Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hacking A Poptropica File

Il mio naso è a spasso per la Prospettiva Nevskij

La storia del Naso novella raccontata da Andrea Camilleri
Scuola Holden pagine 95 € 12,90
tratto dall'omonima novella di Nikolàj Gogol'

Lo so bene, alcuni di voi strabuzzeranno gli occhi o storceranno il naso? L'ennesimo libro di Camilleri, ma quanto scrive quest'uomo? Non chiedetelo a me , ho appeno finito la lettura di "Troppo trafficu ppi components "of Mondadori, translated into Sicilian Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare (or was Michael Agnolo Crollalanza?), I was about to begin" The Great Circus Taddei "of the upholstery when I found myself in the nose? this. .. nose, I read the words of a fiato.Camilleri became deeply involved in review of a great Russian writer Gogol ', brilliant author that literature has lost, alas, too soon at age 43. The story is that of a more Russian Kovalev, who one day wakes up and discovers he no longer had the nose, and the strangest thing, he discovers that shameless!, goes around dressed as a St. Petersburg State Councillor! What the hell could ever happen?
A surreal satire and fun, a fierce critic of the shortcomings and flaws ... bourgeois small children.
Luigi De Rosa


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