Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jelly Bracelets Appropriate Color Meaning

Pimpirulin piangeva, voleva mezza mela.La mamma non l'aveva...

Pappe magic
Carmela Cipriani
Sperling & Kupfer Page 265 € 16.00

Small grain where are you?
Below ground, do not you know?
And down there you do nothing?
I sleep in my crib ... In a country

yellow and orange
there was once a lemon piagnolone
All he could do was cry and lament
"Lelo Lelo poor man I am!"
... and so the mother cut the steak with lemon,
the child grabbed the piece of meat and accompanied him with a satisfied smile
... "more ... more ..."

These and many other traditional nursery rhymes, tales, fables
e. .. spells are the "delicious"
introduction to each dish (jelly) collected in this original recipe
for young mothers struggling with power your baby.
One way to make old and new nutrition
a moment of joy and love between parent and child.
Luigi De Rosa


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