Friday, February 18, 2011

Enounce Myspeed Forum

dear Nicole Minetti

Unfortunately I have no idea who created this email (which I recommend that it be received with and to
As a woman I am sorry that has been made toward a woman (I think there are many men, from "Trout", to quote the most recent known case of family members, who take the same at our own expense, thanks to "knowledge" of another nature, but no less disgusting ...). In any case, the result here because I think that well describes the condition of all those who, from "normal women", you see every day and have to live arrabattandosi deny rights to the least worst.

Cara Nicole Minetti,

12 000 euro per month paid by the citizens, this is the collective cost of your private provision in favor of Prime Minister Berlusconi.

painstaking task, we read from your own words, you are full-time by subtracting this time to public duties for which you paid. Not to mention the cost of staff employees to deal with your incompetence. Why do not you come a resurgence of consciousness and do not you resign? Why not try decency and shame as we are trying noi nei confronti del mondo?

Una donna della tua età, con laurea breve in igiene dentale, nella società attuale, così come è stata costruita e incoraggiata dal “Governo del Fare” ha un contratto a tempo determinato al massimo di 800 euro al mese, apre la porta del dentista, toglie il tartaro dai denti, regge l’aspiratore, e prende appuntamenti dei clienti. Del dentista si intende. Se poi è incinta, viene licenziata, e si occuperà a tempo pieno dei suoi figli rinunciando al lavoro, poiché, nella società attuale, non ci sono asili, né aiuti alla maternità. Anche se la politica del “fare”, quella che ti ha messo lì dove ti trovi, fonda potere e guadagno straparlando maternity and family. And so a

Minetti any one could not do lack a little 'Botox, extention, or buy bags peasant, because in today's society, a husband's salary alone is barely enough. And if the two want to divorce, the husband will become poor. And then maybe you will agree that hating and remain unhappy with, treason, as suggested by the chairman of the board and slap their children in front of the TV, watching a lot of future Nicole Minetti. Or a real Minetti, decides not to have a family and not having children. Or emigrate. A woman like Nicole Minetti, today, it could happen that his employer laid hands on him, entitled as overt hypocrisy hours of programming from RAI and Mediaset in which follow each other asses, idiocies and women available.

A business of cultural decay expressed the current political class to which you belong (thanks to the left), who speaks, thinks, have sex, buy, enjoy and be exhausted in a single obscene television program organized to sell merchandise. A settlement of collective thinking in which alternate personalities as the Prince Poo, advertising people he runs behind a roll of toilet paper, balls of dust that must be cleaned by women, and tronista suitors, crying and screaming, declined in women - ine , the promise of meat surgically modified source of revenue for the network, and useful for creating obedient minds of voters, happy to see one that touches while they applaud. And everything, always in favor of the Berlusconi family's wealth. Including Ms. Lario, who is billionaire thanks to the "junk without shame" with which the nation is flooded for years, and not just his bed.

can happen even to a woman like you, if you subtract the advances of the employer, is dismissed. And it may happen that after a long, painful mess, a woman steals available and recommended the place. Because women's work is increasingly the case by granting the body, as suggested and confirmed by the current political class, which creates all the conditions and express yourself. One thing that obviously concerns the work of men, who are also discriminated against by 'invincible exchange: men in positions of power and sex in exchange for work. Some men are happy that bluntly states the principle as if they went to their great disadvantage. And if a

Minetti, found that his condition is disgusting, when he comes home and turns on the TV as an alternative to asses, you'll see that the Minister Brunetta says she is in that condition because he is a slacker; Minister Sacconi remember that you have to study hard, and it is in that condition, the Minister Gelmini that the school massacre, last island of insufficient protection against the massacre of television, insulting the teachers, raise aid for the disabled, saying that values \u200b\u200bmatter. In the name of Christianity, we mean, or negotiated with the Church, to whom they turn more public money for private schools. Someone like Nicole Minetti, will then hear the Minister Carfagna, which administers the res public and deals with the issue of women being moved from a casting of a Lele Mora in office and says that Berlusconi is a great seducer. And then the minister in garter and underpants Brambilla spending more public money, as well as those working for her and his apparatus, "to remake the image of Italy" after Mr Berlusconi has massacred. A

like Nicole Minetti, if the believer will then hear a chorus of ramblings on Christianity disfigured and bent to the personal benefit of a political class greedy, insulting, cursing and grabbing in the name of Christ.

It undergoes a woman like Nicole Nicole Minetti Minetti if it is not.


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