Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dental Hygienist Thank You Letter

. For males.

are growing pensions to widows and newspapers are entitled to the position of carers.
The way things are. The old men in their seventies Italian ultra will lead them in infinite love for his caregiver to the fifties and usually coming from former Soviet Union countries.
Alle care signore sempre più spesso non pare vero potersi accasare con tutti i crismi della legalità e aspettare con pazienza la dipartita dell’anzianissimo marito, per recuperare la pensione di riversibilità al sessanta per cento come prevede la legge italiana.
Ovviamente ci sono ultra settantenni che la presunta felicità sono in grado di offrirla ancora in vita a giovani e belle donne per favori erotici in cambio di case, auto e gioielli. Ma quelli così danarosi scarseggiano.
Su La Repubblica (24.2) l’anziano attore e regista CARLO VERDONE ha dichiarato che queste donne se meritano, perché “ti riportano alla vita” con il loro amore a prima vista. Poco importa se amore non è: i maschi sono "Carried" the illusion at an early age, having the possibility of proof with escorts or prostitutes (depending on portfolio) of the illusion of being the object of desire.
Verdone accused the children of elderly parents with an absence inconceivable often left to themselves and let themselves go to a description of deep emotion: "I saw old men back to life depressed. Men who came out even more you are accompanied to coffee, a newspaper shop. Honored to be the arm of a woman of thirty, forty years. ". It does not occur at all in your mind that ungrateful children (thank goodness that does not name only daughters) will have their old men delivered to the care of carers because our welfare is quite Miserin with the elderly (and not only) and the houses, family and work commitments make it very difficult to take care work.
And then a question: the elderly to get "back to life" that they do? Certainly not find young men of thirty, forty years on there and willing to treat them lovingly married for the survivor's pension. And if an elderly is a young man available if needed, hell broke loose! The grandmothers are actually or potentially the former parent, that human beings are female, as such, always dedicated to the free gift of spousal and maternal age in chastely also means strong in depression.


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