Monday, February 21, 2011

6 Inch Newtonian Reflector Telescope Black


The second edition of the festival "VIA PADUA'S BEST OF MILAN" is in preparation.

There are many associations and citizens of the area 2 that are working together to make the festival even more felt by residents and beyond.

participate again this year. We believe that our cooperation, together with that of all others, can help achieve the objectives that underlie the p RAFT 'party open to the city district "
  • offer positive image della via presso la popolazione italiana e straniera;
  • favorire l’incontro e la collaborazione delle realtà che in vario mondo lavorano per il benessere dei cittadini della zona;
  • fornire stimoli , perché l’amministrazione comunale e zonale assuma un ruolo di regia di progettazione condivisa e positiva per la valorizzazione del territorio;
  • coinvolgere e sensibilizzare gli abitanti degli altri quartieri , perchè (ri)scoprano questa parte di città così ricca di risorse ambientali, culturali ed educative a disposizione di tutti.
Ma tornando a noi, quest'anno stiamo lavorando per la realizzazione di una mostra fotografica di materiale relativo a memorie della vita scolastica di alunni del passato e del presente della scuola elementare “Russo-Pimentel” or relating to the school life of their countries of origin of pupils (report cards, photographs, notebooks, diaries ...).
In fact, many school pupils are Italians, whose parents, or even themselves, came from Brianza, Campania, Puglia, Sardinia, Veneto, ... others came from more distant countries.
We think that all these memories, recent and remote, far and near, gathered together can make a significant contribution to establish the new identity of the school and can frire students to take this opportunity to know the history of their school and past pupils who have attended, maybe those of your family!
Not only that, they can also know the school experiences of those pupils who are from other countries, the Philippines, Egypt, China, Bangladesh, Morocco, Romania, Russia, and this can ... c ONTRIBUTING how best to integrate multi-ethnic.

The exhibition " THERE 'S FUTURE WITHOUT MEMORY " for a supportive and welcoming school, to found a community that diversity is a source of wealth and honor and hope for the future, rather than a source of fear.
Reconstructing the past of all to remember, to narrate, to get to know each other can help to discover that human identity is the greatest asset for the students (and others).

The exhibition is part of the group's work "Memory and Identity" and comes from the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Library of Crescenzago to become a place of remembrance of all the citizens of Via Padova. We do not know if and when this will be done but our show will be a piece of the larger mosaic of memories and identities of the Via Padova.

Our trip down memory begins with the collection of documentation such as photos and documents (report cards, notebooks, diaries ...) but any other idea or suggestion is welcome .
Portatecelo in the days of Monday March 7 - March 21 to April 4 at the lobby of the elementary school, from 16.30 to 17.30, who will deliver the material will be issued a receipt, and within a couple of weeks the original will be returned, after being "moved". Those who wish to send the scanned material already in a good resolution, may do so by sending material to the mail box of the association attiva.mente @ .

P er informazioni, o per consegnare materiale in altri momenti potete rivolgervi a Susanna Calti (responsabile del progetto associazione) al n. 3335929516.

Chi invece volesse partecipare all'organizzazione della festa “VIA PADOVA È MEGLIO DI MILANO” , può farlo mettendosi in contatto con il gruppo organizzativo .


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