degli Italiani, che è ciò che ci interessa, i politici lasciamoli al loro destino, non ci interessano più.
L'incubo nucleare che proprio in queste ore potrebbe trasformarsi in realtà, ha già fatto capire ad altri paesi (Svizzera e Germania) che le cose non stanno più come prima.
Ciò che potrebbe succedere in Giappone portano a uno spartiacque tra prima e dopo, che solo i nostri politolucoli non sono in grado di comprendere.
La gravità è talmente elevata che di cosa pensano i nostri politicanti ce ne freghiamo.
L'unica arma che rimane agli Italiani è la propria testa.
Riflettano con calma su cosa sta accadendo e rispondano alle domande che sono riprodotte in questo post , ma poi ci aggiungano anche: cosa sarebbe successo in qualunque zona d'Italia con un terremoto del 9 grado come in Giappone?
E allora forse non è il momento di investire su TUTTO IL PATRIMONIO EDILIZIO italiano?
Quanti milioni di posti di lavoro sicuro, pulito, onesto e non in nero ci sarebbe?

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Della Madonna,dell'Angelo impertinente e del mandarino (Storie e leggende della Penisola)

Quanno ncielo n'angiulillo
chello nun ago which has the FA ',
' O Lord int'a na
very dark cell 'or nzerrà ago.

Po 'if you vote an'ato and says
- Fa ca veni San Pietro! And St. Peter
- Neh, Signa, nuvità?

- Dint "cell is dark brown
n'angiulillo nzerrato:
miettammillo on bread and water
sin nu sin has done! And St. Peter

Acala 'to
head and answers: - Yes, sir!
God says: - But statt'attiento
is man who has to 'vintiquatt'ore!
angiulillo, by dint llà,
felt so ago ... lamiente
- Meh, Signa, says St. Peter,
pè nun's vote does not matter ... ...

- Nonzignore! Accussi want!
Statte Shut up! God says, not everyone is
if they catch you!
'N Paraviso cummann'io! And St. Peter

Avot 'and shoulders. From the very dark cell

the angiulillo chiagne and bangs,
says' Metters and fear!

Ma 'to Madonna, everyone quanno
is durmenno to suonne machines,
annascuso' and goes and tuttequante
spans' and Mandarin.

Ferdinando Russo
Naples, November 25, 1866 - Naples, January 30, 1927
(In the photo on the right panel depicting Our Lady of Purity, unknown, 1400
in the sanctuary at the Cathedral of Sorrento)

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D'un tratto il nulla


bridges have collapsed and distant shores,
dumb, we bid farewell to a memory

gradient between the vapors of the morning.
Naked, floating fragments of

Rosalba Calza, Piano di Sorrento from the collection "In the shadow of the heart"
Editions Lineacultura October 1996

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Creare è resistere,resistere è creare

di Stèphane Hessel
add editore pagine 60 € 5,00

Stèphane Hessel è un ex partigiano francese di 93 anni, è stato fra gli estensori della Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani nel lontano 10 Dicembre del 1948, di origini ebree fù catturato dai tedeschi torturato e condannato a morte, fuggito rocambolescamente alla loro violenza lottò al fianco di De Gaulle. Il signor Hessel dimostra in questo breve saggio di avere , alla sua veneranda età più vitalità di un ragazino e soprattutto di essere enormamente indignato!

L'indifferenza sin is not indignation.
The indignation for a world where the rich are getting richer and the poor get poorer.
The indignation for a world where we take away the sacrosanct welfare, health, medicine, hospitals why they invented the lie that the state is unable to bear the costs and while the interests of private care, public health, are becoming larger in the centers of power.
The indignation in the face of unscrupulous financiers, that no one controls it, or pretend to control, which are smeared with oil prices sky high (for one thing), even when production is not justified.
outrage at the bankers that have caused severe economic crisis and they have never removed the accumulated dividends undeservedly.
indifference while most of the media falls into the hands of a few and our freedom of thought is mutilated.
The list is very long to get angry and it is right to start doing for ourselves and our children.
not remain at the window watching, and if present to rule our future is not Adolf Hitler is because many are left to watch, because many were indignant about the rights trampled and then: indignatevi!

Luigi De Rosa

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Mare nostrum, Meta di Sorrento

Photo of Dr. Ciro Ruggiero

waters in warm water fly to arms,
with words.
thoughts arise on the edge of the waves.
my expectations I put out to dry on the page

branches as on paper

Cristina Tirinzoni "Be it a second time" Neos Edizioni.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

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hello hello Nuclear

purtroppo una tragedia naturale come quella che ha sconvolto il Giappone, ci riporta alla nuda realtà.
Malgrado le esternazioni dei politicanti/lobbist i locali confermino ancora una volta la loro pochezza, la tragedia nipponica evidenzia definitivamente che in Italia il nucleare non si farà mai!
Ma vi immaginate cosa accadrebbe, già senza centrali, in Italia con una scossa di quell'entità?
Figuratevi poi centrali nucleari costrutite con lo "stile" italiano.
Credo che gli Italiani abbiano capito, malgrado le partire di scacchi, gli oncologi venduti, e gli ex ambientalisti nuclearisti.
Si proceda a fare uno studio serio di Strategia Energetica nazionale, in base alle reali esigenze, piuttosto che millantare nuove centrali di quarta generazione.
Prima, seconda, terza, quarta generazione di centrali nucleari!...con queste soluzioni non si andrà beyond the next generation of man ....

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Quello che ho nel cuore di Edinson Cavani

What I have in the heart of
Edinson Roberto Gómez Cavani
Mondadori pages 87 € 16.00

"As simple as a dove, strong as an eagle."
This is the phrase that I quote above is from the Bible that accompanies the life of this Italian-Uruguayan which Salto, a small town on the banks of the River Uruguay, came to seek his fortune, like many South American children, in the rich world, cynical and corrupting the pelota europea.Erano years that St. Paul never caught fire for a player, but he deserves Cavani, a boy with no shackles on my mind, linked to the family, the "fly" like an eagle from one sector to another, dives, fast, powerful, majestic as the predator of the sky, looking for the ball on goal and a moment later find yourself in the balls as a defense to sweep a grim defender.
"What I have in my heart" is the story of a boy, his pains, its joys, its dreams of his relationship with God

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Della donna che ci salverà la vita

1951, Baltimore, United States, the smiling lady in the picture on the right is an African American woman who died thirty years for cervical cancer just what ' years Hopkins Hospital, was named Henrietta Lacks.
Henrietta had a hard life as all the poor of America, passed
in tobacco fields, bent on plants condemned to live, to watch the earth and the sky dream. Before I went out a researcher takes a cell sample
already resigned to watch him die as he was always in a hurry
successo.E cells instead of Henrietta
multiplied like weeds. Today one third of the cell cultures used to
scientific research all over the world comes from the cells of Henrietta:
all doctors know the scientific abbreviation "HeLa".
The extraordinary story of this woman and this miracle is recounted in the book of
American journalist Rebecca Skloot
"Life of Henrietta Lacks immortal recently published
Parigi.In in Italy you can explore this history in La Stampa of Turin edition
March 12, 2011 of journalist Alberto Mattioli.
Luigi De Rosa

PS: Dr. George Gey, the doctor one day Henrietta leaned over the patient and told her what they were capable of doing its cells. Henry smiled and said he was happy that her pain could be useful to altri.Henrietta died poor, pharmaceutical companies have thrived with its cells and also have the nerve to deny assistance to those without insurance Medical: c'est la vie!

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Sul Corriere della Sera il soffritto di Vico Equense

Inferno spicy Vico Equense

If you are a fan, like me, good food bell
I recommend the articles by journalist Laura Gambacorta
on the issue of 12 March 2011 of Corriere della Sera, in the pages of the Corriere del Mezzogiorno
section "The ways of taste", is described
with a dash of humor "duel of fried" yes!,
you read that right, Sunday Ariano Irpino, Slow Food has created
with twelve community
the fourth edition of the "Challenge of fried pork." Nell 'article takes the opportunity to remind us of the execution of this dish cult Neapolitan cuisine, to drive our interest in the culinary secrets of the pans is the chef Joshua Maresca (pictured right) Osteria di Torre Ferano
to Arola, hill village of Vico Equense. Some of you who have
honor of their visit to the Sorrento Vico Equense known for pizza and Provolone del Monaco, but I assure you that you will lose your senses in the offal dishes Maresca where pork melts in the embrace of tomatoes and Aglianico, sputters in lard, challenge with salt, bay leaves, pepper, onions and the rosemary Our taste buds, to condemn us to hell hot pepper Sorrento.

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A Sorrento le case costano più di Firenze!

E 'kiosk in the new issue of the weekly Agora
Director Nancy De Maio

In this issue:
inflation of the brick.
The prohibitive prices of an apartment a Sorrento.

Box Auto: tremano i costruttori, cavillando fra gli
articoli della legge regionale 19 del 2001 si scopre
che i box invenduti potrebbero finire a far parte
del patrimonio del Comune.

Elezioni amministrative a Piano di Sorrento
E se il nuovo Sindaco di Piano fosse donna:
Rossella Russo , apprezzato assessore, sembra
essere in pole position per sostituire Giovanni Ruggiero.

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Dove sono i marittimi della nave "Savina Caylin"?

Era il 9 Febbraio 2011 quando leggevamo sulle testate
dei maggiori quotidiani italiani dell'ennesimo attacco
dei pirati somali ad una nave, in questo caso la petroliera
"Savina Caylin" property of the owners Neapolitan Fratelli D'Amato.
also learn that among the crew was one of our young countryman
Gianmaria Cesari, student
Deck, 25, who like other men of the crew is still
prisoner. From this humble blog, we want to express solidarity
to all these workers, yet it
silence "deafening" We want to reiterate that in Piano di Sorrento Gianmaria
and all his colleagues are present every day in our thoughts and our prayers
Luigi De Rosa

Friday, March 11, 2011

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Letizia dall'Irpinia con "dolcissima" fantasia

cake I would like Letizia Grella
Gribaudo pages 139 € 24.00

I do not know why but the story of Letizia Grella makes me think that the heroine of Chocolat, in the sense that as Vianne Rocher, the protagonist of the novel , arrived in the small French village of Lansquenet and conquered the palates and a little 'snob of our cousins \u200b\u200bBleus with his art teacher cioccolattiera, so Mrs. Grella from Irpinia from I see the United States at a time, a young student, he began to work in an old-fashioned bakery with a passion, tenacity and imagination, qualities which we recognize in many women bells, captured the taste of the American and since then his career as a cake designer experienced great satisfaction.
The text that I recommend today is indeed a handbook full of ideas, advice and tips on how to make cakes that are the envy of a professional pastry chef, all accompanied by pictures that accompany you step by step in the implementation, let me say: a ' work of art.
Luigi De Rosa

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Italia sinonimo di Arte

United by Art
Rosario Bianco and Giovanni Leone
publisher Rogiosi 60 cards € 16.00

We can celebrate our nation in many ways
but I think the most suitable one is linked to Art.
Gli stranieri possono attribuirci mille difetti ma non
potranno mai negare che la fantasia e la genialità
appartiene agli Italiani tutti. Michelangelo,Leonardo Da Vinci,
Botticelli,Modigliani,Renzo Piano potrei continuane per giorni
a citare pittori,scultori,archittetti che hanno reso unico il patrimonio artistico
e culturale di questo paese. Questo originale testo della Rogiosi,
raccoglie sessanta immagini di altrettanti monumenti, sessanta
pensieri di altrettanti scrittori che celebrano l'Unità.Sono sessanta cartoline
da regalare, da conservare, da spedire in tutto il mondo, messaggeri, migranti di un paese innamorato del mondo.
di Luigi De Rosa

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Carne di porco e uomini di guerra, durano poco! Giovanni Verga

a tavola con il porco
di Renato Salvetti
pagine 71 €10,00 Rogiosi Editore

E' proprio vero del porco non si butta via niente,nonostante sia un animale spesso bistrattato in letteratura,insultato,denigrato,così come condannato dalle grandi religioni, mussulmani
ed ebrei su tutti, rimane , per noi occidentali, una delle pietanze più succulente. A quanti di voi viene l'acquolina in bocca al sentire il primo sfrigolio dell'olio che abbraccia la costoletta
di maiale nella padella e rilascia nell'aria quel profumo inconfondibile e quando si ha fretta basta aggiungervi una manciata macaroni (maybe the mythical Gragnano pasta) to jump together and here we used a first and a second by King Renato towel, with this book
decided to enchant us with his recipes, he, a musician known as the author of promotional jingle for Festivalbar compilation and collaborator of Smiles and Songs TV, it looks like the pied piper that instead of music this time playing the pots: fennel and pancetta risotto and behind us to sigh, "this musical score, crumbled bread and sausages,
bedding sausages, pork with almonds that music!
The text contains one hundred classic recipes, divided into tabs for easy reference (the word for " stomachs trained " che accompagna alcune ricette vi garantisce che dopo esservi cibati di tale pietanza, avrete raggiunto l'apice del piacere culinario,avrete commesso una maialata che non vi metterà al riparo dall'ira del nutrizionista e dalla crescita smodata di pancia e maniglie dell'amore).
di Luigi De Rosa

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In defense of the constitution. If not now when?

a bell ' article by Matthew Pascoletti as a pathway to tomorrow's event for savaguardia the constitution!
Action Movement for Justice and Liberty 'A Defense of the Constitution

"Constitution o cara" March 12, 2011 in Turin
many squares in Italy, as well as Rome, is full of people, Nationals.

United to defend the beloved Constitution and its principles, the rules of civil coexistence of all.
From Turin, where parts' movement that brought the 'unity' of Italy: the first Renaissance,

. for the salvation of the rule of law

. for equal justice for all

. for freedom 'information and information

. for public school

. for the Constitution and that 'The appointment of all

in Turin' in Piazza Castello, 14 to 17
Article 21, ANPI, the FIAP, justice and freedom ', the Committee Piedmont "Save the Constitution"

invite citizens to express united, no flags or symbols of the party, in case the Constitution in hand, with the Italian flag, with signs that reproduce the provisions of the Constitution that are in the heart of the Italian

The list of all Italian squares:

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Napoli da impazzire

Napoli da impazzire
di Gianfranco Coppola
pagine 120 € 7,90 L'Airone Editore

1905, Napoli quartiere Vomero, un'immensa distesa di verde, fa caldo
Jimmi, Arold, Ronny ed altri compagni, appena sbarcati,sono marittimi inglesi in licenza, si sono arrampicati fin quassù, sfidando la calura estiva, per comprare frutta e verdura, con loro hanno una cosa strana, un pallone, serve per giocare al football, un gioco loro, si rincorre il pallone, si calcia,si fa molta "ammuina"... Gli scugnizzi, quando gli inglesi su un prato disegnano un rettangolo , con dei pali delimitano delle porte e cominciano a tirare calci, si accalcano, guardano incuriositi: "Ma vir' 'a chist'! Quando uno dei marinai, si avvicina e gli chiede: "want to play with us?" I ragazzi lo guardano, si guardano , rispondono :"Ch'è itt? che vuò?L'inglese, prende la palla: "play"..."pazziare"...with us?
Comincia così la storia del primo Naples Football Club, una storia che ha conosciuto alti e bassi ma che da subito ha fatto "Crazy" the Neapolitans. The ball, football, as the siren Partenope, like all good things this city could only come from the sea and this passion could only dress of blue, the color of the liquid with infinite caresses the waves, slaps her with the waves, but in the end is always there like a jealous lover, the sea is not wet parquet Naples hugs always and forever.
This text is a little manual for Napoli fans in football history, with statistics, photos and stories about football players, seasons, and anecdotes.
Luigi De Rosa

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Sant'Agnello, racconti e dintorni

Today we mark up the Rome edition of 10 in Naples marzo 2011 ,
l'intervista della giornalista Giuliana Gargiulo (nella foto in basso a sinistra) allo scrittore santanellese Franco Gargiulo (nella foto in alto) che spesso abbiamo il piacere di ospitare
con le sue opere nella nostra libreria.
Grazie a Franco Gargiulo abbiamo imparato da ragazzini a conoscere posti e luoghi delle nostre contrade che , a torto, ignoravamo.Mi viene in mente Villa Nicolini e la storia dell'omonimo scultore che è narrata nel testo "Il mistero della casa affacciata sul mare" Longobardi Editore,"Salvatore S entimento" la commovente storia di un prete che fu di ispirazione alla scrittura di una delle canzoni più belle Neapolitan popular culture, yet "Siste Viator," "The Streets of Sant'Agnello, Piano di Sorrento Sorrento during the Great," and many others I could mention that since 1991 we have had the pleasure of reading and encourage our
customers who wished to purchase an important document or a memorandum of Sant'Agnello and Sorrento.
Luigi De Rosa

Never mind the goals, maybe sometimes
not even import the results:
the important thing is to have this "light" in it,
that accompanies us and makes more bearable
our path of men.

di Michele Prisco

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Addio a Lorenzo

Quando ero ragazzino, nel periodo estivo, davo una mano a mia nonna,
nella storica edicola che gestiva a Piano di Sorrento. Dopo il rito dello
sfascio degli imballi dei quotidiani e l'esposizione delle testate,finita
la ressa dei clienti, mi godevo gli articoli di tre giornalisti:Enzo Biagi,Indro Montanelli
e Lorenzo Piras corrispondente de Il Roma di Napoli.
Oggi desidero salutare il decano dei giornalisti
della Penisola Sorrentina con quasta foto una delle tante che accompagnavano
il fine d'anno nella sua tipografia La Moderna: "Siamo tutti ancora una volta
insieme per a greeting, a last embrace Lorenzo.
this blog in memory of Lorenzo Piras observe a day of silence.

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Comunicato congiunto sull'intervento al campo rom di via Idro

Last Thursday the children who live in the Roma camp in via Hydro did not come to school as usual. There were not. Why? Flu epidemic? A sudden strike of bus service or other?

The reason for the absence was caused by the unexpected intervention of the police who, early in the morning, along with firefighters, bulldozers, trucks and several ambulances , have traveled by way of Hydro .

In recent days, there will probably happen di leggere sulle pagine di alcuni giornali e/o su qualche sito internet che il campo rom di Via Idro era stato sgomberato.

N on è esattamente quel che è successo. Ma cosa e' successo veramente?
Vi invitiamo a leggere il seguente comunicato, sottoscritto da associazioni e forze politiche di zona 2 con cui elementare.russo da alcuni mesi ha fatto rete per non lasciar sole queste famiglie .

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A tavola non si invecchia

A table is not aging
Pucci Romano - Gabriella Fabbrocini and Lorella Cuccarini
joints Page 254 € 14.90

Skin 's most important organ of our body is the shell that keeps us and protects us, our image is aesthetic, that we present to the world.
to care is a basic need for our health and we are not referring to mere dull and narcissistic needs. Like many nutritionists in recent years have taught us, the first for our health care realize it at the table know the organoleptic characteristics of what we introduce in our mouths is the foundation for building a healthy body and a long life with a few ailments. Lorella
Cuccarini we learned about from television screens, his smile, the courtesy with which the guests, the tenacity which reflected the commitment that puts in his work there have always been appreciated and it is with the same conviction that approached the writing of this text with your friends and Gabriella Pucci Romano Fabbrocini, dermatology, where a simple exhibition makes us partakers of tricks, tips, particularly recipes in particular, than many other recipes have the signs on the antioxidant capacity of the ingredients that make up the skin and benefits.
Luigi De Rosa

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Una magnifica avventura, l'Unità d'Italia

The Unification of Italy
Atlas Necklace of Knowledge 127 pages
Giunti Junior
book sales instead of € 6.90 € 9.50

Who knows how many children they will be banging his head on the books because of the 150th anniversary of this blessed unity of Italy that some dislike, forgetting that if their ignorant fabbrichette sell all over the world thanks to this country from the Dolomites yourself wholly to Lampedusa. Who knows how many students want a book for those with eye-catching illustrations, with clear, simple, concise, explaining, tell, explain events, battles and characters without boring, as was the case with the old manual tasteless and colorless, where, alas, we have studied . Well this text of the joints respond to these needs.
Luigi De Rosa

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Tav in Region

in Region appeal "right-left magna magna" to exorcise the failure of the operation Tav Lyon-Turin. The two sides fiercely
so different (in words) are hand in hand in the new town pappatoia "Salerno-Reggio Calabria" in Piedmont: the line High Capacity (goods) from Turin to Lyon.
The Regional Council voted yesterday was yet another agenda of lobbyists Tav is in the guide is attached .
leave a bit 'confused some sudden (or not), defections to the left ... but maybe not too

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“Chiamati a sé i dodici apostoli, diede loro il potere di scacciare gli spiriti immondi (Matteo 10,1)

Matt Baglio
Sperling & Kupfer 305 pages € 19.00

The bands cover of this book reads "The book that inspired the movie-The-Rite with Anthony Hopkins, with all due respect to the great British actor, perhaps as a marketing operation will work, but I am against reductive I believe that this text clearly and fluently in the exposition, intelligent and cultured nonstante the author is faced with a controversial topic. Exorcism, for many of us, is a medieval ritual, outdated, this book shows us that in reality , not at all, even the secular society still needs it. The story of a priest of the American province Gery father Thomas who during his career in the church is called by his Bishop to Rome to attend a course on exorcism. So with much skepticism and faith, Father Thomas and us readers, in the chapters of the book, we deal with this mystery, we learn to understand the secrets devious "opponent" the devil. It 'an interesting route that starts from the experience of Christ (the first Exorcist) and ends with the study of the neuropsychiatric syndrome of Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome, dissociation, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, to name just a few of the mental illnesses that were once thought to demonic possession. In the book not attend somersaults accompanied by vomiting green which made famous actress Linda Blair (pictured), but seven satanic, evil, the Dark Lord is going forth profusely, because even if you are atheist you just look around, connect to the intenet to understand that "an opponent " there is between us and is at work, his great strength? Convince yourself that does not exist!
Luigi De Rosa

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On the front page of the daily show (9.3) an explosive title: SAVE ROOM CAST Pecoraro Scanio. Who is this? It 'was one of the leaders of the Italian Greens for many years. Now the Greens have been absorbed by the party Vendola, but once had a party with some presence in parliament. And he, the Neapolitan lawyer, it was an important leader. The newspaper said that the House refused to grant the use of wiretaps of former environment minister.
They voted for the Italy of Values, UDC, Lega, Pd, while Finian abstained. So the former minister has received aid from the PDL. In the statements of Italia dei Valori reads: "From the interception is clear that the former minister's been receiving favors in exchange for luxury travel and accommodation ....". Little thing before something else in many cases, but for one of Verdi's purity without shadows have always been performance, it is rather too much. Should ... ..
In 1987, the Greens decided to stand for election to the House and Senate with the intention of bringing in those places very questionable morality, a breath of pristine purity. They voted, in fact, the rotation in mid-term as a tangible example of the desire to avoid attachments to power through the parliamentary seats. But in the mid term, if I remember correctly, only one, he resigned.
This completes the time "religion" of the political left who firmly believed in the inherent purity of those who were dedicated to the working class or the environment. Or rather, almost done: here and there is investment, or messianic expectation, leading to some "charismatic" invariably male.

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Pimpirulin piangeva, voleva mezza mela.La mamma non l'aveva...

Pappe magic
Carmela Cipriani
Sperling & Kupfer Page 265 € 16.00

Small grain where are you?
Below ground, do not you know?
And down there you do nothing?
I sleep in my crib ... In a country

yellow and orange
there was once a lemon piagnolone
All he could do was cry and lament
"Lelo Lelo poor man I am!"
... and so the mother cut the steak with lemon,
the child grabbed the piece of meat and accompanied him with a satisfied smile
... "more ... more ..."

These and many other traditional nursery rhymes, tales, fables
e. .. spells are the "delicious"
introduction to each dish (jelly) collected in this original recipe
for young mothers struggling with power your baby.
One way to make old and new nutrition
a moment of joy and love between parent and child.
Luigi De Rosa