Wednesday, February 9, 2011

1990 Starcraft Popup Camper

Aderiamo a M'illumino di meno 2011!

those who follow us regularly know that the sensitivity and attention to environmental issues have always guided our efforts, that's why since 2008 we adhere the days of "M'illumino less, sometimes we have invited to join the school, other times we have done something concrete such as in 2009 when we regalato a tutte le classi delle scatole per la raccolta differenziata della carta, attivando così un processo virtuoso.
Quest'anno poi abbiamo organizzato la Missione00tappi , una gara per promuovere la raccolta differenziata della plastica pregiata (tappi delle bottiglie, ecc) con la speranza di contribuire alla sensibilizzazione di bambini e adulti alla pratica del riciclo e alla tutela dell’ambiente.

Quest'anno invece aderiamo alla Giornata del Risparmio Energetico 2011 , in special edition per i 150 anni dall’unità d’Italia proponendo alle famiglie degli alunni della scuola elementare Russo-Pimentel ai loro insegnanti, un'iniziativa per venerdì 18 febbraio which includes two stages:
  • the first at 17.00 when we are together in school to apply to windows rubber seals so as to reduce at least some 'energy waste caused by drafts in class, because if expect that the City change the locks, these children will be more than graduates!
  • the second at 19:00 when all dine together in the school decorated with lanterns for the occasion tricolor. Tricolore will be the dinner invite all participants to bring something to contribute to dinner, anything, a typical dish, a dish ethnic provided that it is green, white or red and then, at the right time, turn off the lights and continue by candlelight (or other light "green") as adhering to the 2011 edition of "M'illumino less."
Join us Friday 18: we will do something concrete to reduce waste and something symbolic to remember two important things: that the earth's energy resources are not ours, but of all mankind and first of all of our children, and that the unification of Italy, now more than ever, there is only one thing to study in the history books, but it's something to be preserved to ensure a better future for all!


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