Monday, February 28, 2011

Cheek Wall Definition


all the dreams of glory of the people have fallen so League ;
the cartoon drawings by Stefano on The Fact Daily yesterday, shows early too well the failure of the Northern League politicians, not the right ideas and expectations of those who voted and followed them so far, but the failure of leaders and politicians of that party, you are flat (and often kneeling) to the dictates of Berlusconi, What has become evident to all.

Friday, February 25, 2011

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What future for the quarry Montanaro?

Tonight, Friday, 'Feb. 25, at 21 to Montanaro, salon Ca' Mescarlin, the Provincial Chamber of Turin LIPU of organizing a public meeting on the theme: Mucking


The intent 'to raise awareness not only about the birds in the quarry but especially for the choice of the site as a disposal of inert excavation of the tunnel employment of the Frejus tunnel, then the FIG.
The site will be 'destroyed by the natural point of view and determine the aggregate disposed
serious problems relating to asbestos.

release by the Defence Committee of the Environmental Montanaro.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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. For males.

are growing pensions to widows and newspapers are entitled to the position of carers.
The way things are. The old men in their seventies Italian ultra will lead them in infinite love for his caregiver to the fifties and usually coming from former Soviet Union countries.
Alle care signore sempre più spesso non pare vero potersi accasare con tutti i crismi della legalità e aspettare con pazienza la dipartita dell’anzianissimo marito, per recuperare la pensione di riversibilità al sessanta per cento come prevede la legge italiana.
Ovviamente ci sono ultra settantenni che la presunta felicità sono in grado di offrirla ancora in vita a giovani e belle donne per favori erotici in cambio di case, auto e gioielli. Ma quelli così danarosi scarseggiano.
Su La Repubblica (24.2) l’anziano attore e regista CARLO VERDONE ha dichiarato che queste donne se meritano, perché “ti riportano alla vita” con il loro amore a prima vista. Poco importa se amore non è: i maschi sono "Carried" the illusion at an early age, having the possibility of proof with escorts or prostitutes (depending on portfolio) of the illusion of being the object of desire.
Verdone accused the children of elderly parents with an absence inconceivable often left to themselves and let themselves go to a description of deep emotion: "I saw old men back to life depressed. Men who came out even more you are accompanied to coffee, a newspaper shop. Honored to be the arm of a woman of thirty, forty years. ". It does not occur at all in your mind that ungrateful children (thank goodness that does not name only daughters) will have their old men delivered to the care of carers because our welfare is quite Miserin with the elderly (and not only) and the houses, family and work commitments make it very difficult to take care work.
And then a question: the elderly to get "back to life" that they do? Certainly not find young men of thirty, forty years on there and willing to treat them lovingly married for the survivor's pension. And if an elderly is a young man available if needed, hell broke loose! The grandmothers are actually or potentially the former parent, that human beings are female, as such, always dedicated to the free gift of spousal and maternal age in chastely also means strong in depression.

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sostienici e diventa socio di "elementare.russo"

For those who were there and for whom there was a brief photo report of the very successful initiative last week!

[Phase 1] 17 hours we apply the para drafty windows in the classrooms
thanks to moms, dads and grandparents to volunteer!

[Phase 2] 17 hours while some apply para
drafty windows in the classrooms, other volunteers decorate the lobby,
and prepare tables for the buffet

[phase 3] 19 hours waiting for dinner, some children draw
our table and the inevitable flag candles,
while others play checkers and bakugan

[Stage 4] tri-ethnic collective dinner 19 hours:
participants have contributed generously
bringing snacks, and ethnic-inspired dishes flag!
by excellent all, a wonderful evening

If you share our initiatives,
support us become a member of elementare.russo!

You iscriverti all'associazione tutti i giovedì durante l'apertura di Usa & Riusa (dalle 16:30 alle 18) o durante le prossime apertura dello Spazio Lettura :  nei seguenti venerdì 25/02/2011 -  18/03/2011 -  01/04/2011 -  15/04/2011 -  29/04/2011 -  13/05/2011 -  27/05/2011 (dalle 16:30 alle 18).
Iscriversi è semplice, basta compilare un semplice modulo e leave a small fee (1 €).
Thanks to all the people who already support us and to all those who will support us!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dora The Explorer Backpack Favor Bag

Stop the use of the land - Eight organizations are launching the National Week of Direct Democracy

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nuclear, no thanks!

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primo incontro nazionale delle Associazioni “DISLESSIA”

advertise the program of the National Meeting of Associations "dyslexia".

The two-day comparison of the various associations, and others, are free admission and free and open to teachers.
the morning of February 27 there will be prof. Founder of the Italian star of Dyslexia
who has written several books including the book "Dyslexia" - Mulino publishing house - a text interesting for everyone, teachers and parents who want to learn more about this problem.

And for those who can not go to the meeting published an interview with Prof. Stella.

Monday, February 21, 2011

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The second edition of the festival "VIA PADUA'S BEST OF MILAN" is in preparation.

There are many associations and citizens of the area 2 that are working together to make the festival even more felt by residents and beyond.

participate again this year. We believe that our cooperation, together with that of all others, can help achieve the objectives that underlie the p RAFT 'party open to the city district "
  • offer positive image della via presso la popolazione italiana e straniera;
  • favorire l’incontro e la collaborazione delle realtà che in vario mondo lavorano per il benessere dei cittadini della zona;
  • fornire stimoli , perché l’amministrazione comunale e zonale assuma un ruolo di regia di progettazione condivisa e positiva per la valorizzazione del territorio;
  • coinvolgere e sensibilizzare gli abitanti degli altri quartieri , perchè (ri)scoprano questa parte di città così ricca di risorse ambientali, culturali ed educative a disposizione di tutti.
Ma tornando a noi, quest'anno stiamo lavorando per la realizzazione di una mostra fotografica di materiale relativo a memorie della vita scolastica di alunni del passato e del presente della scuola elementare “Russo-Pimentel” or relating to the school life of their countries of origin of pupils (report cards, photographs, notebooks, diaries ...).
In fact, many school pupils are Italians, whose parents, or even themselves, came from Brianza, Campania, Puglia, Sardinia, Veneto, ... others came from more distant countries.
We think that all these memories, recent and remote, far and near, gathered together can make a significant contribution to establish the new identity of the school and can frire students to take this opportunity to know the history of their school and past pupils who have attended, maybe those of your family!
Not only that, they can also know the school experiences of those pupils who are from other countries, the Philippines, Egypt, China, Bangladesh, Morocco, Romania, Russia, and this can ... c ONTRIBUTING how best to integrate multi-ethnic.

The exhibition " THERE 'S FUTURE WITHOUT MEMORY " for a supportive and welcoming school, to found a community that diversity is a source of wealth and honor and hope for the future, rather than a source of fear.
Reconstructing the past of all to remember, to narrate, to get to know each other can help to discover that human identity is the greatest asset for the students (and others).

The exhibition is part of the group's work "Memory and Identity" and comes from the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Library of Crescenzago to become a place of remembrance of all the citizens of Via Padova. We do not know if and when this will be done but our show will be a piece of the larger mosaic of memories and identities of the Via Padova.

Our trip down memory begins with the collection of documentation such as photos and documents (report cards, notebooks, diaries ...) but any other idea or suggestion is welcome .
Portatecelo in the days of Monday March 7 - March 21 to April 4 at the lobby of the elementary school, from 16.30 to 17.30, who will deliver the material will be issued a receipt, and within a couple of weeks the original will be returned, after being "moved". Those who wish to send the scanned material already in a good resolution, may do so by sending material to the mail box of the association attiva.mente @ .

P er informazioni, o per consegnare materiale in altri momenti potete rivolgervi a Susanna Calti (responsabile del progetto associazione) al n. 3335929516.

Chi invece volesse partecipare all'organizzazione della festa “VIA PADOVA È MEGLIO DI MILANO” , può farlo mettendosi in contatto con il gruppo organizzativo .

Baseball Centerpiece Ideas

if not now when?

That Italy has not yet condemned the violence in Libya is scandalous.
the eyes of the world (and I hope the Italians) we are united to a dictator, very well seen and bankrolled by the West for all the truth, but now must be stopped. Berlusconi
well regarded by him and his associates as they do to accept this latest massacre of common sense and democracy?
possible that no one feels uncomfortable in having received with full honors and the whores and now Gaddafi absolute silence and complicity?
leadership silence, collusion and incapable!
Again though the opposition does not make that position clear and firm, especially against the silence of Berlusconi.
Once again the Italians or do it alone, or turn away from politics ... then we wonder (rhetorically, I think) by the parties: why do not the voters (in all its forms) are now 45%. Why
should not they? Who cares
politically to represent their concerns on topics and issues most major newspapers.
So the only forms that have worked and are working, are those of individual initiative. In the Susa Valley
we have understood for years and we are implementing, in these situations dramatic citizens' initiative of ordinary people is that kicked off all the "revolutions" in place. A
when even in Italy the initiative of individuals to solve the problem of all?
We could use a slogan of recent success "if not now when?".

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the Tav in Europe and

here is the link to the video of the debate

Tuesday, February 22, 2011, at 18:00 to 20:00
Council Chamber of the City of Avignon - Piazza Conte Rosso, 7

Turin - Lyon: what future for a great work which the opposition has lasted 22 years?

President the Committee on Budgetary Control of the European Parliament Luigi de Magistris meets the population, the No TAV Movement and the Directors of the Susa Valley.

E 'initiative in collaboration between the Movement and the City of No TAV Avigliana

The new railway line between Lyon and Turin is a great work from his design - back in 1989 - was deemed unnecessary and devastating for all those who have had the patience to examine it closely and freedom and courage to fight it.

The meeting, through the questions and suggestions from the public, with the crucial assistance of the European point of view of Luigi de Magistris, will help build a answer to the question "What future for a great work whose opposition has lasted 22 years? "
- the Mayor of Avignon Carla Mattioli
-         il Vice Presidente della Comunità Montana Valle Susa e Val Sangone Rino Marceca
-         i cittadini presenti

Sono invitati:
-         the Citizens
- elected to the Municipal Councils and Community Montana
- public administrators

The meeting will be live streaming tv:
The Commission which Luigi de Magistris is President, is responsible for:
1. control of the budget of the European Union and the European Development Fund and the discharge decisions to be taken by Parliament, including the procedure internal discharge and all other measures accompanying or implementing such decisions,
2. closing, and auditing of accounts and balance sheets of the European Union, its institutions and any bodies financed by it, including the establishment of appropriations to be reported and balances,
3. the controllo delle attività finanziarie della Banca europea per gli investimenti,
4.  la valutazione del rapporto costo-efficacia delle varie forme di finanziamento comunitario in sede di attuazione delle politiche dell'Unione europea,
5.  l'esame delle frodi e delle irregolarità commesse in sede di esecuzione del bilancio dell'Unione europea, le misure volte a prevenire e perseguire tali casi e in generale la tutela degli interessi finanziari dell'Unione europea,
6.  le relazioni con la Corte dei conti, la nomina dei suoi membri e l'esame delle sue relazioni,
7. The Financial Regulation as regards the implementation, management and budget control.

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Plano Sitaf

PRESS Civic List valsusa

learn that Mr.. Sandro PLANO, compared to pressures on its alleged incompatibility with the policies of SITAF on the forthcoming opening of the tunnel construction site on the geognostic Maddalena (preparatory work Completion of the Turin-Lyon high-capacity), has resigned from the post of chief operating the motorway A32 Torino-Bardonecchia.
It 'all too evident that these pressures are instead of a political nature and directly related to the fact that he was democratically elected as president of the Comunità Montana Valle Susa and Val Sangone and that such a leading role with a majority supporting Strongly opposing views to the implementation of the Turin-Lyon in Valle di Susa.
We are facing an unacceptable act of gravity that comes a few days of the conviction at first instance of the vertices SITAF ed LTF e nel momento in cui si devono chiudere decennali controversie tra SITAF e le amministrazioni della Valle di Susa risalenti ai tempi della costruzione della A32.
La storia politica e lavorativa del'ing. PLANO dimostra come i suoi vari incarichi istituzionali non abbiano mai pregiudicato il suo lavoro di dirigente SITAF, avendo mantenuto sempre ben distinti i ruoli professionale e politico, caratteristica più unica che rara in un panorama di continua commistione tra interessi privati e politica che sta distruggendo l'economia e la credibilità stessa dell'intera classe dirigente italiana.
E tutto questo è ancora più grave dal momento che SITAF è una companies with public majority (ANAS, City of Turin and the Province holding more than 50% of the shares) and manages an infrastructure built entirely with public money (the public).
The response of the Susa Valley can not claim that the correctness and legality of the conduct business, political and institutional Eng. PLANO and all other SITAF workers, residents and administrators of the Valley.
What institutional representatives of the territory crossed the highway A32, we must go beyond the mere allegation of this latest episode of abuse and then put the following instances of political and institutional :
· SITAF respected by both Article 21 of the Constitution provides for freedom of thought, whatever their work: the personal opinions political and institutional commitments and a fortiori of elected individuals are protected by the Constitution and any company valuations can be based solely on actual job performance of individuals.
· SITAF projects are made public under the High Speed \u200b\u200bRail Project. This transparency is due to the area because it can assess the real consistency (or inconsistency) of projects of inter-modality of the Centre's much-ballyhooed by the President and the Government.
· be clarified any intentions to use as a cane rod constructed according to the operational safety of the Frejus motorway tunnel.
· Siano verificati dai soci pubblici  gli amministratori e le connessioni tra SITAF e società controllate, verificando davvero se in questo caso non ci siano incompatibilità.
·         La Valle di Susa ha il diritto di vedere protetta la propria immagine. Tenuto conto che la SITAF è la maggiore azienda di Valle e anche quella con più visibilità esterna, si chiedono le dimissioni di tutti i vertici condannati per delitti contro la pubblica amministrazione e la nomina di un consiglio di amministrazione composto da persone non coinvolte in procedimenti judicial and including the presence of representatives of the Susa Valley area.
· be immediately reinstated in his job role SITAF that all employees over the years may have been the subject of abuse and blackmail business.

Once the Susa Valley claims the right to manage the relationship with the infrastructure that supports and the consequent duty to control and address the interests of populations affected by those facilities.
For the coordination of civic lists Valsusa
Coordinator (Luigi CASEL)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Can Women With Lupus Donate Eggs?

a parish priest who has a weakness for worldly things

When people ask me where I am, or alternatively respond to Ravenna Cervia. If I say Ravenna almost always follows a silence of indifference, but if I say it is easy to follow Cervia smile and often a declaration of having been there for a holiday, and if not in Cervia, Cesenatico, Rimini or etc. ..
This nation that March 17 will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unit is made up of citizens who have little knowledge and awareness of the artistic history of their territory. Enough to have tortured and destroyed in large and long as it did not happen in other nations of this ancient land in Europe.
I happened to read a magazine that is distributed free, the "Corriere del Garda", 17 Febr. that page. 4:05 headline: "A restaurant in the parish of Sant'Emiliano. An article and a letter. The open letter is a parishioner Padenghe (prov.di Brescia), the country where you will find this jewel of the Romanesque period. The parishioners did not sign because he believes the priest is too short-tempered and even fear, "his decomposed reaction" because it is absolutely taken by the passion of the project is to build a restaurant next to the church. This monument of history Italy is in an area overlooking the Sirmione and lake, and still surrounded by natural greenery. Anonymous writes the faithful: "The will of the pastor, it's not clear if with the consent of the Curia of Verona, is to rent the building of the farmhouse near the church, for a catering. (....) How can a spiritual place as the church of St. Emiliano be discouraged by the noise of an inappropriate in that context? We all knew that Don Bruno had a weakness for worldly things, but never to the point of selling out Christian values \u200b\u200bin which people of faith are reflected. ". Follows the story of how the pastor at the time refused the request of the monks who wanted to use Bose existing structure on the small side as a study center. Probably would have guaranteed the rent much less of an industrialist in restaurants!
The article also says that the current center-left came (a civil list) with the Mayor Patrizia Avanzini seems to beat around the bush, hoping for "a common sense interpretation." As often in these parts of the Lombardo Veneto, submission to the Church is a must. Meanwhile, who goes to church can be seen out advanced amplification pre'esistente next environment.

Enounce Myspeed Forum

dear Nicole Minetti

Unfortunately I have no idea who created this email (which I recommend that it be received with and to
As a woman I am sorry that has been made toward a woman (I think there are many men, from "Trout", to quote the most recent known case of family members, who take the same at our own expense, thanks to "knowledge" of another nature, but no less disgusting ...). In any case, the result here because I think that well describes the condition of all those who, from "normal women", you see every day and have to live arrabattandosi deny rights to the least worst.

Cara Nicole Minetti,

12 000 euro per month paid by the citizens, this is the collective cost of your private provision in favor of Prime Minister Berlusconi.

painstaking task, we read from your own words, you are full-time by subtracting this time to public duties for which you paid. Not to mention the cost of staff employees to deal with your incompetence. Why do not you come a resurgence of consciousness and do not you resign? Why not try decency and shame as we are trying noi nei confronti del mondo?

Una donna della tua età, con laurea breve in igiene dentale, nella società attuale, così come è stata costruita e incoraggiata dal “Governo del Fare” ha un contratto a tempo determinato al massimo di 800 euro al mese, apre la porta del dentista, toglie il tartaro dai denti, regge l’aspiratore, e prende appuntamenti dei clienti. Del dentista si intende. Se poi è incinta, viene licenziata, e si occuperà a tempo pieno dei suoi figli rinunciando al lavoro, poiché, nella società attuale, non ci sono asili, né aiuti alla maternità. Anche se la politica del “fare”, quella che ti ha messo lì dove ti trovi, fonda potere e guadagno straparlando maternity and family. And so a

Minetti any one could not do lack a little 'Botox, extention, or buy bags peasant, because in today's society, a husband's salary alone is barely enough. And if the two want to divorce, the husband will become poor. And then maybe you will agree that hating and remain unhappy with, treason, as suggested by the chairman of the board and slap their children in front of the TV, watching a lot of future Nicole Minetti. Or a real Minetti, decides not to have a family and not having children. Or emigrate. A woman like Nicole Minetti, today, it could happen that his employer laid hands on him, entitled as overt hypocrisy hours of programming from RAI and Mediaset in which follow each other asses, idiocies and women available.

A business of cultural decay expressed the current political class to which you belong (thanks to the left), who speaks, thinks, have sex, buy, enjoy and be exhausted in a single obscene television program organized to sell merchandise. A settlement of collective thinking in which alternate personalities as the Prince Poo, advertising people he runs behind a roll of toilet paper, balls of dust that must be cleaned by women, and tronista suitors, crying and screaming, declined in women - ine , the promise of meat surgically modified source of revenue for the network, and useful for creating obedient minds of voters, happy to see one that touches while they applaud. And everything, always in favor of the Berlusconi family's wealth. Including Ms. Lario, who is billionaire thanks to the "junk without shame" with which the nation is flooded for years, and not just his bed.

can happen even to a woman like you, if you subtract the advances of the employer, is dismissed. And it may happen that after a long, painful mess, a woman steals available and recommended the place. Because women's work is increasingly the case by granting the body, as suggested and confirmed by the current political class, which creates all the conditions and express yourself. One thing that obviously concerns the work of men, who are also discriminated against by 'invincible exchange: men in positions of power and sex in exchange for work. Some men are happy that bluntly states the principle as if they went to their great disadvantage. And if a

Minetti, found that his condition is disgusting, when he comes home and turns on the TV as an alternative to asses, you'll see that the Minister Brunetta says she is in that condition because he is a slacker; Minister Sacconi remember that you have to study hard, and it is in that condition, the Minister Gelmini that the school massacre, last island of insufficient protection against the massacre of television, insulting the teachers, raise aid for the disabled, saying that values \u200b\u200bmatter. In the name of Christianity, we mean, or negotiated with the Church, to whom they turn more public money for private schools. Someone like Nicole Minetti, will then hear the Minister Carfagna, which administers the res public and deals with the issue of women being moved from a casting of a Lele Mora in office and says that Berlusconi is a great seducer. And then the minister in garter and underpants Brambilla spending more public money, as well as those working for her and his apparatus, "to remake the image of Italy" after Mr Berlusconi has massacred. A

like Nicole Minetti, if the believer will then hear a chorus of ramblings on Christianity disfigured and bent to the personal benefit of a political class greedy, insulting, cursing and grabbing in the name of Christ.

It undergoes a woman like Nicole Nicole Minetti Minetti if it is not.

Email Looks Like Spam

someone will be happy!? (2)

so as not to lose the thread ........ Click

if you opened the page fb try this address

and if it still does not work .. read here

THE SITAF has declared war on the Susa Valley?

published by Claudio Day on Friday, February 18, 2011 at 1:34
A Sandro Plano we owe much gratitude. In

degraded political landscape NATIONAL its coherence and its severity likely to be - in spite of himself - explosive. From what little I know in fact that I think everyone would like, except around a behavior (which I suppose he regarded as entirely normal) you build a case. But I fear that our movement has an ethical obligation and moral duty to highlight the deep anomaly that once again features the Valle di Susa and degenerate political games that try to find work there over here (and it seems only here ) that agreement bypartisan longed unnecessarily from Sondrio to Caltanissetta. The agreement of iron (and cement) that holds together the champions of Italy for the first pimp with the grooms of the left post-communist can be read as a common desire to ensure reviving our moribund economy only by journalists who act as press officer of the notables from the desks of those who should be the watchdogs of wonders ": the newspapers owned by Fiat, Eni and other general contractors or construction managers and Road beneficiaries of the "scam of the century." E 'rather clear to anyone who is not entirely in bad faith (or culpably uninformed) that aggressive treatment toward the realization of a stillborn grandeopera is a direct result of the cost of a policy that now occupies every space (the smallest) from which you can obtain an advantageous position at the public expense. What many of us have heard it described so well last night Avigliana by Marco Bersani, ie the misappropriation of any common good , until water is all the more so the case - with the excuse of privatization - with other Group assets in the robbery there was not realized because, well explained by Bersani, their management had already degenerated in origine: sto parlando  delle autostrade. Belle o brutte, intasate o semivuote l’intera rete autostradale del nostro paese è stato realizzata con soldi pubblici, e le società che hanno concorso alla loro realizzazione erano ieri (come oggi quelle delle acque potabili) a capitale quasi interamente pubblico. Ma sono state letteralmente regalate alla meglio imprenditoria del bel paese (Benetton & Gavio) attraverso valutazioni compiacenti del valore azionario! Ma in questo panorama la Sitaf rappresenta – se possibile – una perversa eccezione: perché la maggioranza relativa delle azioni è rimasta in mano pubblica anche dopo la privatizzazione di quasi tutte le altre società concessionarie because the heavy debt contract for the construction of the motorway would have forced the administrators to take the books in court despite the goose that laid golden eggs represented by the Frejus tunnel. (Which is a single-tube tunnel in which there is a charge worthy of medieval taxes, but a united Europe and which has no justification other than to squeeze the public that if they are to serve for their business or for pleasure, even desired by the closure of alternative routes!). But nevertheless, the company has for years been administered by the private shareholders expression pair headed to the families of two dear departed Gavio & Mattioda, in the persons of Cerutti and Luciani. Two days ago a few people who have been convicted of rigging bids for a Court of the Republic of the notorious events of the Olympic contracts (the ones that have made the most indebted citizens of Turin, Italy) and the non-construction of TAV Venaus ! Well these two defendants were to erect courts of their leader against whom they could not in any way express complaint, but who could only make a victim of intentions!
I would like to borrow an effective (and best companies) slogan a few years ago by Luciano Frigieri - the penultimate president of the Montana Community in restricted version, the one that was (unnecessarily) enlarged in an attempt to water down the opposition to Tav (coming up to groped the first majority PD with PD without L & L in the name of the Turin-Lyon business!). Well Frigieri (Sandro Plano which has often claimed to want to inspire) said hard-nosed to the then mayor of Turin Valerio Zanone that you could decide to start work the impact of TAV without even having asked "the shareholder reference "which he believed to be the holder of the property (common) land, namely the Susa Valley, its people and its democratically elected. I believe now is the time to explain to the two tenants of private power to a public company that the highway has the same shareholder. I say without fear of contradiction that the territory has so far paid a very heavy toll in terms of hydrological balance distortion and that citizens have suffered significant damage to health for the impairment of air quality (the more common good that Our case is already a bit 'privatized because the oxygen that feeds the combustion chambers of vehicles paying the toll it is "returned" in the form of CO2, but without anything of the proceeds to us even being offered in compensation). And I do not think you can lead to Marchionne without enjoying the same preferential terms: to place their carts on any particular market, take advantage of grants to fund lost or exploited labor in this or that continent. The Sitaf is not in the global market except as localissimo segment. The Sitaf not brought stable jobs in the Valley even in proportion to its modest direct and indirect labor. But above all, does not sell Sitaf bolts - if not now come the hardware can be placed in twice as much tomorrow. The Sitaf who sells transit alternatives and highways. And those who were not able to sell today are not recoverable (except in very small measure) tomorrow. The Sitaf was born and thrived in an area where people seemed resigned to always shipyard to undergo colonization: from that of the big strong military to defend (again) to another border roads, hydroelectric power stations. But today is no longer the case and the fact that it could usher in "quietly" shipyards of a tunnel linked to a security feature does not mean that the advance works will not be followed with due care. Especially not at all mean that it can direct it to another use as say the Viceministrogiachino that (for personal reasons) could be dead when they should be quietly trying to change the intended use that he calls: open to traffic as a "second tube" .
I understand that the tone of my outburst may sound like a declaration of war. But my only concern is that it seems a defense (not required) is an excellent technician (one of the few in the valley) that has been "asked to resign by two convicts who were dressed as some judges' in such tragedies as macabre time of absolute monarchy perverts wearing the clothes of severe inquisitors. He not only asked but has no need to be defended. As the declaration of war is not to Sitaf but the Sitaf to this land, which violated with impunity, which has tied its own interests and in which a release that should be a service becomes due compensation against other unacceptable sacrifices. The resignation "spintanee" Sandro Plano engineer who did not accept the exchange between money and dignity and that is the President of the Montana Community ULTI mo after this unsuccessful attempt to mediate reversal of directors blackmailed by the private party politics are just the straw that broke the vase. A vase filled with the arrogance of the administrator-owner Franco Frojo, for the good of his boss for years with diploma in surveying from unfair evictions and opening slots for the first wheeling on Tav cultivated by a certain Santonastaso (whoever he was) and such a Pacini Battaglia. For the broken promises and not kept a Virano intended to return to do other even less credible / if possible). To get to the veterans of the era of the Social Democratic Party prototangentista Nicolazzi and grandchildren of the popes that is why we can not believe the odor of sanctity. Frankly, the measure is full or (in the words of a Frenchman) he has the balls full of these people. And if they think they can continue to take profits to those who elected them and politicians of reference without being disturbed is time to let him know that it is not.

Claudio Day

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tully Health Fitness Institute

someone will be happy!?

La Stampa today

SUSA - Since yesterday, Wednesday 16, Sandro Plano
is no longer director of
operation of the motorway A32 Torino - Bardonecchia
. Officially,
choice to leave the post of Director was
reported that at the top of SITAF
intention to resign. According
persistent rumors, however, for some time
Plano, who is also president of the Mountain Community

Susa Valley and Sangone well as mayor of a town of
would not be more pleasing to the upper floors of the company that handles highway

and the Frejus tunnel.
Opposition to the Turin - Lyon,
the positions taken at the beginning of last year

campaign of surveys that have also affected the area
dell'Autoporto Susa and

the approaching opening of the construction of the exploratory tunnel
Chiomonte (
also provides that, as compensation, the establishment of a new

motorway junction) have suggested the top SITAF

to speed up time. Hence the resignation, games yesterday and readily accepted by

SITAF that, not surprisingly, considering the choice of Plano
"reasonable and common sense

now would be, indeed will, should detractors fuffatori, spin doctors , liars and humbug, withdraw or at least (if able) to reconsider summary judgments on the whole story.
I believe that sooner or later they will realize the crap profuse and maybe the time would be appropriate to come to your senses, review, renegotiate ..... but I believe a little common sense ... is not flour spin doctors

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not advertising .... occult

a bit 'of advertising, no hidden .....

Monday, February 14, 2011

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Dialoghi del Trotter

In occasione della Giornata Mondiale dei Migranti con un post avevamo rilanciato l’appello di Egea per la realizzazione di una tavola rotonda per affrontare il tema degli stranieri.
Egea's appeal was aimed primarily at organizations that Milan have fought to tackle the issue of foreigners and, in our area, I sought the association Friends of the Park Trotter.

Our recommendation therefore roundtable

"Dialogues of the Trotter"
organized at the former church

for Thursday, February 17 2011, 20.45

with Francesco Daveri, Mario Pavone (SOUL Onlus), Massimo Conte (Codes), moderator Carolina Parcel, the Friends of the Park Trotter.

For the regulars of the special mention facebook page .

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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.. but silence is tonight!

if we did not know already we ask: why all the sentences buckled to "furbettini of Tavvino" are absolutely and totally disappeared from the newspapers and local TV news? because Gianfranco White with his "linguettina" forked did not mention it at least a week in a row, and because the phantasmagoric Massimo Numa if they have totally forgotten ?.... people meditate. . ... meditate

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a signature if you like .. also

started collecting signatures online for the merging of the date of the vote for the referendum and local elections.
trying to turn this information, involving more people and making read our appeal, and this fact is an important instrument of pressure that we have to make our voice heard and communicate our content. To sign can

go to the home page of the website or at the following link:

thanks to Lamanca

Saturday, February 12, 2011

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EsposiTav surrenders

the last of the caste Torino Tav It gives up the evidence, technical, economic, social and political .. the TAV in Val Susa will not be ...
good read, and ta lines not only the last part of Article Tropeano La Stampa

EsposiTav nostrano will also engage in other ... maybe he and his friend ChiampaTav ....

Friday, February 11, 2011

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equal dignity 'NO' MORAL

"I do not understand one iota of the accusation that others do instead of 'morality': the word I seems the most used word at the wrong last half century. This word that half of Italy shoots with contempt on the other half, over the more horrified by the worst offenses delll'etica public that can be imagined, perpetrated for more men (and women) in the very abuse of their public duties. " . So he wrote in La Repubblica on 11 February, the philosopher Robert De Monticelli (Equal dignity than 'thank you' public ethics body is not moral).
We wanted to own his speech! It can not be more than justificationism also varied by former feminist more or less "historical" in the name of fighting the "moralism" or "female freedom," which would also, as always used to write articles to Ostellino and Ferrara, in use (by women) of your body to use and consumption of rich and powerful men.
Liberal calls himself a gentleman, writes De Monticelli, who wrote that women "at least until a certain age" are sitting on their luck. Also applies to his daughter and his granddaughter?
And if you also say the men who sit on their luck? "... One thing is that one feels and choose the values \u200b\u200bof the seat, as the best and most valuable, it is quite another to require him another, perhaps only per via di generalizzazione illiberale, del tipo: non lo vedete, uomini belli, che state seduti sul vostro valore? Ecco, il problema è tutto qui. Questa domanda era una introduzione elementare al concetto di ‘avere pari dignità e diritti, cioè al principio che sta alla base non solo della giustizia morale personale, ma anche dell’etica pubblica, e di tutta la serie dei diritti, civili politici e sociali, su cui si fonda una democrazia liberale. Ma se perfino i grandi ‘liberali’, in Italia, questo principio non lo hanno ancora capito, val proprio la pena di scendere in piazza un’altra volta,a ribadirlo.”.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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there is no traffic ... but ... If not now when

We know that unfortunately evidence of the facts, scientific data, numbers are not enough because the truth is known and shared.
So we just publish without further comment the following article
if illegible click on the link text

Roof Lights For Xterra 2009

next Sunday (Feb. 13) in All cities in Italy there will be demonstrations by various women's organizations to protest against the degradation with respect to the dignity of women, which is exemplified by the recent judicial events of our prime minister.
Although the event is promoted from various women's organizations, civil society as a whole is of course called to respond, so the event also will welcome all people who do not identify the pattern of relationships between men and women represented by one of our top institutional positions and has ridiculed the whole of Italy in the world.
To join simply to the petition, you can connect to this address

Those wishing to attend the event in Turin (in hopes that many / s), remember to follow these guidelines:

We ask each and everyone to get leading to the appointment:

- an umbrella

- a ball of colored wool

Among the various proposals we have agreed them.
- The umbrella "to repair our bodies from the mud that it rains on me"

- The ball of yarn to weave a web of all colored and all of us.

In the square and throughout the procession will be organized such creative moments: a moment of silence followed by a great collective howl of rage (the first is scheduled at 15)

will also be given the indication for the simultaneous opening umbrellas.

In strict compliance with the autonomy and the transversality, we remind all and all that:
there should not be partisan or SYMBOLS UNIONS OR ASSOCIATIONS.

in case someone or were still in place with these symbols you will be required or storing.

reiterate that there will be no stages or operations. And

· the event is not done to judge other women against other women, or to divide women into good and bad. Signs and banners must not lead to misunderstandings about this.

· the event is meant to express the strength and the outrage of women

· the event is promoted by women, the participation of men is required, and friends welcome.

Beyond these collectively, each and everyone express their creativity!

Percorso della manifestazione di Torino:

da piazza San Carlo, via Roma, piazza Castello, via Po, via Rossini, via Verdi (dove, davanti alla Rai, sarà letto l'appello "Se non ora, quando?"), via Montebello, via Po, piazza Vittorio.

Arrivederci a domenica!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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Aderiamo a M'illumino di meno 2011!

those who follow us regularly know that the sensitivity and attention to environmental issues have always guided our efforts, that's why since 2008 we adhere the days of "M'illumino less, sometimes we have invited to join the school, other times we have done something concrete such as in 2009 when we regalato a tutte le classi delle scatole per la raccolta differenziata della carta, attivando così un processo virtuoso.
Quest'anno poi abbiamo organizzato la Missione00tappi , una gara per promuovere la raccolta differenziata della plastica pregiata (tappi delle bottiglie, ecc) con la speranza di contribuire alla sensibilizzazione di bambini e adulti alla pratica del riciclo e alla tutela dell’ambiente.

Quest'anno invece aderiamo alla Giornata del Risparmio Energetico 2011 , in special edition per i 150 anni dall’unità d’Italia proponendo alle famiglie degli alunni della scuola elementare Russo-Pimentel ai loro insegnanti, un'iniziativa per venerdì 18 febbraio which includes two stages:
  • the first at 17.00 when we are together in school to apply to windows rubber seals so as to reduce at least some 'energy waste caused by drafts in class, because if expect that the City change the locks, these children will be more than graduates!
  • the second at 19:00 when all dine together in the school decorated with lanterns for the occasion tricolor. Tricolore will be the dinner invite all participants to bring something to contribute to dinner, anything, a typical dish, a dish ethnic provided that it is green, white or red and then, at the right time, turn off the lights and continue by candlelight (or other light "green") as adhering to the 2011 edition of "M'illumino less."
Join us Friday 18: we will do something concrete to reduce waste and something symbolic to remember two important things: that the earth's energy resources are not ours, but of all mankind and first of all of our children, and that the unification of Italy, now more than ever, there is only one thing to study in the history books, but it's something to be preserved to ensure a better future for all!

Monday, February 7, 2011

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Una signora infila nell’apposita cassetta del medico basis of the request for the demanding specialist on laboratory examination. Adds his own hand that he would like to know which laboratory tests carried out at the examination that is not quite as usual, adding the name of the garrison closer to home. The doctor performs the prescription and responds with his own hand, literally, to the request as follows:
can perform the analysis in any lab, that's great too .... ".
The patient goes to the booking office of accredited clinical setting, patiently waits his turn to be told that no,, that test can not be performed by them. Will look elsewhere. Where?
Se poi si tratta di pazienti anziani , senza auto e patente e magari anche soli, provate a immaginare con questo tipo di risposta come si potranno sentire e comportare di conseguenza.
E questo nella Regione di Formigoni e della Lega che vanta di essere all’avanguardia in Italia e in Europa.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

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Diritti dei Bambini

These days finally deliver the sixteen classes of elementary school-Russian Pimentel's book that we chose to give him to celebrate the Day of the Rights of Children, last November.
We would have loved to have the book in classes in those days, to give the opportunity for children to discover their teachers with the important things of which you speak, but unfortunately it took much longer than we thought and we managed to procure for him a few days ago!

But we must remember the rights of children every day, not only every year in November, so we do not feel so out of place to tell you this beautiful morning spent together on November 20 last year ...
As for some years, we found at 9:30 on a Russian, in front of the school, and despite the drizzle and gray day, the children, teachers and parents who have participating has increased compared to past editions!
After we gathered the children helped by the teachers wore their peace fringes showing the rights of children and ready once we reached the park pizaale Trotter to merge in the now traditional procession in multicolor.
This year many companies have joined the school, in addition to the elementary Russian-Pimentel and the Casa del Sole also arrived children other schools. All present, defying the cold and rain, they composed a snake colorful and festive: many have sung this song white, red, yellow and blacks ; (now adopted as the anthem of the day) and went through the streets the district to emphasize the importance of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Once back at our participation Trotter has seen us involved in the opening work at the theater, that's the primary school at 11.30 Russian- Pimentel presented a dance of the Congo for the project Harembee Baninga (we work with friends). Dance, in addition to choreography and participation in the march, was a contribution that the school has given the "FEAST OF THE RIGHTS OF ALL CHILDREN". Harambee is a project of intercultural education in primary school "Russian-Pimentel and some Rungu schools (a village of about 10,000 inhabitants, situated in the North East of Congo between the savannah and the rainforest. The war has reduced the area to a state of poverty and social facilities and the government do not work on any level.
Mama Mundel (Mara teacher for those who still do not know in this capacity) with our help, in a few weeks has put together a diverse corps de ballet and dance with this we hope to have given voice to all those children who had the misfortune to be born in a country oppressed by war.

Immediately after the dance is was the 'public meeting on the situation of children in the Roma community in Milan with several speeches and testimonies (mothers and teachers of Rubattino away, mothers and teachers of Russian street, Don Massimo Mapelli the House of Charity, Patricia District, F. Casavola Living Area 2 Committee, a community of Sant'Egidio) with a screening of the documentary film "Seminateci well."

Outside the theater throughout the day there was a banquet and with Emergency and solidarity in contemporary art, for children were instead organized several workshops and participated bellisiimi (Activities for children with Franca (the garden) rural mothers (stories), the scout group CNGEI Milan 10 (the Rio), F. Ceresa with dancing) and even in the classrooms of the pavilion for the Former Library RIGHT TO CREATIVITY 'Aici were WORKSHOPS AND SHOWS AND FOR THE CHILDREN (T-shirts and crafts, mothers of Paroleingioco - soap bubbles, mothers of Parcoinfesta - in Rio flight, scout group CNGEI Milan 10 - Creative World - drama workshop for children and teens by Silvia Gelmini, educator play).

After the fatigue of the marches, dances, workshops and debate, thanks to the efforts of brave volunteers, we have refreshments at Tommaseo table space of the pavilion with pasta and beans, and more!
In short, the day was rich and intense, a little 'perhaps tiring and exhausting for the rain, but left us a sense of confidence and hope for the future of our humanity that grows, and for this reason we were very proud to have worked alongside the Friends of the Park Trotter to build with them a great feast, participatory and engaging!