Friday, February 18, 2011

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THE SITAF has declared war on the Susa Valley?

published by Claudio Day on Friday, February 18, 2011 at 1:34
A Sandro Plano we owe much gratitude. In

degraded political landscape NATIONAL its coherence and its severity likely to be - in spite of himself - explosive. From what little I know in fact that I think everyone would like, except around a behavior (which I suppose he regarded as entirely normal) you build a case. But I fear that our movement has an ethical obligation and moral duty to highlight the deep anomaly that once again features the Valle di Susa and degenerate political games that try to find work there over here (and it seems only here ) that agreement bypartisan longed unnecessarily from Sondrio to Caltanissetta. The agreement of iron (and cement) that holds together the champions of Italy for the first pimp with the grooms of the left post-communist can be read as a common desire to ensure reviving our moribund economy only by journalists who act as press officer of the notables from the desks of those who should be the watchdogs of wonders ": the newspapers owned by Fiat, Eni and other general contractors or construction managers and Road beneficiaries of the "scam of the century." E 'rather clear to anyone who is not entirely in bad faith (or culpably uninformed) that aggressive treatment toward the realization of a stillborn grandeopera is a direct result of the cost of a policy that now occupies every space (the smallest) from which you can obtain an advantageous position at the public expense. What many of us have heard it described so well last night Avigliana by Marco Bersani, ie the misappropriation of any common good , until water is all the more so the case - with the excuse of privatization - with other Group assets in the robbery there was not realized because, well explained by Bersani, their management had already degenerated in origine: sto parlando  delle autostrade. Belle o brutte, intasate o semivuote l’intera rete autostradale del nostro paese è stato realizzata con soldi pubblici, e le società che hanno concorso alla loro realizzazione erano ieri (come oggi quelle delle acque potabili) a capitale quasi interamente pubblico. Ma sono state letteralmente regalate alla meglio imprenditoria del bel paese (Benetton & Gavio) attraverso valutazioni compiacenti del valore azionario! Ma in questo panorama la Sitaf rappresenta – se possibile – una perversa eccezione: perché la maggioranza relativa delle azioni è rimasta in mano pubblica anche dopo la privatizzazione di quasi tutte le altre società concessionarie because the heavy debt contract for the construction of the motorway would have forced the administrators to take the books in court despite the goose that laid golden eggs represented by the Frejus tunnel. (Which is a single-tube tunnel in which there is a charge worthy of medieval taxes, but a united Europe and which has no justification other than to squeeze the public that if they are to serve for their business or for pleasure, even desired by the closure of alternative routes!). But nevertheless, the company has for years been administered by the private shareholders expression pair headed to the families of two dear departed Gavio & Mattioda, in the persons of Cerutti and Luciani. Two days ago a few people who have been convicted of rigging bids for a Court of the Republic of the notorious events of the Olympic contracts (the ones that have made the most indebted citizens of Turin, Italy) and the non-construction of TAV Venaus ! Well these two defendants were to erect courts of their leader against whom they could not in any way express complaint, but who could only make a victim of intentions!
I would like to borrow an effective (and best companies) slogan a few years ago by Luciano Frigieri - the penultimate president of the Montana Community in restricted version, the one that was (unnecessarily) enlarged in an attempt to water down the opposition to Tav (coming up to groped the first majority PD with PD without L & L in the name of the Turin-Lyon business!). Well Frigieri (Sandro Plano which has often claimed to want to inspire) said hard-nosed to the then mayor of Turin Valerio Zanone that you could decide to start work the impact of TAV without even having asked "the shareholder reference "which he believed to be the holder of the property (common) land, namely the Susa Valley, its people and its democratically elected. I believe now is the time to explain to the two tenants of private power to a public company that the highway has the same shareholder. I say without fear of contradiction that the territory has so far paid a very heavy toll in terms of hydrological balance distortion and that citizens have suffered significant damage to health for the impairment of air quality (the more common good that Our case is already a bit 'privatized because the oxygen that feeds the combustion chambers of vehicles paying the toll it is "returned" in the form of CO2, but without anything of the proceeds to us even being offered in compensation). And I do not think you can lead to Marchionne without enjoying the same preferential terms: to place their carts on any particular market, take advantage of grants to fund lost or exploited labor in this or that continent. The Sitaf is not in the global market except as localissimo segment. The Sitaf not brought stable jobs in the Valley even in proportion to its modest direct and indirect labor. But above all, does not sell Sitaf bolts - if not now come the hardware can be placed in twice as much tomorrow. The Sitaf who sells transit alternatives and highways. And those who were not able to sell today are not recoverable (except in very small measure) tomorrow. The Sitaf was born and thrived in an area where people seemed resigned to always shipyard to undergo colonization: from that of the big strong military to defend (again) to another border roads, hydroelectric power stations. But today is no longer the case and the fact that it could usher in "quietly" shipyards of a tunnel linked to a security feature does not mean that the advance works will not be followed with due care. Especially not at all mean that it can direct it to another use as say the Viceministrogiachino that (for personal reasons) could be dead when they should be quietly trying to change the intended use that he calls: open to traffic as a "second tube" .
I understand that the tone of my outburst may sound like a declaration of war. But my only concern is that it seems a defense (not required) is an excellent technician (one of the few in the valley) that has been "asked to resign by two convicts who were dressed as some judges' in such tragedies as macabre time of absolute monarchy perverts wearing the clothes of severe inquisitors. He not only asked but has no need to be defended. As the declaration of war is not to Sitaf but the Sitaf to this land, which violated with impunity, which has tied its own interests and in which a release that should be a service becomes due compensation against other unacceptable sacrifices. The resignation "spintanee" Sandro Plano engineer who did not accept the exchange between money and dignity and that is the President of the Montana Community ULTI mo after this unsuccessful attempt to mediate reversal of directors blackmailed by the private party politics are just the straw that broke the vase. A vase filled with the arrogance of the administrator-owner Franco Frojo, for the good of his boss for years with diploma in surveying from unfair evictions and opening slots for the first wheeling on Tav cultivated by a certain Santonastaso (whoever he was) and such a Pacini Battaglia. For the broken promises and not kept a Virano intended to return to do other even less credible / if possible). To get to the veterans of the era of the Social Democratic Party prototangentista Nicolazzi and grandchildren of the popes that is why we can not believe the odor of sanctity. Frankly, the measure is full or (in the words of a Frenchman) he has the balls full of these people. And if they think they can continue to take profits to those who elected them and politicians of reference without being disturbed is time to let him know that it is not.

Claudio Day


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