Thursday, February 10, 2011

Roof Lights For Xterra 2009

next Sunday (Feb. 13) in All cities in Italy there will be demonstrations by various women's organizations to protest against the degradation with respect to the dignity of women, which is exemplified by the recent judicial events of our prime minister.
Although the event is promoted from various women's organizations, civil society as a whole is of course called to respond, so the event also will welcome all people who do not identify the pattern of relationships between men and women represented by one of our top institutional positions and has ridiculed the whole of Italy in the world.
To join simply to the petition, you can connect to this address

Those wishing to attend the event in Turin (in hopes that many / s), remember to follow these guidelines:

We ask each and everyone to get leading to the appointment:

- an umbrella

- a ball of colored wool

Among the various proposals we have agreed them.
- The umbrella "to repair our bodies from the mud that it rains on me"

- The ball of yarn to weave a web of all colored and all of us.

In the square and throughout the procession will be organized such creative moments: a moment of silence followed by a great collective howl of rage (the first is scheduled at 15)

will also be given the indication for the simultaneous opening umbrellas.

In strict compliance with the autonomy and the transversality, we remind all and all that:
there should not be partisan or SYMBOLS UNIONS OR ASSOCIATIONS.

in case someone or were still in place with these symbols you will be required or storing.

reiterate that there will be no stages or operations. And

· the event is not done to judge other women against other women, or to divide women into good and bad. Signs and banners must not lead to misunderstandings about this.

· the event is meant to express the strength and the outrage of women

· the event is promoted by women, the participation of men is required, and friends welcome.

Beyond these collectively, each and everyone express their creativity!

Percorso della manifestazione di Torino:

da piazza San Carlo, via Roma, piazza Castello, via Po, via Rossini, via Verdi (dove, davanti alla Rai, sarĂ  letto l'appello "Se non ora, quando?"), via Montebello, via Po, piazza Vittorio.

Arrivederci a domenica!


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