Friday, February 11, 2011

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equal dignity 'NO' MORAL

"I do not understand one iota of the accusation that others do instead of 'morality': the word I seems the most used word at the wrong last half century. This word that half of Italy shoots with contempt on the other half, over the more horrified by the worst offenses delll'etica public that can be imagined, perpetrated for more men (and women) in the very abuse of their public duties. " . So he wrote in La Repubblica on 11 February, the philosopher Robert De Monticelli (Equal dignity than 'thank you' public ethics body is not moral).
We wanted to own his speech! It can not be more than justificationism also varied by former feminist more or less "historical" in the name of fighting the "moralism" or "female freedom," which would also, as always used to write articles to Ostellino and Ferrara, in use (by women) of your body to use and consumption of rich and powerful men.
Liberal calls himself a gentleman, writes De Monticelli, who wrote that women "at least until a certain age" are sitting on their luck. Also applies to his daughter and his granddaughter?
And if you also say the men who sit on their luck? "... One thing is that one feels and choose the values \u200b\u200bof the seat, as the best and most valuable, it is quite another to require him another, perhaps only per via di generalizzazione illiberale, del tipo: non lo vedete, uomini belli, che state seduti sul vostro valore? Ecco, il problema è tutto qui. Questa domanda era una introduzione elementare al concetto di ‘avere pari dignità e diritti, cioè al principio che sta alla base non solo della giustizia morale personale, ma anche dell’etica pubblica, e di tutta la serie dei diritti, civili politici e sociali, su cui si fonda una democrazia liberale. Ma se perfino i grandi ‘liberali’, in Italia, questo principio non lo hanno ancora capito, val proprio la pena di scendere in piazza un’altra volta,a ribadirlo.”.


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