Monday, February 21, 2011

What Does Spinal Arthritis Look Like?

Plano Sitaf

PRESS Civic List valsusa

learn that Mr.. Sandro PLANO, compared to pressures on its alleged incompatibility with the policies of SITAF on the forthcoming opening of the tunnel construction site on the geognostic Maddalena (preparatory work Completion of the Turin-Lyon high-capacity), has resigned from the post of chief operating the motorway A32 Torino-Bardonecchia.
It 'all too evident that these pressures are instead of a political nature and directly related to the fact that he was democratically elected as president of the Comunità Montana Valle Susa and Val Sangone and that such a leading role with a majority supporting Strongly opposing views to the implementation of the Turin-Lyon in Valle di Susa.
We are facing an unacceptable act of gravity that comes a few days of the conviction at first instance of the vertices SITAF ed LTF e nel momento in cui si devono chiudere decennali controversie tra SITAF e le amministrazioni della Valle di Susa risalenti ai tempi della costruzione della A32.
La storia politica e lavorativa del'ing. PLANO dimostra come i suoi vari incarichi istituzionali non abbiano mai pregiudicato il suo lavoro di dirigente SITAF, avendo mantenuto sempre ben distinti i ruoli professionale e politico, caratteristica più unica che rara in un panorama di continua commistione tra interessi privati e politica che sta distruggendo l'economia e la credibilità stessa dell'intera classe dirigente italiana.
E tutto questo è ancora più grave dal momento che SITAF è una companies with public majority (ANAS, City of Turin and the Province holding more than 50% of the shares) and manages an infrastructure built entirely with public money (the public).
The response of the Susa Valley can not claim that the correctness and legality of the conduct business, political and institutional Eng. PLANO and all other SITAF workers, residents and administrators of the Valley.
What institutional representatives of the territory crossed the highway A32, we must go beyond the mere allegation of this latest episode of abuse and then put the following instances of political and institutional :
· SITAF respected by both Article 21 of the Constitution provides for freedom of thought, whatever their work: the personal opinions political and institutional commitments and a fortiori of elected individuals are protected by the Constitution and any company valuations can be based solely on actual job performance of individuals.
· SITAF projects are made public under the High Speed \u200b\u200bRail Project. This transparency is due to the area because it can assess the real consistency (or inconsistency) of projects of inter-modality of the Centre's much-ballyhooed by the President and the Government.
· be clarified any intentions to use as a cane rod constructed according to the operational safety of the Frejus motorway tunnel.
· Siano verificati dai soci pubblici  gli amministratori e le connessioni tra SITAF e società controllate, verificando davvero se in questo caso non ci siano incompatibilità.
·         La Valle di Susa ha il diritto di vedere protetta la propria immagine. Tenuto conto che la SITAF è la maggiore azienda di Valle e anche quella con più visibilità esterna, si chiedono le dimissioni di tutti i vertici condannati per delitti contro la pubblica amministrazione e la nomina di un consiglio di amministrazione composto da persone non coinvolte in procedimenti judicial and including the presence of representatives of the Susa Valley area.
· be immediately reinstated in his job role SITAF that all employees over the years may have been the subject of abuse and blackmail business.

Once the Susa Valley claims the right to manage the relationship with the infrastructure that supports and the consequent duty to control and address the interests of populations affected by those facilities.
For the coordination of civic lists Valsusa
Coordinator (Luigi CASEL)


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