di Stèphane Hessel
add editore pagine 60 € 5,00
di Stèphane Hessel
add editore pagine 60 € 5,00
L'indifferenza sin is not indignation.
The indignation for a world where the rich are getting richer and the poor get poorer. The indignation for a world where we take away the sacrosanct welfare, health, medicine, hospitals why they invented the lie that the state is unable to bear the costs and while the interests of private care, public health, are becoming larger in the centers of power.
The indignation in the face of unscrupulous financiers, that no one controls it, or pretend to control, which are smeared with oil prices sky high (for one thing), even when production is not justified.
outrage at the bankers that have caused severe economic crisis and they have never removed the accumulated dividends undeservedly. indifference while most of the media falls into the hands of a few and our freedom of thought is mutilated.
The list is very long to get angry and it is right to start doing for ourselves and our children. not remain at the window watching, and if present to rule our future is not Adolf Hitler is because many are left to watch, because many were indignant about the rights trampled and then: indignatevi!
Luigi De Rosa
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